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Re: For BlackAdder's benefit: The Translation BlackAdder Send a noteboard - 29/09/2009 12:31:24 AM
Thanks for that, lets see how many I got right (and if I can fill in any details) :P

And for the record- I've read the series multiple times, AND the "Egwene's Evil" series is saved somewhere on my laptop, and that still made my head hurt.

Yeah, I've read through all of those and still found myself very confused.

“When the Girl wants the Boy, she shall not EVER make this clear. She shall have her mother declare him off-limits to other girls via the secret underground women’s communication network, and henceforth no one shall dance with the Boy, no matter how much he likes her without the Girl’s approval. Of course, none of this is binding on the Girl. If she wishes to move away in pursuit of the chimera of career advancement, that shall be her choice, and if that leaves the Boy in the cold if he wishes to start a family, tough noogies, even if he has lost his chance to court other women while being limited to the Girl and those she trusted to not pursue a relationship with him.”

While Rand and Egwene were growing up, they were unofficially "promised." Everyone sort of knew, and Egwene and her mom basically told all the other girls to back off. This didn't stop other guys from asking Egwene to dance and whatnot, of course.

OK, figured that was probably it. Adding in more details: Egwene was thinking about moving up to Taren Ferry to be their new Wisdom (career advancement, leaving Rand behind, etc.). Rand himself had asked her what kind of future she thought she had in Emond's Field as Nynaeve's apprentice, since Nynaeve was so young.

Book 1
“The Woman can flirt and dance with anyone she wants, and disappear in the company of lecherous boys from sight of her hometown companion for days at a time, and this shall be perfectly acceptable. The Man shall not encounter other women. If he does encounter them, they shall not be interested in him. Any interest they show shall be presumed to be the fault of the Man, no matter how reluctant he was to even be there in the first place. Such an offense as unwillingly inciting the interest of other women shall render the Man morally equivalent to Shadowspawn.”

Egwene danced and flirted with the Tinker boys while she and Perrin were away. However, Rand's perfectly innocent interactions with Elayne (and Min, I think?) got him the Dreaded Female Sniffs, as well as probably being called a woolhead.

Yeah, really just Aram, with whom she was infatuated. Since Rand only met Elayne and Min, that must be it :) I wonder if she actually compared him to Shadowspawn, though.

Book 2
“The Man shall be liable for all physical assaults performed against him by the Woman, and evading such assaults shall constitute ‘bullying’. Constantly stating that she has no future with the Man, shall NOT construe a repudiation of the Woman’s claim on said Man. Any other woman who takes her at her word and does something nice for the Man may forfeit all further friendly contact from the Woman.”

Not positive of which specific incident this references, but in the beginning of tGH, Egwene constantly treats Rand like... well, like she always does. Helps hide him, but talks to him like he's a child, insults him, and ignores him when he warns her about Fain.

She also repeatedly states that she and Rand probably have no future together, but her unofficial "claim" is still in place, scaring away the women of Fal Dara.

Not sure what the "something nice" was about.

Yeah Egwene was her usual bossy self. Forgot about the Fal Dara women thinking Rand was a foreign lord.

The something nice, I think, is the Min-Egwene standoff at the end of the book. Min was "guarding" Rand (i.e., sleeping with him under the covers) after he went unconscious fighting Balazamon. Egwene walked in, told her that Rand isn't safe for anyone, to which Min replies "why should you care - you gave him up for the Tower" (or something like that). Then Egwene just stared at Min for a while and walked away :D

Book 3
“The Woman’s inability or reluctance to have a relationship with the Man shall preclude all other women from having the same, no matter how often said other women might repeat their interest while in full knowledge of the adverse circumstance that put the Woman off. The Woman shall be absolutely helpless and unable to pass along or otherwise transfer her claim to any other woman, even if said other woman shows interest in customs which would permit them both to have a relationship.”

Egwene has no desire to marry Rand, knows that Elayne is interested, but can't really do anything but wring her hands.

Ah, gotcha. Haven't read this book in a while.

Book 4
“The Woman shall transfer claims on the Man whenever she damn well chooses. The Woman has never heard of the rules from the previous book and is certain she has no idea WHAT you are talking about. The fact that the New Woman admits the Man has no interest in her, and by all appearances is VERY interested in another woman, and that the New Woman admits she has little time for a relationship with the Man, and any such relationship will have a much lower priority than her missions for the organization that is an enemy of the Man & his kind, shall not matter if that is who the Woman wants to pass her claim to, and any sexier women who are willing to pay up front for relationship privileges can bloody well suck it.”

Elayne is the "New Woman," Berelain is the one Rand is apparently interested in.

Egwene attempts to manipulate Rand into being with Elayne while simultaneously dumping him. Essentially, it's "Hey, I know we were promised to be married, but there's no way that's happening. To try to take away the horrific sting of rejection, here's my friend Elayne! Look how pretty she is. I know she can't fill the wound in your heart I have left, but maybe she can help, a bit."

That last bit is a reference to the fact that Elayne would prioritize her Tower duties for Rand in a hearbeat, despite the fact that the White Tower has gentled men who channel and is likely corrupted by the Black Ajah.

Figured it was Elayne/Berelain. Didn't realize Elayne prioritizing Tower over Rand.

Book 5
“The repudiation of a commitment by a Woman in a relationship and subsequent lack of any formal or implied commitment shall not deter the friends of the Woman from assuming a commitment exists. Any statement that a third party only wishes to see a relationship happen if both parties desire it shall not be taken seriously and all parties saying or hearing such a thing shall continue to assume the relationship is formal, official and committed, even if one party is apparently not interested and the other party has better things to do. No man who has touched another woman in the past shall engage in intercourse with a woman even if both are consenting adults. No man or women shall engage in a relationship if there are as many as ten years difference in their ages, even if both consent.”

Er, right. So basically, Elayne said that she wasn't promising anything, nor was she asking for a promise. However, Egwene and Aviendha are dead set on making sure that Rand doesn't "stray," despite the fact that it really isn't any of their business. Someone, (I think Egwene? Maybe Nynaeve) says that she only wants to see a relationship happen if both parties really want it, and Aviendha scoffs and goes "he belongs to Elayne, dammit!"

I think the second half references either Isendre, or Mat (his Aiel ladyfriend was a bit older, if I recall correctly). Egwene was disapproving, because... well, disapproving is what Egwene does.

Yeah, I don't know. Another book I haven't read in a long while.

Book 6
“Where DO you get your information from? A man shall be free to engage in as much sexual dalliance as he wishes, no matter how immoral by his native cultural standards, as long as the women in question are consenting! Unless some other woman at some other time who is now thousands of miles away focusing on a career that is legally inimical to her relationship with the man. In that case, the man shall be faithful to her, or her friends will know the reason why.”

Um... maybe Egwene approves of Mat in LoC? But that can't be right.

Oh! No! This is a reference to Lan, and Myrelle, and how Egwene's going to tell on him to Nynaeve. I think.

Wait, did Myrelle and Lan really do the horizontal tango? tbh, this is kinda confusing since the next to last sentence is a fragment (no verb)

Book 7
“Age limits? What? Age limits only forbid relationships where BOTH parties consent. In a relationship where the older, more experienced and worldly wise party believes their relationship will not be healthy for the generation-younger, inexperienced and parochial other party, any age limit shall be ignored at the discretion of the younger party’s virginal teenage friend, who may abuse her lawful authority over the reluctant party to compel him to put himself in the other person’s hands. This should all be very clear to you by now. The Laws of Relationships cannot understand why you still need explanations.”

Um... wait, what? I thought it was a reference to Mat and Tylin, but, um... Maybe Halima?

Can't be Mat and Tylin or Halima (younger teenage friend with the authority).

Book 8
“It shall be the perfect right of an 18 year old virgin to advise a woman old enough to be her mother how to conduct her relationships, and political strategy discussions shall be the perfect forum for such advice. Said virginal state of the aforementioned teenager shall not prevent her from passing judgments such as ‘prim’ on a woman who has in the past expressed a willingness to sleep with servants to gain access necessary to complete her mission.”

OK, so, Egwene's the virgin. I'm assuming the other woman/women are Siuan and Leane, the first of which has that weird thing going on with Bryne, and the second of which has joined the Green Ajah. Pretty sure it was Leane who was willing to use her sexiness.

General theme: Egwene is a disapproving know-it-all.

Yeah, Siuan and Bryne. Forgot about Leane.

Book 10
“Well the Laws of Relationships is not a genius or Laws of Mathematics. Just deal with it. And no fair back-checking previous statements of the Laws: No man and woman, no matter how committed to one another in their relationship shall engage in sexual congress for reproductive purposes, no matter how professionally necessary reproduction is for the women in question. All women shall be held tightly to the sexual mores of a tiny village, regardless of whether or not they have any ties of blood to that village or have ever even set foot in that village or the district in which it lies or if they have even heard the rules thereof before. Women who violate such rules shall be held liable and accountable and disapproved of silently by their friends from said village. It shall not be the responsibility of said friends to confront them either, rather she shall stew in silence, and pretend she doesn’t hear her friends, even if such friends do not actually admit to any sexual activity. Additionally, such morals and rules of said village shall NOT apply to a native of that village, if she feels she has outgrown that village and REALLY wants to entrap her object of romantic interest in violation of said rules. Finally, if a woman becomes pregnant by a man whom she has been in love with for almost two years, and is plainly happy to be carrying his children, her best friend shall NOT be happy for her. Any such happiness on the part of said best friend shall be taken as an aberrant custom from the friend’s alien culture.”

Jeez. OK, Egwene's not happy Elayne gets pregnant, even though 1. She and Rand love each other and 2. Heirs to the throne are important.

She judges Elayne by Two Rivers terms, which is basically once you hold hands you're engaged. But she doesn't confront Elayne, because Elayne would tell her to stuff it up her ass, if she can find any room what with the giant stick that's already up there.

Egwene's a hypocrite because she's planning on jumping Gawyn's bones next time she sees him.

Oh, and one of your best friends gets married? Don't be happy for her. Like, at all.

hehe, good stuff - thanks!
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Egwene’s Laws of Relationships - 28/09/2009 09:54:54 PM 1572 Views
Sounds about right. - 28/09/2009 10:14:40 PM 643 Views
Translation? - 28/09/2009 10:30:05 PM 714 Views
For BlackAdder's benefit: The Translation - 28/09/2009 11:30:30 PM 793 Views
Re: For BlackAdder's benefit: The Translation - 28/09/2009 11:47:41 PM 756 Views
Yes. - 29/09/2009 01:21:38 AM 770 Views
Re: For BlackAdder's benefit: The Translation - 29/09/2009 12:31:24 AM 852 Views
Ridiculous - 29/09/2009 07:35:27 AM 689 Views
Re: Ridiculous - 29/09/2009 11:47:01 AM 688 Views

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