Um.. lemme put it to ya this way man.. If you haven't inflicted Budweiser on yourself, DON'T.
That's the second time today I got this advice. Must be true.
It tastes like horse piss, and is only a tad more alcoholic than kool-aid.
Another two liquids I failed to drink til now. And I'm not eager to try.
That Germany would even consider allowing that swill to be sold to the exclusion of *REAL* beer is a complete shame, and a mockery of a very long-standing tradition of very fine brewing.
After posting I realized that someone else must be really pissed of: the Czechs. Especially those somehow related to the town of Budveis and the local brewery that makes the real Budveiser, which is a great beer.
May whichever money-grubbing sellout bastard who is responsible for this have his balls pulled out his nose.
I guess it's either FIFA President Blatter or one of his minions.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)