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My predictions for the end of the season (book spoilers) Tweak Send a noteboard - 07/06/2014 06:33:06 AM

Jon/Stannis: Episode 9 will be the big battle at the wall, everything will look grim but and Jon will attempt something that Janos and Allister Thorne don't like. Stannis arrives at the last second and saves the day, Jon gets thrown into an ice cell. Politics to name the new commander begin. Episdoe 10 will have Sam doing some manuevers and will end with Jon being named Lord Commander.

Tyrion: Tyrion escapes, kills Shae and Tywin and escapes King's Landing


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The Hound is running out of good options, and suddenly he will appear less "friendly" as his interest and Arya's no longer coincide so well. He might decided he and Arya will go north via White Harbor, heading for Saltpans or the Fingers to take a ship, his explanation of his plans becoming less straightforward to Arya. The Hound might tell Arya he'll see there who to ransom her to... she would have a high value to any northern Lord, including the one of White Harbor, but Bolton most of all. At the same time, Roose Bolton will announce to Ramsay that he's arranging his wedding to Arya Stark (or "to someone who will cement their claim to Winterfell" to let us believe he's made a deal with the Hound, but we won't know what his plan his before next season. Arya and the Hound will split, in loosely the same conditions they do in the books if through different events, and we'll see Arya go take the ship and show the coin.

I agree, this sounds like a good way to end the season as well as create a bit of suspense and dread that Arya is going to get sold to the Boltons. Her season will end with her ship sailing off into the distance.

As for Brienne, I guess the timing is just too good in a season finale to postpone the reveal of Lady Stoneheart. In fact I'm sure they decided to skip the river bank reveal last season precisely to wait to cap the "self-destruction of the Lannisters" season. I expect Brienne to get captured by the Brotherhood also on the trail of the Hound and Arya, and the removal of Cat's hood to be the last image of the season (showing only Brienne's stunned face without revealing the face she sees might even be better, but I doubt they're that evil...)

Brienne and Pod will be turned away at the bloody gate, Sansa won't be there and I don't think we will see Sansa anymore this season, there isn't much for her to do. Once Brienne and Pod leave the Vale they will be captured and taken away.


Dany's scene will start with a very similar scene to the one earlier this season with the kid playing around the goats and Drogon flying around. Cut to the trhone scene and we will expect her to give another round of compensation to the farmer however we will find out it was a child this time. This will be at the end of the episode and her scenes will end with her chaining the dragons up in the dragon pit.

This will take us to the last couple of minutes and everyone will think its the end of the episode but then as a final stinger they will show Brienne and Pod being led into the BwB camp and there will be a hooded figure who will turn around and the last frame will be UnCat. And everyone will freak out.

Did I miss anyone?


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Game of Thrones - Season 4, Episode 8 - The Mountain and the Viper - 01/06/2014 08:06:05 PM 1059 Views
And we already need the post hours before the airtime because...? *NM* - 01/06/2014 11:11:07 PM 197 Views
Because I felt like posting it..... - 02/06/2014 02:49:49 PM 456 Views
heh *NM* - 02/06/2014 03:05:36 PM 184 Views
Wotmania had the rule: "no placeholder" posts. - 02/06/2014 03:41:18 PM 446 Views
Tis was awesome - 02/06/2014 09:14:34 PM 637 Views
Arya laughing was freaking priceless! *NM* - 03/06/2014 04:48:40 AM 199 Views
It was a good episode overall - 03/06/2014 06:56:30 PM 532 Views
My predictions for the end of the season (book spoilers) - 07/06/2014 06:33:06 AM 511 Views
Re: My predictions for the end of the season (book spoilers) - 07/06/2014 07:17:09 PM 459 Views
Re: My predictions for the end of the season (book spoilers) - 09/06/2014 04:13:38 AM 409 Views
Re: My predictions for the end of the season (book spoilers) - 09/06/2014 07:42:08 AM 507 Views

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