Active Users:147 Time:15/06/2024 03:02:39 AM
I find myself liking Tywin Lannister quite a bit. *small later book spoiler inside* everynametaken Send a noteboard - 14/05/2012 09:49:30 PM
Another outstanding episode! I am very surprised how well the Theon/Winterfell and the Tywin/Arya scenes have been. Lots still to happen in the last 3 episodes.

I remember reading that Jamie's storyline has been speed up so his the character has more material for season 2. I assume we are heading for Cat letting him go in exchange for his pledge to find Sansa and Arya and get them safely back to the Starks. Does that sound right?

Also, some wonderful bro/sis interactions with Tyrion and Cercei.

Not something I really did much of in the books. He comes across as a very smart general and one can see watching him how he was the Hand of the King for the Arys. And the girl who plays Arya is ADORABLE!
Overall pretty enjoyable and I like Jaime's scene too when he admired his cousin and then killed him in order to use him. His ruthlessness is fantastic.
As far as the Tyrion/Cersei scene goes I don't remembering that happening in the book. I don't remember Tyrion ever bringing it up until Book 4 when he and Jaime have a conversation in the dungeons before Tyrion leaves King's Landing.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
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Game of Thrones - Season 2, Episode 7 (SPOILERS) - 14/05/2012 02:47:35 PM 775 Views
I find myself liking Tywin Lannister quite a bit. *small later book spoiler inside* - 14/05/2012 09:49:30 PM 439 Views
I am surprised to report I actually liked the Lannisters in this - 15/05/2012 02:16:11 PM 427 Views
Re: I am surprised to report I actually liked the Lannisters in this - 15/05/2012 06:36:34 PM 679 Views
Re: I am surprised to report I actually liked the Lannisters in this - 15/05/2012 11:10:47 PM 398 Views
My wife hasn't bought it as the truth either. - 16/05/2012 03:16:15 AM 520 Views
I'll always like Tyrion - 16/05/2012 02:47:43 PM 521 Views
Of course! - 16/05/2012 10:34:04 PM 335 Views
I agree about Dany and Jon. - 20/05/2012 08:37:51 PM 383 Views
Defending Jaime Lannister - 16/05/2012 01:01:04 AM 477 Views
I agree in a normal world this would be true - 16/05/2012 01:51:00 AM 405 Views
You should just re-title the other post.....without mentioning E7. - 16/05/2012 05:00:03 AM 402 Views
agree up to a point - 18/05/2012 06:00:26 AM 334 Views

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