Part I:
1) How are you today? Feel free to whine and complain. Quite well, no need to whine or complain
2) Is it cold where you live? Snow?Very cold(so sad), and there is snow, which is good, because there had been a drought
3) Do you like snow? And should you move to somewhere with snow?Snows ok when I don't have to shovel it. Move there if you like it
4) Are you in school?Nope, hurray for me
6) If you could pick only one other WoTManiac… who would you dedicate your life to driving insane?my sister
Part II:
1) Devil’s AdvocateMy sister says its good
2) Minority ReportI think I've seen it, and I think it was good
3) Life of BrianN/A
4) Catch Me if You Cannever wanna see it
5) Reign of FireN/A
6) Dogmaagain, my sister likes it
7) Braveheartvery good, but kinda sad... did you know it has nudity in it? The Bourne IdentityN/A
Part III:
1) Have you played the computer game: Skyroads?No
2) Digger?Nope
3) Scorched Earth?Never
4) If you were convicted of a crime with no hope of being released, would you prefer to spend a life in prison or be killed? (Yes you were guilty)first, I was not guilty. second, life in prison
5) If you had to pick one number to represent the Earth, not the Universe, what would you chose? (Other than 42)87
6) I am running out of ideas, so ask yourself question and answer it.blue
That’s it for now. Rejoice, For it is over.finally, you took forever
the itsy bitsy spider always lies