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Cannoli AND random thoughts? Clearly I am unsafe here. Joel Send a noteboard - 14/10/2010 03:50:53 PM
Yet I shall soldier on anyway. :|
I found it very strange when egwene asked fealty from nisao and myrelle, when firstly being outraged that AS should swear to rand or anyone.

Well, at least now I know why Cannoli's here. It's a clear double standard, simple as that, though, in all honesty, the way characters in Randland behave perhaps Egwene was just trying to fit in there.
was it confirmed whether the fog in the rebel camp was made by fain or was it just a bubble of evil? there was also a similar fog in the Rahad in Ebou Dar when mat was there, so i'm thinking bubble.

Actually, I've always assumed it was just another bubble of evil. It probably would've killed Fain as quickly as anyone (or quicker) given the chance, but both Fain and Mordeth are survivors, and the former wasn't going to let a little thing like random roving death get in the way of his vendetta against Rand.
logain stepping over a body that appears to be rand seems like the death of taim, maybe taim claims to be rand, using MoM to impersonate him while rand is otherwise engaged elsewhere, spreading chaos and doing evil things. possibly the BA supposed plot in TDR and TSR could foreshadow this?

That one I've always taken to mean Logain will lead either the male channelers or be among the leaders of all channelers after Tarmon Gaidon. Rand likes helping people and leaving legacies, but it's very clear he wouldn't WANT the job of ruler even in good times, and he's certainly tired of having everyone look at him like a hellspawned nightmare and godlike savior AT THE SAME TIME. After Tarmon Gaidon he'll probably eagerly sink back into obscurity, but with the whole "his blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul" thing, plus his evident link with Ishys new body, it's an open question whether he'll do it in the same body (at the rate he's going it could even happen before Tarmon Gaidon. ) Throw in Nicolas Arthurian Foretelling and it's pretty clear that whether or not Rand survives the end of the series (and be prepared to not get the answer to that one, folks) he won't survive it as a ruler. Logain has both the background and ability to step into that role, so it's natural to expect that he will given all the other promising things we've been told about his future.
how did everyone know of that cache in ebou dar? sammael was searching for it as were the BA, who i think were working for moridin? makes the most the sense...

It seems like everyone knew SOMETHING was there, but no one really had an idea what or where until the Wonder Girls went looking for it. It seemed to me like the Forsaken and Black Ajah were more or less stalking the girls and waiting to be led to the treasure trove, where they would pounce (and that's basically what they tried to do, but Mat and Co. threw a wrench in that. )
will the alanna link have a long term consequence, i can't really remember it having that much bearing on the story so far. perhaps alanna will die and rand, being her warder will have that death enveloping his soul thing that lan had.

I'm surprised it's lasted this long, as much as it infuriates Elayne and violates Tower law. Which is really just another argument that it's there for a reason, but tracking purposes seem the most likely, if a bit unimpressive (and it has been used this way by both Rand and Alanna. ) I'm not sure if her death would affect Rand as it would "normal" Warders though, because we've already seen that the ability to channel has some bearing on how the Bond operates, and how well. Logain had no difficulty ordering around newly Bonded Aes Sedai, but he's probably significantly more powerful than either; Alanna notes that she tried to use the Bond to make Rand pliable and, while I forget the exact metaphor she used, it was something along the lines of trying to move a huge ship at sea with just your bare hands.
Iwith the continued effort to keep rand alive at least till the last battle i have a feeling that the DO needs rand there as much as the prophecies do. perhaps the prelude to TG, is all about setting the pieces to see who has the strongest board before the fight. i think that if rand dies at TG the DO can control his soul from beyond the grave and win. maybe as part of the prophecies, to die and live again, blood on the rocks of shayol ghul etc. rand will die and by encountering the DO from the afterlife (or whatever) he can defeat and reseal the prison and then come back in another body.

It definitely seems Rand has to be present, but then, if both the Light and Shadow prophecies speak of the Dragon Reborn at Tarmon Gaidon, obviously he has to show up to fulfill either.

I've never bought into the idea of the DO as absolute Lord of the Grave; were that the case he would systematically claim every single human soul at the moment of its death. He could've taken LTT when he made Dragonmount, and you can forget about Heroes of the Horn. No, I think that's just another of his lies and he can only claim people sworn to him (i.e. the whole encounter between Rand and Kari al'Thor was patent BS that seems to have fooled most readers as effectively as it did the wide eyed farm boy. ) None of which is to say you're unequivocally wrong. Though I think you are. :P

I think Rand has to be there for a throw down with the DO; we know that the Bore can't be resealed until the old seals are gone, and the moment that happens the DO will be able to touch the world directly at the very least. Alternatively, he may actually break out and have a direct physical confrontation with the Creators Champion (though I personally still think a duel between Shaidar Haran and Rand as surrogates is more likely. )
also for the three will be one, how about the three ta'verens? in aCoS we get the first lot of swirling colours and stuff as the three think of one of the others. what if it becomes so that the three are merged in someway? i dunno, maybe they become a super-ta'veren and bend the pattern so much they defeat the DO?

I'm still inclined to say "the three" in this case are the two halves of the True Source plus the True Power. Not that your version isn't entirely plausible, but I don't subscribe to it. In fact, I think the reason there are three ta'veren instead of one is so that each can act independently, often at different locations. Rand didn't have the luxury of being able to run off and deal with Masema, but someone had to, so he sent Perrin. Same with Mat and the Band regarding the Tower in Exile. Combining their ta'veren abilities won't really add anything that couldn't have been accomplished by simply dumping all that ability in Rand at the start.
that's it i need to crack on with PoD

You poor SOB. I'm not sure what to tell you there, honestly. Um. Winters Heart is better than both the book preceding AND following it? Yeah, I got nothin.... :[
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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aCoS stuff and random thoughts - 11/10/2010 03:55:04 PM 1047 Views
Re: aCoS stuff and random thoughts - 11/10/2010 06:12:00 PM 625 Views
Re: the cache in Ebou Dar: Remember Moggy is there too. - 11/10/2010 07:11:35 PM 735 Views
well i think moridin had sent moghedien - 11/10/2010 11:34:36 PM 482 Views
But the Black Ajah was looking before she ever got there... - 12/10/2010 01:00:20 AM 486 Views
Wrong thread *NM* - 12/10/2010 12:58:42 AM 257 Views
Re: aCoS stuff and random thoughts - 12/10/2010 01:28:19 AM 528 Views
Cannoli AND random thoughts? Clearly I am unsafe here. - 14/10/2010 03:50:53 PM 579 Views

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