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Re: beer restrictions TheMonkeyThatCried - 22/04/2004 06:23:02 AM

Do you like drinking beer? Do you think german beer is good? Are you a football (or soccer, if you are American) fan? Are you therefore looking forward to World Championships 2006 in Germany? Well, you might face a little drawback then. Especially if you don't like American Budweiser beer. Because that will be the only stuff available in the stadiums and the vicinity.

Yes, Yes, Yes and Well, Duh!

It sounds like a bad joke, but it is true. In the land that is generally associated with beer (although we are only third concerning consumption per head) local breweries are not allowed to sell beer in or around the stadiums, because the FIFA has an exclusive contract with US brewery Anheuser-Busch, whose best known brand is Budweiser.

This is madness! Personally, I don't have any problem with Bud, I'll drink it if nothing else is available, but surely there must be allowance for competition. I have an Economics AS, and I remember that monopolies are bad. BAD! And it's screwing over the small time businesses who would be looking at the World Cup as a means of making serious cash.

"I am soo going to win my second straight sweepstake" ~ majander

Bekah's Nose Protector and Cutie-Pie

Bonded to Carneira d Algai, Mistress of Evil

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beer restrictions - 22/04/2004 06:17:36 AM 203 Views
Budweiser? - 22/04/2004 06:22:13 AM 28 Views
Re: beer restrictions - 22/04/2004 06:23:02 AM 24 Views
contracts - 22/04/2004 06:34:10 AM 12 Views
but - 22/04/2004 06:39:26 AM 9 Views
Re: but - 22/04/2004 06:49:24 AM 10 Views
Beer does not taste good from a paper cup... *NM* - 22/04/2004 06:53:27 AM 6 Views
yes... - 22/04/2004 07:00:59 AM 7 Views
LOL - I'm Scottish you know... - 22/04/2004 07:05:23 AM 8 Views
please excuse my ignorance... - 22/04/2004 07:10:44 AM 8 Views
Re: please excuse my ignorance... - 22/04/2004 07:18:36 AM 8 Views
Re: please excuse my ignorance... - 22/04/2004 07:33:27 AM 7 Views
Re: please excuse my ignorance... - 22/04/2004 07:37:27 AM 6 Views
Swabia - 22/04/2004 07:51:06 AM 6 Views
Re: Swabia - 22/04/2004 07:53:56 AM 6 Views
another location plan... - 22/04/2004 08:02:53 AM 6 Views
Re: another location plan... - 22/04/2004 08:08:02 AM 6 Views
no offence meant ... - 22/04/2004 08:13:42 AM 5 Views
Re: no offence meant ... - 22/04/2004 08:20:25 AM 6 Views
and go home saying we've done europe, it was so sweet *NM* - 22/04/2004 08:29:28 AM 4 Views
Yup, that's the ones *NM* - 22/04/2004 08:32:14 AM 2 Views
Nectar fromm the gods, man *LOL* - 22/04/2004 07:21:41 AM 6 Views
To expand... - 22/04/2004 07:24:28 AM 5 Views
It's one of my pet hates - 22/04/2004 07:14:43 AM 8 Views
Re: but - 22/04/2004 07:07:00 AM 7 Views
You have got to be Beeping joking - 22/04/2004 06:26:18 AM 17 Views
thanks, I won't *NM* - 22/04/2004 06:35:47 AM 2 Views
- 22/04/2004 06:31:29 AM 17 Views
Re: - 22/04/2004 07:35:10 AM 8 Views
Bud!?! - 22/04/2004 07:08:48 AM 12 Views
not only bud - 22/04/2004 07:20:34 AM 10 Views
I'll stick to Beck's Dark or St. Polly Dark thanks. *NM* - 22/04/2004 07:37:01 AM 3 Views
Re: beer restrictions - 22/04/2004 07:09:55 AM 16 Views
sponsoring - 22/04/2004 07:19:08 AM 7 Views
german beer is alright - 22/04/2004 10:00:52 AM 7 Views
measures depend - 22/04/2004 10:14:30 AM 7 Views
That is too horrible to contemplate. - 22/04/2004 10:26:10 AM 7 Views
I see... - 22/04/2004 10:40:18 AM 7 Views
I love that stuff! - 22/04/2004 10:43:33 AM 6 Views
Re: I love that stuff! - 22/04/2004 12:24:01 PM 4 Views
Re: I see... - 22/04/2004 12:27:14 PM 3 Views
That is not good. - 22/04/2004 02:00:29 PM 6 Views
*is waiting...* - 22/04/2004 03:43:10 PM 5 Views
Sorry to heat that. - 22/04/2004 10:34:54 PM 3 Views
it may be light... - 23/04/2004 02:08:56 AM 2 Views