Active Users:158 Time:02/06/2024 01:07:50 AM
geez. i misread the title and left out "ideas" ianski Send a noteboard - 08/07/2011 03:19:01 AM
Robert Carlisle as the Onion Knight??? Eccleston as Halfhand?? McShane as Craster?? WHAT?

This list almost made me fall out of my chair. I of course scrambled to other websites looking for confirmation and by the time I realized there was none, a failed alt+tabbing on the browser showed the truth of your post's title.

sad face.
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My most recent GoT Season 2 casting ideas *spoilers for viewers not readers* - 07/07/2011 05:01:36 AM 774 Views
Some great choices, but too many famous names in mini roles to be realistic - 07/07/2011 08:22:58 AM 492 Views
Ser Dontos is the drunken FOOL that Sansa saves and Joffrey makes a real Fool - 07/07/2011 08:52:15 AM 747 Views
Ohh right, him. *NM* - 07/07/2011 09:04:48 AM 182 Views
I want Warren Clarke for either Davos Seaworth or Balon Greyjoy - 07/07/2011 12:57:43 PM 538 Views
friend of mine suggested Keith Allen as Stannis! - 08/07/2011 03:12:52 AM 497 Views
geez. i misread the title and left out "ideas" - 08/07/2011 03:19:01 AM 456 Views
Rufus Sewell would make an AWESOME Stannis *NM* - 11/07/2011 10:33:40 PM 237 Views

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