You always have a choice, it depends on if you want it or not. Little story here. Hypothetical:
You are in for a check-up at the doctor, and you are waiting for the doctor tocome back with the results. He calls you into his office,a and proceeds to tell you that you are very healthy. You may have little things like aspirations top work out more, but you are quite well off, and have nothing to worry about. Except... the doctor tells you you have a rare form of terminal cancer. And well to be honest he says, you have 6 months. I am sorry he says, but with this cancer, the last 2 months are gonna be very painful before you go. Your whole life is ahead of you at this point. You have just gotten married, have a baby on the way, and everything is going well. How could this happen??? Then the doctor reaches into his desk, pulls out a vile and tells you that all you have to do is drink it, and you will not have to go through any of it. No suffering, nothing... how long would it take you to drink the vile?
This is essentially the choice we have. Without Jesus, life is hopeless, there is so much sin that we have commited, only Jesus can save us, and he did that by dying on the cross. No matter how religious you are, or how deepoly you have been brought up, there is always the choice, and this choice is the biggest one you will ever make! The love of God is unfathomable, and to except it is the greatest reward. This is the ultimate choice.
Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.
-Mat Cauthon faithful friend
warder to Alicia sedai
warrior of Christ