Active Users:276 Time:21/05/2024 10:07:22 PM
I have always detested movie scientists since I saw "Creature from the Black Lagoon" as a kid Cannoli Send a noteboard - 13/06/2012 12:53:05 PM
This one is going right up there with "Contact" as more examples of how stupid screenwriters are about science. I can't tell if the portrayal was deliberate, accidental or incompetent (on the writers' part, I mean). Of course, Damon Lindelhoff, of Lost infamy was involved in this, and that show was no better with his pretentions of setting up Jack and Locke as counterparts in the "Man of Science, Man of Faith" contrast. Their "man of science" was only scientific in his blind & irrational clinging to the dogmas preached by Science, and thus rejecting any idea that the island was special, because according to Science, islands are not special. Jack ran around through the whole show always operating on his blind unshakable faith in one proposition or another, in complete defiance of any other evidence. First it was the need to get off the island, then the need to get back, and so on. He was a zealot for whichever notion he was addicted to at the time, and would do the most stupid things in order to service that short-term goal. Meanwhile, Locke was operating on evidence he had observed, even though it contradicted what he had been told or taught his whole life. He pursued it with dedication, and was all about trying to understand and gather information on the island and all the mysterious things. Yet the show REALLY seemed to believe that JACK was the "man of science" and Locke the "man of faith."

Now, in this movie, they are doing the same thing with all the so-called scientist characters. They simply place blind faith in something new and shiny and go to absurd lengths on the assumption that this is good and all will be well. An invitation HAS to be a benevolent guidance from exalted and special beings! THERE IS NO OTHER EXPLANATION!! LEAVE YOUR FLAMETHROWER HOME, HERETIC!!! Setting aside the issue of whether or not the Engineers made humanity or what (maybe they were simply people who advanced further and left the rest of us behind to go suicide bombing DNA around the galaxy), even if they did, what about that makes them good? What about that means we owe them anything, or that they matter at all, as far as we are concerned? Since absolutely none of the people or institutions that existed when those cave-paintings were made are still around, what could possibly have led anyone to assume that even if they found the Engineers, they'd have the slightest clue that the hell we were talking about?

It doesn't help that the two primary fanatics on the pilgrimmage are both rather creepy-looking. The woman looked as if someone was drawing a human being, but didn't quite finish. It was like Cate Blanchett's character in the last Indiana Jones movie - they looked so "off" that I was genuinely waiting for some sort of reveal that would expose them as related to the aliens somehow. The last major movie the guy was in was one where he was cast because his appearance would naturally misdirect the audience into believing he is Satan in human flesh.

Their idiotic decision-making processes and mindsets in the early part of the film undercut any sense of suspense, or attempts to make you believe they were right, simply by being so irrational and based on wishful-thinking that you spend most of the film prior to the first alien appearance waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even little details, like when they are in Vickers' quarters and she randomly starts punching buttons on a piece of machinery SHE HERSELF states is extremely rare!

They react to Vickers' choice to have her quarters as an independent, self-contained & self-sufficient part of the ship as either wrong or strange, when it would, even without the later events of the movie, seem to be the most obvious choice if that was an option! Then when you take into account the way the zealots and their henchmen go blundering around rousing two different inimical alien species to start killing them, you can hardly blame her for wanting the capability of getting away from the rest of this insane expedition if needed. The only odd thing about the whole setup, IMO, is why she couldn't just enter her quarters and eject with it, instead of having to bail out seperately and then get into her seperate ship on the planet. It's like having a life boat that, if the ship starts sinking, can only be put in the water empty, and passengers must swim out to it.

Why did the character of Ms Wickers have to die? I was getting some sympathy for her as the movie progressed, and then she dies a horrible, pointless death. Wouldnt two people have had better chances at survival during further exploration in the Engineer's planet?
Because in Ridley Scott's Alien movies, only the Mary-Sue chick can survive. This is a rule. Though I felt the same, and thought she was among the more sympathetic characters, along with the captain. They should have made a fast-growing baby with the help of Predator blood, so it could have been the perfect foil to the monster thing that Shaw left in the medial doohickey (lovely scientific thoroughness and cleanliness procedings there): the child of the two best characters to face the spawn of the two worst.

The wierd thing was, though, that I got the impression we were supposed to automatically accept Vickers as a villain, something like Paul Reiser in Aliens, one of those amoral souless corporate types who always get their comeuppance in films like this, yet they never showed anything in the movie why she should be considered as such. Her death was a lot like the kind of death they usually get - she's all arrogant, superior and powerful, and gets her just desserts by being accidentally and indifferently crushed by something way more powerful than she. I guess we were supposed to be made indifferent to her character by the scene with her father, but she was pretty much right in what she told him: even if you're the big shot and the head honcho, it has to end at some point, and let the cycle go on.

I cant find words to explain what I felt about the ultrafast pregnancy, cut-extract-staple surgery, and the inexplicable shape and growth of that squid thing that was removed from Shaw's body? I just hope the sequel wont have stuff like that.
Also, why just get up and walk away from it? You're so terrified of it that you make the split second decision to hastily run to the medical thing to make it operate on you, and immediately order it decontaminated without bothering to even examine it...but then you're just going to walk away and assume that this unknown alien species that develops overnight and can adapt to a host of another species, from another planet, is somehow vulnerable to a surgical sterilizing agent?

What is the thing that came out of the Engineer's body going to do now?
Lay the eggs that the Nostromo's crew find later on?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 02:51:16 AM 1369 Views
In the interest of fairness, I refuse to discuss this without having an Antimetheus opinion present. *NM* - 10/06/2012 03:13:32 AM 331 Views
Okay ... that was the one I needed ... - 10/06/2012 08:06:14 PM 733 Views
Epimetheus, IIRC *NM* - 13/06/2012 11:46:39 AM 410 Views
Meh. The movie was OK, I feel like it tried to do too much and didn't finish anything it started - 10/06/2012 03:24:16 AM 718 Views
Even I thought she would say abortion - 10/06/2012 04:15:57 AM 821 Views
I don't know that those are real plot holes - 13/06/2012 12:01:46 PM 762 Views
Except that the "science" was basically "FIND THE ENGINEERS" - 13/06/2012 02:49:33 PM 772 Views
Re: I don't know that those are real plot holes - 14/06/2012 05:26:56 AM 847 Views
How about a spoiler tag? *NM* - 10/06/2012 05:31:52 AM 425 Views
I call schenanigans. It says "Prometheus Discussion." - 10/06/2012 08:59:40 PM 732 Views
fair enough - 11/06/2012 01:52:52 AM 770 Views
Not really. - 11/06/2012 06:50:01 PM 759 Views
Great visually and some good acting - 10/06/2012 09:09:02 AM 934 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 01:00:05 PM 828 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 01:25:42 PM 776 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 11/06/2012 02:22:31 AM 804 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 20/06/2012 10:50:46 PM 735 Views
10 Questions Left Unanswered (link) - 11/06/2012 03:04:48 PM 858 Views
I have always detested movie scientists since I saw "Creature from the Black Lagoon" as a kid - 13/06/2012 12:53:05 PM 715 Views
The Vickers stuff is pretty annoying. There are no good villians. - 13/06/2012 03:01:28 PM 650 Views
Re: Eggs - 13/06/2012 03:43:41 PM 589 Views
Ships - 13/06/2012 04:12:57 PM 707 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 04:24:49 PM 637 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 04:50:35 PM 597 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 05:15:07 PM 634 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:32:16 PM 1161 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:47:08 PM 567 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:56:16 PM 616 Views
You relize the book contact was based off of was writen by one of the best scientits of our time... - 14/06/2012 01:36:49 AM 848 Views
Well the movie was retarded - 16/06/2012 01:26:28 AM 665 Views
Prometheus -> Alien - 13/06/2012 07:22:05 PM 735 Views
Eh. most of your complaints rely on the idea that this is an immediate prequel to Alien - 13/06/2012 07:38:49 PM 663 Views
Not really...... - 13/06/2012 09:15:33 PM 638 Views
Re: Not really...... - 13/06/2012 09:23:11 PM 592 Views
That's what I thought too - 13/06/2012 09:30:43 PM 591 Views
Fassbender was awesome. - 13/06/2012 09:44:11 PM 773 Views
Re: That's what I thought too - 13/06/2012 10:33:18 PM 680 Views
Re: That's what I thought too - 17/06/2012 06:43:38 PM 638 Views
Re: Not really...... - 15/06/2012 04:26:08 PM 598 Views
Re: Not really...... - 17/06/2012 12:56:47 PM 637 Views
The use of science throughout the film was dreadful - 15/06/2012 04:40:06 PM 606 Views
Looks like I enjoyed this more than the average internet poster - 08/08/2012 10:21:36 PM 520 Views
I loved it too *spoilers* - 09/08/2012 07:56:20 PM 710 Views
People at the imdb message boards... - 09/08/2012 08:26:37 PM 473 Views

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