The word for today, boys and girls, is "hop."
One does not join a conference call. One "hops on." Similarly if one has to leave the call for another commitment, they "hop off," or simply state, "I need to hop." If one is pinged on Teams to request their presence on an existing call, it is invariably worded, "can you hop on my call?" Even when we are discussing events where one is physically present, the planners might state, "we have booked rooms in close proximity to facilitate hopping between events."
Needless to say, I despise this incredibly stupid way of expressing oneself. "I need to hop," calls to mind a young boy who badly needs to urinate. I do not ever hop. Nor do I have any desire to do so. As a result, whenever a coworker uses this jargon with me, I am compelled to make mock of them. For example, I might reply, "I'm happy to join your call but I refuse to hop. I'm not a frog and hopping makes my knees ache. But if you wish to do so, knock yourself out." This has had the happy result of at least making them think twice when texting me.
Is this widespread or is it unique to my company? Inquiring minds want to know!
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.