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Re: The rather few interesting details I've taken from the companion... Cannoli Send a noteboard - 23/10/2016 12:31:03 AM

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In no particular order...

Torm(and by extension the always described as "probably equal to that of a Trom" Lobar) are sapient. Seemingly in the way of wolves in that it says they that they lack language, but it's not like your normal WoT human would be able to check for telepathy.

Of course Trom is sapient! He actually speaks to Galad on multiple occasions.

<>Interestingly the phrasing would suggest this is at least somewhat suspected IU, but... It's the Seachan we're talking about.IDK what that is supposed to imply. Since the Seanchan tend to be more on the ball about stuff than other cultures, are you suggesting they make systematic use of it, as they do with so many other oddities they encounter, even over the course of the series, from forkroot to Min?

In the entry on Far Madding while talking about the Guardian it says "Also as with a stedding, anything channeled against the city simply melted away at the edge of the active area; even balefire directed at Far Madding dispersed on hitting that border" which is likely the closest we're ever going to get to evidence as to whether or not balefire is an actual "thing" made by a weave... Not sure it's really enough to say, but it's likely the closest we're ever going to get.
Well, would a fireball or lightning bolt stop at the edge of the Guardian? If not, that would answer the balefire question.
As I don't really care about the life story of random Aes Sedai #359... it's pretty slim otherwise.

...Oh, Aiel Laws. Most of note personally is simply that they consider failing show up for trail or meet a sentence to make one sub-human... One kind of wonders how that is going to effect their new role as the world police. lol

It might actually work. They are the police, not the judges. And they police nations, not individuals. Their whole ideology is based on the concept of meeting obligations and being, if not good, at least reliable. That's what Aiel honor is all about - that a person is reliable and can be counted on absolutely to do what they say. Motivations don't come into it for them, living up to their own presentation is motivation entire.

Edit: Oh yeah, and gholams are way over hyped as far as unkillableness goes. They simply only have one vulnerable spot, and have the same "don't actual die right away" thing the Fades do. Which honestly, for an age of channelers trained to to deal with the likes of Mat's medallion... Doesn't really sound all THAT hard to deal with.
Channeling is just a tool, like a gun. Skill with weaves no more translates into situational awareness, combat reactions or tactical ability than marksmanship. Even military training does not generally impart those qualities, little actually does, except for combat experience. In the AoL, few people had that. Also, gholam would have made excellent assassins of other people, besides channelers. In the AoL, where there were standing flows, and multiple devices that utilized the One Power, that immunity of the gholam would have been useful even if they never came near a channeler.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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The rather few interesting details I've taken from the companion... - 22/10/2016 04:53:12 PM 840 Views
Re: The rather few interesting details I've taken from the companion... - 23/10/2016 12:31:03 AM 487 Views
Re: The rather few interesting details I've taken from the companion... - 23/10/2016 01:40:57 AM 452 Views
Re: The rather few interesting details I've taken from the companion... - 23/10/2016 04:42:48 AM 479 Views
According to the companion you just have to destroy it's brain. - 23/10/2016 05:16:49 AM 362 Views
You are slightly under-estimating something though - 23/10/2016 02:55:35 PM 438 Views

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