Active Users:182 Time:02/06/2024 09:02:06 AM
Re: Just watched the pivotal scene. DomA Send a noteboard - 18/09/2011 05:08:05 AM
Han shoots. No shot from Greedo.

As it should be.

My bad., I stopped following the SW news after the prequels (at the time, McCallum had said there was no way Lucas would agree to release again the old versions, as no source of a quality that met Lucas's standards still existed, just old video transferts) I didn't remember Lucas had finally decided to release them, taken from those old video transferts that were used back in the days to make the VHS, as a bonus on one of the DVD editions. I'm mildy suprised he finally accepted - and what is Wibble complaining about then?

I don't see the point of watching "the originals", to be honest.
I always found the debate over the changes totally ridiculous. I think ILM did a wonderful job restoring the movies. I don't care much for the added scenes either, but it's absurd to want to watch the crappier version (except out of pure curiosity, if one has never seen the originals, or something), when a top notch and pristine version of the movies is available and provide a much better watching experience, but to each his own.
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Just say NO! - 17/09/2011 01:17:24 AM 739 Views
Re: Just say NO! - 17/09/2011 04:59:00 AM 524 Views
Vader's "Noooo!" - 17/09/2011 02:03:38 PM 591 Views
Without the fans he'd be nothing - 17/09/2011 02:18:39 PM 490 Views
he ain't spitting in anyone's face (except Sebastian Shaw's) - 17/09/2011 03:13:28 PM 588 Views
Because he wont release the real versions - 17/09/2011 05:26:31 PM 495 Views
I have the originals on DVD. I bet you can find them in shops still. - 17/09/2011 07:08:17 PM 545 Views
Do you mean VHS? Or perhaps you don't equate "Original" to what the rest of us do. - 17/09/2011 11:02:20 PM 619 Views
I'm pretty sure that Han shoots first in the DVDs we have, but I'll have to check. - 17/09/2011 11:09:33 PM 503 Views
Re: I'm pretty sure that Han shoots first in the DVDs we have, but I'll have to check. - 17/09/2011 11:50:54 PM 523 Views
I watched the 1997 releases at the cinema. - 17/09/2011 11:56:24 PM 422 Views
Just watched the pivotal scene. - 18/09/2011 12:02:32 AM 564 Views
Re: Just watched the pivotal scene. - 18/09/2011 05:08:05 AM 460 Views
Re: Just watched the pivotal scene. - 18/09/2011 10:04:26 AM 507 Views
Exactly, that's what I have. On DVD. - 18/09/2011 12:56:06 AM 538 Views
Re: Exactly, that's what I have. On DVD. - 18/09/2011 05:10:13 AM 415 Views
Which is weird, considering how many want the original only. *NM* - 18/09/2011 12:15:51 PM 226 Views
I never saw it advertised, actually. - 18/09/2011 01:25:23 PM 490 Views
No, Rebekah is right - 18/09/2011 08:37:07 AM 416 Views
the "real" version is exactly whatever Lucas says it is - 17/09/2011 11:57:36 PM 499 Views
I think you're wrong. - 18/09/2011 09:35:56 PM 407 Views
So why doesn't everyone complain about Tolkien? - 19/09/2011 10:46:07 PM 533 Views
The obvious answer coming to mind... - 19/09/2011 10:53:05 PM 627 Views
I realize that Legolas - 21/09/2011 05:53:29 PM 562 Views
Re: Because he wont release the real versions - 18/09/2011 04:53:35 AM 576 Views
I pretty much agree - 17/09/2011 05:15:37 PM 602 Views
Will do - 18/09/2011 08:34:47 AM 453 Views
That does sound pretty bad - 19/09/2011 04:43:26 PM 508 Views
I saw it - 19/09/2011 05:12:33 PM 385 Views

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