Active Users:719 Time:27/07/2024 01:05:36 AM
LOL ... not at all. It's a blatant admittance that I refuse to bother with your ridiculous bias *NM* darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 06/05/2017 08:40:08 PM

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If you can't say anything relevant, resort to ad hominem attacks!

Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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I'm ready to continue my WOT read through. - 04/03/2017 09:05:09 PM 1533 Views
I've been thinking about reading again, too. - 04/03/2017 09:23:46 PM 837 Views
Re: I've been thinking about reading again, too. - 05/03/2017 09:23:05 AM 878 Views
The favourite character thing is true. - 04/03/2017 10:52:08 PM 992 Views
Re: I'm ready to continue my WOT read through. - 06/03/2017 06:53:12 PM 1053 Views
Re: I'm ready to continue my WOT read through. - 15/03/2017 02:46:06 AM 735 Views
Nynaeve is Most Improved on a reread, I think - 04/04/2017 07:55:11 PM 1020 Views
it always amuses me how much people on this forum hate her - 05/04/2017 03:00:19 AM 1083 Views
Re: it always amuses me how much people on this forum hate her - 09/04/2017 03:51:51 AM 837 Views
Re: it always amuses me how much people on this forum hate her - 11/04/2017 06:02:22 AM 1008 Views
Re: it always amuses me how much people on this forum hate her - 02/05/2017 12:51:13 PM 1147 Views
You are proving my point - 04/05/2017 04:17:34 AM 1075 Views
Reading this again - 14/04/2017 04:30:08 AM 1089 Views
Try reading the books again. You seem remarkably ignorant of what transpires in them. - 02/05/2017 03:13:56 PM 1339 Views
You of all people accusing someone of an absurd exaggeration is ... well absurd *NM* - 04/05/2017 04:16:05 AM 606 Views
Which is a completely pointless observation and a tacit acknowledgement of my arguments' validity - 04/05/2017 03:59:46 PM 858 Views
LOL ... not at all. It's a blatant admittance that I refuse to bother with your ridiculous bias *NM* - 06/05/2017 08:40:08 PM 617 Views
That's absurd nonsense - 02/05/2017 03:15:37 PM 996 Views
I'm more than half done with The Fires of Heaven on my reread - 21/04/2017 04:20:48 AM 920 Views

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