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Inside Job Gaps Send a noteboard - 19/11/2010 12:33:34 AM

Ever watched a documentary that opens with an brief overview of Iceland's economic collapse, dovetails into the cocaine and prostitution use of high level finance chiefs on Wall St., and ends by hammering the duplicity of Harvard and Columbia economics professors who are bought and paid for by mega-giant finance firms? Well, then you've seen this movie. However, have you not seen such a movie, this is for you. I saw it last night, and it should terrify every American. If you truly believe that the brightest minds of our generation have flocked to Goldman Sachs to make millions -- and they have -- then you should watch this movie. Many of them are interviewed, and it's terrifying. Want to see Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama taken to task for their complicity (in some cases) and weakness (in Obama's case) in the face of corporations literally defrauding pensions? Want to truly understand what's happened to American jobs, the credit crunch, the crumbling of economies that will continue to happen all around the world? No?

Well, an overly tanned and botoxed high class hooker is interviewed, for those of you who need some sweet with your succotash. Otherwise, I hear that ABC is coming out with a new program called "Dancing with the Cameramen" and also "Dancing with your Local Pharmacist", so those are available to you as well.
I cannot even copy his manner because the manner of his prose was the manner of his thinking and that was a dazzling succession of gaps; and you cannot ape a gap because you are bound to fill it in somehow or other -- and blot it out in the process. -- Nabokov
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Inside Job - 19/11/2010 12:33:34 AM 737 Views
Re: Inside Job - 19/11/2010 12:40:04 AM 716 Views
Re: Dude. - 19/11/2010 12:43:59 AM 525 Views
Dude - 19/11/2010 10:22:25 AM 499 Views
Re: Ah shit... - 19/11/2010 11:55:32 AM 545 Views

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