If they hadn't shown Arya's expression, and if she weren't doing such a great job, I wouldn't have cared about the wolf on Rob. It was unnecessary for me. As it was, she made me cry. Good call.
I love Arya and the Hound, and Jamie/Brienne. Even though I know the writers are playing me, I don't mind. I'm not sure how I feel about Jamie/Cersei, though I think that was well done. It wasn't twincest-y.
Tyrion/Tywin! Good lord, I love them both. The actor who plays Tywin is seriously impressing me. We are not supposed to love him! I also hate him.
I still don't hate anything as much as I hate the devil lady. Love Davos.
I was getting so angry at Sam for dropping that damn dagger after killing the walker. I'm more excited now, after the meeting with Bran's group.