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Disagree... Onarishma Send a noteboard - 01/12/2009 09:39:05 AM
I feel as though Mat Cauthan's character was not translated well by Brandon Sanderson. I think Mat is a hard person to do right, and BS did a bang up job for the most part. However, a few scenes in particular struck me as overtly disharmonious with my impression of Mat up to this book:

a. His intro scene, where he spends the better part of the chapter complaining to Talmanes about women.
Now, complaining in and of itself is not a foreign behavior. However, Mat's complaints were usually more internal dialogue, with quick bursts of emotional expression, such as "burn me!" or "bloody, flaming women!" Certainly, making up some overly descriptive and nonsensical example of a dicing game was out of character for Mat.

b. His "plan" for getting intel about Verin
I actually didn't mind this meeting where he creates intricate backstories to his men going undercover. My complaint is that it was poorly implemented. By that, I mean there seemed little purpose to his planning. Talmanes being a warder, and it being an intentional oddity to create distraction, was a nice touch, but the rest of the scene was just wrong. Mat is often funny and quirky in his initial behavior, but there is always a deeper purpose behind his actions, usually supported by his upbringing by a shrewd farmer and horse trader, or his 'Finn-filled memories. This scene was just... unnecessary and out of character. Mat has never shown interest in drama before this time. Having said that, I did enjoy the scene for what it was. It definitely made me laugh (especially Talmanes, though he also felt wrong).

c. Improper oaths and cursing
This is a problem throughout the whole book, but it stands out the most with Mat, as he is generally quite free with oaths. I don't remember if BS even used the word "flaming" at all, though I'd have to go back and check, but his big faux pas was "burn it" which I don't really remember ever reading up to this point. The proper oath, of course, is "burn me." I hope people have brought this up to him, because it is probably one of the most irritating things, especially now that I am listening to tGS on my work commute on audiobook. This is really something that should not have been missed by Sanderson, but especially not the rest of the editing staff, and I hope the next two books are not plagued with this problem.

I'd really like to hear from everyone on this. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Matt has never been married before... and whether a change by RJ or BS all of the characters were more introspective. It took me a second to accept the new Egwene would even consider if she was ambitious but according to a daunting number of fans she is too ambitious. I think these new characters are more explicit but not contrary to what we know. Cocky people usually are insecure but at a distance you can't always tell. BS is bringing more intimacy than we're used to. Perhaps more than we wanted to know but i think it made the book all the better.

I didn't notice the cursing or question mat's plan i just thought he was a mixture of wary and bored. Again an example of explicit details in an area we're not use to it
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Mat Cauthan... lost in translation? - 30/11/2009 11:40:57 PM 934 Views
I liked Mat throughout. - 01/12/2009 12:09:24 AM 580 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 01/12/2009 08:58:46 AM 165 Views
I agree completely. - 01/12/2009 01:20:17 AM 455 Views
Re: I agree completely. - 01/12/2009 01:24:02 AM 416 Views
Re: I agree completely. - 02/12/2009 03:23:59 AM 338 Views
I didn't think that Mat was that "off" really. - 01/12/2009 01:36:17 AM 433 Views
I don't disagree with Sanderson's intention... - 01/12/2009 03:53:43 AM 534 Views
I completely agree - 01/12/2009 05:26:04 AM 392 Views
Disagree... - 01/12/2009 09:39:05 AM 571 Views
Probably - 01/12/2009 02:01:57 PM 370 Views
Cartoony - 01/12/2009 04:41:31 PM 365 Views
I think this is a consequence of him not really doing anything important. - 01/12/2009 07:29:16 PM 337 Views
Mat was enjoyable, but definitely a bit off, I agree *NM* - 01/12/2009 05:23:30 PM 150 Views
More "REAL" because characterization is off - 01/12/2009 07:48:57 PM 358 Views
Yeah, "burn it" is just strange after hearing "burn me" for so long. - 02/12/2009 12:51:44 AM 391 Views

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