Active Users:173 Time:02/06/2024 12:09:05 PM
We just returned from seeing Predators... ajah Send a noteboard - 15/07/2010 09:29:39 AM
I admit I quite liked it. I'd heard the movie was terrible, but it was in fact exactly what I expected, but a little bit better.

I loved the creepy hunt across the alien planet, and of course the two moments mentioned above -- the reveal of the sky filled with the alien planets and sun and the reveal of the cages.

I have no problem with the traditional pick 'em off one at a time plot. And the few interesting bits thrown in (spoilers!) -- the foreshadowing of the fate of our heroes by the discovery of Nolan/Fishburne and the reveal of the doctor's identity -- added to the mix. Having done some work in entertainment design on the franchise I appreciated the reveal of the different "races" of Predators as well.


I do wish that they had had a little more fun with the doctor's character. First, I really wanted to know more about his past crimes.

How great would it have been if the doctor's brand of predatory behavior had proven effective not against a human woman but against the predators themselves? What if he had poisoned those predators with the neurotoxin for example?

And I totally get why the post above mentioned the thought that the dr could have been an ally of the predators -- I got that weird sense too. That would have been an interesting twist.

I would also like to have seen some more menacing beasts to come out of those cages.

I wanted to see the Predators themselves be more crafty, which would overall make them much more scary.

Lastly, I was wanting more backstory overall on all the characters.

I am sure there will be a sequel, and I wonder where they will take it?

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Predators (mild spoilers within) - 11/07/2010 12:15:31 AM 433 Views
Good stuff - 12/07/2010 09:07:17 AM 348 Views
I'm in between - 13/07/2010 09:30:42 PM 241 Views
Yeah that makes sense, too *NM* - 14/07/2010 10:18:04 AM 91 Views
Okay, but missed a massive opportunity *spoliers obviously* - 13/07/2010 09:36:34 PM 236 Views
hehe - 14/07/2010 10:17:43 AM 241 Views
We just returned from seeing Predators... - 15/07/2010 09:29:39 AM 227 Views
Re: We just returned from seeing Predators... - 15/07/2010 10:00:47 AM 227 Views

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