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Showing 1 to 20 of 76 results Next >>
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Showing 1 to 20 of 76 results Next >>
Re: I liked it. ~spoilers~ Fanatic-Templar 28/12/2013 03:50:33 AM 611    
It's too bad Eccleston wouldn't participate, he was probably my favourite. Fanatic-Templar 25/11/2013 06:07:16 AM 420 Yes  
Until this very day, I had never noticed... Fanatic-Templar 12/09/2013 02:25:33 AM 725    
It's a sequel to Man of Steel. This cannot possibly change my opinion about a sequel. Fanatic-Templar 01/09/2013 01:06:34 AM 509 Yes  
I imagine this is the Superman movie people who don't like Superman always wanted. Fanatic-Templar 23/06/2013 02:20:44 AM 902    
To be fair there is one scene I liked a lot in Casino Royale Fanatic-Templar 14/03/2013 07:26:19 AM 829    
I haven't been fond of Daniel Craig James Bond. Fanatic-Templar 11/03/2013 05:57:41 PM 834    
I'm not sure I quite understand... Fanatic-Templar 26/02/2013 04:08:02 AM 642    
These things happen . Fanatic-Templar 17/12/2012 07:57:35 PM 862    
Re: It was fun, without being insipid Fanatic-Templar 17/12/2012 06:17:59 PM 900    
Could you clarify that for me, please? Fanatic-Templar 16/12/2012 04:00:44 AM 839    
I was pretty disappointed. Fanatic-Templar 16/12/2012 03:55:58 AM 866    
Precisely. Fanatic-Templar 12/12/2012 06:54:55 PM 917    
As I understand it, they're the ones who instilled Superman with his moral values. Fanatic-Templar 12/12/2012 06:51:54 PM 948    
... Fanatic-Templar 11/12/2012 11:02:59 PM 903    
That's probably fairly accurate to the setting. Fanatic-Templar 10/12/2012 06:47:03 PM 758    
I feel they got the worst of both worlds in The Two Towers though. Fanatic-Templar 10/12/2012 04:27:04 AM 746    
Was that the one where Gimli lost a drinking contest to Legolas? Fanatic-Templar 09/12/2012 06:56:49 PM 428 Yes  
I also had that impression. Fanatic-Templar 20/11/2012 07:46:49 AM 877    
Re: To kind of hijack the thread so I don't have to make a new topic, I have my own question.... Fanatic-Templar 01/10/2012 09:06:44 PM 715