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Re: Huh. I was convinced... Nate Send a noteboard - 23/09/2011 01:41:15 PM
that Doyle's death was forced by circumstances (the actor's major drug issues, he died of an overdose what, a year after his last appearance on the show?). If it was planned, that certainly lowers my appreciation of season one, because frankly it hurt the season quite a bit, having to bring in a new supporting cast member (even if was one with a prior history on Buffy).

I'm only going by what Joss says in the commentary for the first episode of Angel, on the DVD set. He says that when he first made Buffy, he wanted to put Xander's friend Jessie in the opening credits so that people would be surprised when he died so quickly. But that would have meant making two versions of the credits, and they didn't have the budget for it. So when he started Angel, he made two versions of the credits so that he could kill off a main character and keep people on their toes.

It's possible there were other issues that he didn't talk about, but he made it sound as if it was a planned move.

Didn't know that about Cordy (well, about Charisma Carpenter, I guess), interesting. The Fred-Illyria switch was very strange, I'm still not sure what the point of it was, other than Josh's love for cute petite women going on violent streaks, preferably with spectacularly coloured hair (I guess River at least has fairly ordinary hair...).

From what I've heard, Carpenter kept her pregnancy a secret from Joss and the cast until it couldn't be hid any longer, and then the writers were forced to do a series of last-minute changes to the season arc to incorporate the pregnancy, ultimately leading to the out-of-left-field sequence that ended the season. I don't think Joss did anything or said anything against her publicly, but all of a sudden she was removed from the show, and only brought back for the closure episode for the fans' sake. Her romance with Angel had been fairly unpopular with fans too, so it's possible they couldn't think of anything good to do with her character at that point either.

Fred's death broke my heart when I first saw it. I think it was Joss swinging to an "all male" show for the last bit so that it had a dark feel with all the sacrifice and such. Illyria wasn't male of course, but she had a male sort of energy with her accent and her violence and her presence.

It's really just Tara that's unforgiveable. :P Most of all the way he killed her in the very first episode in which she finally became a main cast member - and in such a stupid, meaningless way. Her death made sense for Willow's character development, of course, much like Joyce's did for Buffy's, but still.

Poor Tara. :( It was definitely done for Willow's character development though. But Joss certainly did go for the sudden, brutal, unexpected impact, same as he did with Wash. At least Fred got a whole episode for us to hope they would save her at the last minute.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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And you though Joss Whedon was a one-trick pony? An older show by the "Glee" creator.. - 21/09/2011 12:16:14 AM 1244 Views
I loved that show. It was my brain candy during university. - 21/09/2011 08:13:22 AM 631 Views
Whedon's a one-trick pony? Other than his dialogue writing, he's pretty varied, I'd say - 21/09/2011 03:11:22 PM 664 Views
There is one trick you can accuse Whedon of repeating. - 21/09/2011 04:00:28 PM 749 Views
Angel had Cordy - 21/09/2011 07:16:59 PM 608 Views
Re: Angel had Cordy - 21/09/2011 10:17:27 PM 670 Views
no I'm not counting AFTER Connor - 22/09/2011 02:24:15 PM 641 Views
well two tricks - 22/09/2011 02:48:49 PM 718 Views
True, in a way. - 22/09/2011 03:43:06 PM 636 Views
spoilers - 22/09/2011 09:52:31 PM 680 Views
I didn't know that, cool. - 22/09/2011 10:10:30 PM 731 Views
well *spoilers* - 22/09/2011 11:13:53 PM 771 Views
Huh. I was convinced... - 22/09/2011 11:39:04 PM 732 Views
Re: Huh. I was convinced... - 23/09/2011 01:41:15 PM 664 Views
Re: Huh. I was convinced... - 23/09/2011 07:26:49 PM 726 Views
You take that back right now. - 28/09/2011 01:52:59 AM 635 Views
Re: And you though Joss Whedon was a one-trick pony? An older show by the "Glee" creator.. - 21/09/2011 06:05:39 PM 675 Views
Chalk another score up for private schools then. - 21/09/2011 11:54:09 PM 777 Views
I must have attended the best public schools in the world. - 22/09/2011 02:12:25 PM 556 Views
our school was pretty chill too - 22/09/2011 02:45:04 PM 625 Views
I'm gonna guess the "little" was sarcasm... *NM* - 22/09/2011 11:40:26 PM 313 Views
Yes. Yes, it was. *NM* - 23/09/2011 03:01:54 PM 293 Views
You never know with American schools. *NM* - 23/09/2011 07:19:42 PM 275 Views
I know of a degree of these problems in private schools as well - 22/09/2011 02:38:54 PM 613 Views
The Mean Girl comment makes me wonder if coed is the problem. - 23/09/2011 12:23:13 AM 668 Views
Yes. - 23/09/2011 12:49:08 PM 622 Views
Yah, girls do have a tendency to snipe. - 23/09/2011 02:04:42 PM 588 Views
That seems a bit exaggerated. - 23/09/2011 07:32:33 PM 647 Views

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