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Actually the dad's rant also cut the other way. Once he calms down enough to think about what he Tashmere Send a noteboard - 26/05/2010 08:40:47 PM
said he did say that it took him years to change how he thought and felt. He had once done and said the same things and he just expected for Finn to have been born thinking the right way. Is it fair to expect other people to have come to the same conclusions on their own that we were dragged to kicking and screaming the whole way? I say this covering a whole realm of thoughts not just on the gay issue. I may have wanted my kids to feel the same way as I do about some things but if they haven't had some of the hard experiences to teach them that I did how can I expect them to really get why I feel like that? I am learning to just sit back a little and let life teach them naturally.

I am not critisising the father. That was a natural reaction. But I do think that it left the way open for him to apologise or at least to understand that he may have been a little harsh. Although that harshness was probably a good thing in the end for making Finn think.

What bothers me about the show is that if the house was so big, why did the boys have to share a room? That made no sense. Way to cheapen a dramatic scene.

Also why did they have to switch the order of the episodes? That was a dumb move.

I do love Kurt's character. I have to say that his scenes are usually my favorite ones and that he is stealing the show. I just read this morning that he had tried out for the part of the kid in the wheelchair and although the writers gave it to someone else, they actually wrote in Kurt's character as a vehicle for him. Good choice.
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Dear Glee - A Letter of Concern - 26/05/2010 06:38:12 PM 798 Views
- 26/05/2010 07:23:40 PM 400 Views
+1 - 26/05/2010 07:44:34 PM 439 Views
Indeed. I love Kurt's dad. - 26/05/2010 08:39:39 PM 499 Views
Pah - 26/05/2010 09:51:46 PM 462 Views
Actually the dad's rant also cut the other way. Once he calms down enough to think about what he - 26/05/2010 08:40:47 PM 450 Views
Change the order of the episodes? What do you mean? - 26/05/2010 10:01:38 PM 385 Views
Yeah, they showed episode 21 and skipped 20. They will show 20 next week. - 26/05/2010 11:04:22 PM 433 Views
Yeah, I was wondering where Jesse was... - 27/05/2010 01:40:43 AM 428 Views
Me too. *NM* - 27/05/2010 01:58:46 AM 195 Views
Yeah I was too. - 27/05/2010 05:04:58 AM 381 Views
Networks do that all the time - 26/05/2010 11:51:10 PM 454 Views
It's funny that your letter is signed Rachel. *NM* - 26/05/2010 10:40:22 PM 188 Views
I know right? What an attention whore, that Rachel. *NM* - 27/05/2010 03:20:13 AM 212 Views
I actually thought the dad's rant was pretty cool... - 27/05/2010 04:41:15 AM 456 Views
It was, definitely - 27/05/2010 07:22:56 AM 459 Views
This series is rapidly going downhill - 31/05/2010 09:58:34 PM 430 Views
Yeah, I agree. - 31/05/2010 11:11:38 PM 532 Views

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