That's the second time today I got this advice. Must be true.
It is.. you've been fortunate enough to have drunk *REAL* beer. Do not abuse yourself with the american swill.
Another two liquids I failed to drink til now. And I'm not eager to try.
Probably for the best. No.. Definitely for the best.
After posting I realized that someone else must be really pissed of: the Czechs. Especially those somehow related to the town of Budveis and the local brewery that makes the real Budveiser, which is a great beer.
Oooh.. yeah.. I bet they be quite pissed.. I've not had the chance to taste the real thing.. but it absolutely *HAS* to be better than the american knockoff.. *shudders*
I guess it's either FIFA President Blatter or one of his minions.
The perfect punishment would be to sit them down and force them to drink that s**t.
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. -- Friedrich Nietzsche