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So why is Penny now sharing a name with the author of Paradise Lost? Foreshadowing or aftshadowing? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 07/04/2010 06:33:13 PM
Ohh, a lotta things going on. The two timelines are finally coming together a lot more.
Widmore makes "the package" Desmond stand between two copper spools that grill careless nerds.
What it does to Desmond is not entirely certain. It looked to the viewer as if he lived through his LA reality.
Waking up from that he suddenly is all for Widmore's plan, whatever that entails exactly.
I can't decide if he looks indifferent or excited as he is going along with Team Widmore. He even keeps that attitude as Sayid attacks them and kindly asks him to come along.

In LA, single loner Desmond works for Widmore as his right hand, but doesn't know Penny, and has to take care of the difficult rock star Charlie who drives them into the bay. And as Charlie is stuck behind the glass, we see his hand with "Not Penny's boat".
Des meets Widmore's wife Eloise, who tells him to stop looking (for Penny?) and that he is not ready yet (for what?)
Daniel, Penny's halfbrother is a musician here, not a physicist, but he scribbled a page of phyiscal formulars one night.
He encourages Des to meet up with Penny. They connect so well Desmond faints.

This episode was so full of references and hints to things we already know. Penny running in the stadium like Des did, bleeding freighter victim Minkowski being the driver, Charlie talking about loving the blonde girl from the plane (which I think is the reason Desmond helped Claire at the baggage reclaim, this way they can connect again)...oh and Daniel still loving Charlotte, who is screwing Sawyer instead, haha. Who did Miles say Charlotte was. A friend of his...?

Desmond is the first to really notice that something is wrong, and now he wants the O815 passenger list. It was about bloody time. 5 episodes remain!
Did anybody else want to drop Daniel into a hole with a nuclear bomb, zap him between electromagnetic coils, trap him in a flooded underwater station, and have a smoke monster make a wish with his legs? Last season it was: "We have to make the Sideline, no matter who has to die to do it."
This season: "We have to undo the Sideline."
Screw him. I'm glad Charlotte died on him and is polluted with redneck seed in each respective timeline. What's going to be their sales pitch to the other passengers: "We have to go back to a timeline where most of you are dead, and others are far less well-off, or have missing loved ones or are criminal scum, because we - Desmond and Daniel - are not happy with our loveless lives in Charles Widmore's lap of luxury."
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Lost 6.11: Happily Ever After *spoilers* - 07/04/2010 11:10:08 AM 739 Views
ah HA! - 07/04/2010 03:02:50 PM 478 Views
Is sideways-Desmond the "constant" for the other passengers? - 07/04/2010 03:46:57 PM 489 Views
Finally, an episode that made me think "Lost is back!" - 07/04/2010 05:29:03 PM 517 Views
Re: Lost 6.11: Happily Ever After *spoilers* - 07/04/2010 06:33:10 PM 494 Views
So why is Penny now sharing a name with the author of Paradise Lost? Foreshadowing or aftshadowing? - 07/04/2010 06:33:13 PM 494 Views
Re: So why is Penny now sharing a name with the author of Paradise Lost? - 09/04/2010 03:53:39 PM 446 Views
I agree with Cannoli there - 09/04/2010 04:23:18 PM 523 Views
Maybe the sideline is necessary, though. It's a loophole. - 09/04/2010 10:46:11 PM 544 Views
so is the show now called "Desmond Darko?" *NM* - 10/04/2010 08:10:05 AM 169 Views
no one has mentioned this on the blogs or podcasts... - 10/04/2010 08:06:15 AM 413 Views
Re: no one has mentioned this on the blogs or podcasts... - 10/04/2010 07:48:18 PM 422 Views

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