Active Users:178 Time:02/06/2024 02:02:39 PM
Re: Interesting... DomA Send a noteboard - 07/11/2012 08:04:47 PM
... I don't think so, largely because I would have expected some hint of that in Slayer's thoughts when he tries to kill Rand in Far Madding.

Also, both Ishamael and Lanfear clearly want him alive at this point, and they are the only Forsaken we know to be awake at this time, so who would have given Slayer the order?

Although, that does raise the question of who gave the order even if it was a regular Darkfriend. Might it have been someone Fain left behind?

Of course the same reasoning applies to anything the Shadow sent to kill Rand, Slayer or Grey Man.

I've long been convinced Siuan had it wrong. She was the target, not Rand. She moved, the arrow missed.

And yes, the assassin might have been Slayer, someone good anyway. The BA had it set up nicely when you think about it. Half the Hall had sough to prevent Siuan from going to Fal Dara. The Amyrlin isn't supposed to put herself in danger, and now she went and got herself killed. Elaida had already presented her case to the Hall, even the Green Ajah (BA Sitters) tried to oppose Siuan.

It makes even more sense now Verin's been revealed as BA. There's only so many things she could hide from Alviarin who was present at Fal Dara, not to mention from Ishamael himself. She secluded herself with Siuan and Moiraine, questions would have been asked about their plans.

Siuan assassinated, without suspicion being attracted to the Black Ajah and it seemed to be an attempt on Rand himself.

This was an early attempt to get rid of an Amyrlin with too clever plans and secrets, and this was followed up by an attempt on Moiraine's life, the other side of that meddling duo. The attempt on Siuan's life failed, the opportunity had passed not to attaxt attention on the Shadow wanting the Amyrlin dead, it had to wait for Mesaana's better plan to remove her many months later, which worked. In the meantime, the Shadow spied on Moiraine and Siuan.

I suspect Verin knew all this and it played a part in her decision to leave Siuan and Moiraine. It's wouldn't be the only time Verin decided to scamper after failed attempts by the Shadow. She vanished after the Fal Dara events, she made sure not to go with Rand to Falme, she left Siuan's side to go in the Two Rivers with Alanna, she left Perrin right after his battle with Isam's army, she stayed well away from Rand in Cairhien, preferring to stay with the WO unlike other sworn AS. And she left Rand's side right after Rand's conversation with Logain about Taim. Verin never liked too much remaining around important people too long, as if she feared orders would come to do something drastic she could not evade or feared she'd be forced to give her superiors too many secrets.

This message last edited by DomA on 07/11/2012 at 08:05:31 PM
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the moving presence and Suians attacker. - 07/11/2012 04:56:38 PM 1217 Views
Interesting... - 07/11/2012 06:10:42 PM 660 Views
Re: Interesting... - 07/11/2012 08:04:47 PM 633 Views
Well, they couldn't make it look like an attack on Rand... - 07/11/2012 09:02:17 PM 633 Views
Re: Well, they couldn't make it look like an attack on Rand... - 07/11/2012 09:18:32 PM 654 Views
What case did Elaida present to the Hall that early? - 08/11/2012 07:42:35 PM 523 Views
Re: What case did Elaida present to the Hall that early? - 08/11/2012 08:53:50 PM 589 Views
Not really... - 09/11/2012 01:41:45 PM 436 Views
Yea, obviously there are a few who recall the friendship - 09/11/2012 02:42:34 PM 474 Views
That is not so surprising... - 10/11/2012 01:30:14 AM 390 Views
Moiraine is more important to the Tower - 10/11/2012 02:02:12 AM 514 Views
Re: Not really... - 09/11/2012 08:51:43 PM 573 Views
There are none... - 10/11/2012 01:30:54 AM 461 Views
Re: There are none... - 11/11/2012 04:00:37 AM 670 Views
You're ignoring the actual quotes... - 11/11/2012 07:11:46 PM 516 Views
Forget it - 11/11/2012 08:58:20 PM 447 Views
- 12/11/2012 06:43:01 AM 500 Views
Like I said, forget it *NM* - 12/11/2012 02:04:46 PM 296 Views
But Rand clearly attributes the attack to a suoernatural assailant. Slayer is the only creature - 07/11/2012 10:32:21 PM 549 Views
A Grey Man could do it to ... not in the same way, but we are told they could walk right - 08/11/2012 07:38:05 PM 486 Views
Indeed - 08/11/2012 08:57:19 PM 451 Views
I have always assumed this was Slayer. - 14/11/2012 04:27:41 PM 404 Views
Grey Men wouldn't be able to jump around the room like that. It doesn't match any scene we've seen - 08/11/2012 08:58:39 PM 506 Views
I don't know - 09/11/2012 02:03:36 PM 516 Views
Slayer uses arrows when we meet him with Perrin in TAR - 09/11/2012 05:48:50 PM 472 Views
Yup... Slayer uses both the bow and knives. *NM* - 09/11/2012 08:53:38 PM 242 Views
You are correct... Was thinking it was only Perrin with the bow - 10/11/2012 02:04:09 AM 469 Views
Well I've discovered that the shooter was a grey man however the previous prescence could have been - 15/11/2012 03:25:35 PM 508 Views
Not sure... - 15/11/2012 04:50:04 PM 476 Views
One wee correction - 16/11/2012 06:44:12 PM 489 Views
Mix up - 16/11/2012 07:18:01 PM 410 Views

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