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k BlackAdder Send a noteboard - 15/12/2010 07:39:12 AM
So how many Aes Sedai, Accepted and Warders will the tower lose if a nefarious channeler left a couple of arches and stars in dangerous spots within the White Tower?

Is this before or after the Grand Unification? If before, it would result in the deaths of many more Accepted since Aes Sedai split themselves into ghettos and never went outside. If after, I need to finish reading ToM to give a proper answer :P

Would any particular group be more prone to this trap and suffer heavier losses than the rest?

Hmm, yes. Every ajah except the Black.

Who would be the ideal (i.e. most lethal) choice for the announcer's voice?

Egwene, for obvious reasons.

How will the incident be reported in the Tower's history books

"Four legs good, two legs bad"

Please add your Aes Sedai light-bulb joke. It had better be good enough to die for!

How many Aes Sedai does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Acceptable answers:
One Red and her pillow friend.
One Green and her 69 Warders.
Two Whites. One to hold the ladder and another to screw in the bulb.
Two Yellows and a Warder. One to heal the other so she can tell her Warder to do it.
Three Blues. Two to actually do it and another to Eavesdrop on them.
An undefined number of Browns. One to calculate a sufficient sample size, then recruit the necessary number of test subjects to screw in the bulb.
The entire Gray Ajah. One to screw in the bulb and the others to leak the news.
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How many Aes Sedai does it take - 08/12/2010 02:40:04 PM 1249 Views
:p - 08/12/2010 04:42:02 PM 625 Views
I tried to think of a witty response... - 10/12/2010 08:05:27 PM 499 Views
yep - 15/12/2010 06:16:20 AM 499 Views
yeah, that's probably the best plus of being BA - 15/12/2010 09:31:44 AM 482 Views
k - 15/12/2010 07:39:12 AM 747 Views
Re: How many Aes Sedai does it take - 15/12/2010 09:39:40 AM 421 Views
lol - 15/12/2010 09:42:34 AM 485 Views

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