Active Users:308 Time:10/05/2024 01:58:55 PM
How can the poor have engines with such energy efficiency & no medicine? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 21/08/2013 04:56:09 PM

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I gotta admit I was a little surprised by the poor defense systems the rich had to prevent ships coming through.

I learned from firefly that people in the future aren't good at thinking of security in three dimensions. The ability to fly sure is handy.

Look at a space shuttle launch and note that big thing under the shuttle. That's how much gas they need just to get into space. Notice absolutely NOTHING like that on the shuttles to Elysium? Breaking free of Earth's gravity is apparently no more difficult than taking off in an airplane. The advancement in energy production or storage or whatever is mind-boggling, but they can't handle simple allocation of resources? They actually have enough medicine stashed on Elysium to treat the entire "overpopulated" world?

The setting for this movie is a leftist's persecution fantasy. The sad part is, you can see places where they really seem to think they are being clever and/or subtle in getting their point across. This is like those indie movies Kirk Cameron stars in, but way more heavy handed and political.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Elysium - 17/08/2013 01:58:29 PM 1244 Views
What is the "queasy cam" rating? *NM* - 19/08/2013 12:45:43 AM 266 Views
It comes and goes - 19/08/2013 08:45:18 AM 539 Views
Is there more to the story than the commercials suggest? - 19/08/2013 01:30:06 AM 502 Views
Nope the commericals describe the movie well - 19/08/2013 01:39:02 AM 559 Views
I trusted my gut, and it was right! - 19/08/2013 08:16:52 PM 461 Views
I don't think the rich people get enough credit in this movie... - 19/08/2013 10:15:02 PM 629 Views
I knew you'd say something like that - 20/08/2013 08:33:28 AM 557 Views
Re: I knew you'd say something like that - 20/08/2013 10:13:46 AM 470 Views
How can the poor have engines with such energy efficiency & no medicine? - 21/08/2013 04:56:09 PM 562 Views
District 9 was a surprise hit? Everybody I know thought it sucked. *shrugs* *NM* - 26/08/2013 04:00:27 AM 288 Views
Really? - 26/08/2013 09:39:32 AM 420 Views

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