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wow this weird Foxhead Send a noteboard - 16/09/2011 04:06:02 PM
it's hard to think what i would do if enjoyed killing people


So hence my first question:
If you were in such a club or gang, what would YOU take as a trophy from your victims?
(I’m thinking teeth, personally, though of course in life or death matters, you can never tell what you would do until you actually come to the point of decision)

a item of their christmas light display and a polaroid of their house in the christmas decorations (see why below)

What would your victim profile be? How would you choose your victims?
The gang on Dexter picks women with a physical resemblance to their first victim, and generally ones who will not be missed soon. I would also ask to refrain from simply enumerating the sort of people you believe the world would be better off without. That is in the first place, Dexter’s profile, so try to be a little original here. In second, even for Dexter, it’s a BS excuse. Serial killers do it because they want to, not because the people could be construed in any manner, no matter how warped, to deserve it. I am asking these questions as a framework for self-reflection, not to provide a platform for self-righteous ranting. Would you include a sexual component in your choice, or focus strictly on the life-death angle? If the former, would it be someone to whom you are attracted or the opposite of your typical sexual preference, or some inverted resemblance to your normal desires and life? And I ask you to consider this question as a tie-breaker sort of thing, with all concerns of practicality and evasion of justice already assuaged (i.e., don’t say “Hobos, because no one will miss them.” Things like that should be taken for granted or you won’t last long enough to develop a pattern. If you settle on hobos as the most practical choice, what KIND of hobo? Tall, thin, short, fat, male, female, young, old? Do you clean them up first? ).

people who leave christmas lights up past new year's or too soon or just go way over the top. not only is it annoying, but it wastes electricity it's gaudy and makes your own christmas display despite your best efforts look shit. the inconsiderate bastards

obviously it'd be very seasonal work

Taking into consideration (or excepting) your trophy of choice, would you do anything practical or aesthetic with the remains?
(e.g. food, fodder, fertilizer, soap, lampshades, scrimshaw, etc? )

i'd incorporate them into my own christmas display

Would part of your fun include letting the bodies be found? Would you refrain from concealing that it was a serial killer, or would you make them look like accidents or suicides or more typically motivated murders?
In other words, do you get your kicks off of getting away with it by cleverly concealing your crime, or out of getting away with it, despite the best efforts of law enforcement to find and stop you?

yeah i'd probably hang them/strangle them with a line of fairy lights then leave them trussed up in the fairy lights hanging upside down somewhere with the lights on and flashing and if possible with a nearby stereo system playing a christmas song on loop, it'd have to be subtly ironic...let me try and think of one
<Would you attempt to make some sort of relationship or personal connection with your victim once selected but before the actual killing?

i'd probably ask him why? why all the christmas lights? how much did he think he think it cost him, perhaps offer him a calculator to calculate the cost of decorations, how much extra he's spending on electricity and then invite him to create an equation discovering the link between his electricity output and the level of irritation to neighbours

<That’s all for now. Feel free to add your own questions in the thread!

i think also at the end of the bill quarter i would try to break back into the house to steal the gas/electric bill to find out just exactly how much they did spend in that quarter and how close their estimation was. then i could maybe keep a copy and then the following christmas send a letter with a copy of the bill to the widow and a polaroid of the house last christmas and be like well at least you won't have to put up with that again!
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Survey inspired by Dexter - 16/09/2011 12:22:47 AM 549 Views
wow this weird - 16/09/2011 04:06:02 PM 481 Views

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