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Re: On that note.... DrJacJacMcScrumptious Send a noteboard - 27/04/2011 12:29:01 AM
The note being that if Rhaegar & Lyanna were in love and they ran away together and had Jon....wasn't Rhaegar already married to Elia of Dorne? Its been a little while since I read the series, so my timeline of events may be a little off. However, if memory serves me correctly, he was married to Elia, but she was frail/ there was some doubt as to if she would mother an heir/child.

Did Rhaegar ever love Lyanna? Or was it just a marriage of State? Also, would it be so unusual for Rhaegar to have two wives? The Targarians did often marry siblings, and the realm was somewhat accustomed to it. However, would children (Jon?) from his secret marriage to Lyanna be considered in line for the throne?


Targs had previously been polygamous. Plus some though not all might argue that you can love more than one person. And others might argue that a marriage just to have a prophecised child is acceptable if the prophecy is important enough. We'll find out sooner or later anyway
And the answer came to her instantly: pride. Oh, you hear them say it's a sin; you hear them say it goes before a fall. the shepherd prides himself on keeping the wolf out from the flock. We pride ourselves on making a good history of our lives, a good story to be told.
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I think Sean Bean knows who Jon Snow's parents are - 25/04/2011 05:52:15 PM 1786 Views
Or maybe he's just an actor and does what he's told *NM* - 25/04/2011 06:39:01 PM 335 Views
And this is why Martin needs to finish the series.... - 25/04/2011 06:55:24 PM 797 Views
I am hoping this series will push him to finish. - 26/04/2011 06:45:34 AM 603 Views
well, he has 4 years... - 27/04/2011 02:55:57 PM 628 Views
Maybe Clash is one season, Storm, Feast and Dance can be 4 or 5 if you cut them up... *NM* - 30/04/2011 11:08:19 AM 290 Views
According to current planning, SoS will be two seasons, likely DwD as well. - 30/04/2011 11:56:28 AM 562 Views
Would be awesome *NM* - 30/04/2011 12:13:33 PM 316 Views
As long as his parents aren't two characters who are long dead before book one, I am happy - 25/04/2011 10:49:52 PM 747 Views
*asks an honest question* - 25/04/2011 11:03:25 PM 734 Views
There are several reasons - 26/04/2011 08:20:13 AM 777 Views
I thought about this the other day. - 26/04/2011 04:31:08 PM 794 Views
I used to believe that Robert+Lyana=Jon - 26/04/2011 05:25:59 PM 846 Views
If Jon were Robert's wouldn't he have blue eyes and black hair? - 27/04/2011 12:26:08 AM 624 Views
Re: I thought about this the other day. - 26/04/2011 10:23:30 PM 624 Views
Re: There are several reasons - 26/04/2011 10:22:23 PM 689 Views
On that note.... - 26/04/2011 11:48:41 PM 671 Views
Re: On that note.... - 27/04/2011 12:29:01 AM 784 Views
Targaryens often had multiple wives - 27/04/2011 01:50:12 AM 685 Views
As impressive as that exposition on aSoIaF lore was... - 27/04/2011 07:44:42 PM 628 Views
- 27/04/2011 10:48:35 PM 688 Views
How do you people remember details like that? It puts me to shame! *NM* - 28/04/2011 07:09:52 AM 331 Views
INTP and INTJ people have sexy brains - 28/04/2011 03:46:14 PM 983 Views
INTJ high-five *NM* - 28/04/2011 07:18:15 PM 294 Views

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