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I think the problem is Mat Maniac - 27/04/2004 01:48:31 AM

that too many are taking his artisticly licened stretches as Fact and are getting caught up in a heresy without looking into the churches teachings.

I've Read Angels and Deamons by Dan Brown and found it to be an interesting read, but I do have reservations about recomending it because mixed in with the truth aspects is a fabricated coruption in the church perfectly fiting the views of Vatican conspiracy theory believers.

Also the book (Da Vinci Code) starts with the little "Fact" section and in there it claims that the secret society did exist even though the only record of it was in a set of forged documents (not a very trustworthy scource if you ask me).

I would say Dan Brown is a good writer but in his areas of research he takes what helps his story even if it is iffy. This is fine for fiction but everyone should understand that if in doing so he goes into touchy subjects the truth will be defended so the impresionable people don't get mislead by fiction.

"Anybody who goes to bed the same day they got up is a quitter."

Achewon Nutiket*

*Spiritual Guard

RIP Kory

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Ron Howard to make The Da Vinci Code into a movie. - 27/04/2004 12:18:13 AM 177 Views
I Love Little Opie Cunningham! - 27/04/2004 12:29:33 AM 20 Views
they shoudl at least let him make the movie - 27/04/2004 12:38:51 AM 23 Views
Who's stopping him? - 27/04/2004 12:46:41 AM 19 Views
Re: Who's stopping him? The fundamentalists - 27/04/2004 12:51:31 AM 18 Views
Do you have another source that supports your claims? *NM* - 27/04/2004 12:55:42 AM 3 Views
Meh - 27/04/2004 01:02:18 AM 17 Views
dear... - 27/04/2004 01:15:56 AM 16 Views
Rushdie should write the screen play to that - 27/04/2004 01:22:20 AM 11 Views
"The Message" aka "Mohammad, Messenger of God" w/ Anthony Quinn - 27/04/2004 01:44:12 AM 12 Views
Ah, haven't seen (or heard) of that movie - thanks! - 27/04/2004 01:51:51 AM 9 Views
Just an observation - 27/04/2004 01:17:15 AM 14 Views
no its not - 27/04/2004 01:20:34 AM 12 Views
And why shouldn't they? - 27/04/2004 01:01:43 AM 38 Views
Good reply Larry *NM* - 27/04/2004 10:58:46 PM 2 Views
I think the problem is - 27/04/2004 01:48:31 AM 20 Views
Exactly. - 27/04/2004 02:36:02 AM 9 Views
Gibson didn't intend to challenge the roots of Christianity, did he? - 27/04/2004 02:24:59 AM 13 Views
People take stuff way to seriously - 27/04/2004 05:12:04 AM 13 Views
I KNEW this was coming... - 27/04/2004 07:57:45 AM 10 Views
Ron Howard again? - 27/04/2004 08:17:49 AM 12 Views
Anything that rocks Christianity and causes people to question it is - 27/04/2004 03:49:28 PM 16 Views
Can Christians be human too? - 27/04/2004 05:59:21 PM 11 Views
Well, what irritates me - 27/04/2004 05:23:56 PM 11 Views
Howard sucks anyway. - 27/04/2004 11:02:25 PM 7 Views
I'm surprised they haven't got it in the can already! - 28/04/2004 08:12:57 AM 8 Views