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No one is saying Israel is blameless. damookster Send a noteboard - 12/11/2023 07:52:24 PM

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It's all part of trying to downplay the history of what has happened to the Jewish people. I've seen them try to stretch the meaning of "holocaust" too in an effort to deny the unique history of Jews. No, they're not victims of the unimaginable. They're just colonizing oppressors.

But, yes, it is indeed also to try in the short term to besmirch Israel's current actions because genocide, rightfully, has historically been a scary word.

I'm not a fan at all of Netanyahu and his policies. But it was Hamas that attacked Israel, not the other way around. Israel is a nation of 9.7 million people. In one day, they had 1,500 people killed and another 250 taken hostage. That works out to roughly 1 in every 6,000 people. Our current population is about 336,000,000. A surprise terrorist attack across our border would need to result in 56,000 killed and taken hostage to have the same proportionate impact.

Can you imagine the response if that happened? I'm guessing overwhelming force.

Also, why is it that non-POC don't get to define racism and men don't get to define misogyny but anyone can say, that's not antisemitism?



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Once again, we see a word being overused until it loses all meaning. - 11/11/2023 05:07:38 PM 340 Views
Your mean words are genocide. - 11/11/2023 09:53:06 PM 88 Views
Fat phobia is genocide *NM* - 11/11/2023 10:01:57 PM 31 Views
How are you Mookie, I am only 20% grump today - 11/11/2023 10:25:00 PM 84 Views
They WANT it to lose all meaning. - 12/11/2023 06:27:46 PM 98 Views
No one is saying Israel is blameless. - 12/11/2023 07:52:24 PM 80 Views
Total War as a word works for this - 12/11/2023 08:24:50 PM 84 Views
Re: Total War as a word works for this - 13/11/2023 01:42:54 PM 64 Views
It’s early days. - 13/11/2023 05:18:52 PM 94 Views
I thought you were going to say "anti-semitism" - 22/11/2023 02:07:35 PM 81 Views
nope - 22/11/2023 05:36:07 PM 64 Views

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