Active Users:305 Time:18/06/2024 01:36:35 AM
I actually did that at first, but I changed it. Tom Send a noteboard - 22/06/2010 01:11:55 PM
It was a difficult decision, but I felt that the word had crossed over into English and as such required the article, even if it is redundant for those who know the meaning.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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I'm sipping on a nice Bordeaux, sampling a nice Gruyère... - 18/06/2010 10:48:14 PM 968 Views
You can always write a nice analytical essay on Bulgakov... - 18/06/2010 10:49:56 PM 666 Views
I'll wait until July to post that. - 18/06/2010 10:54:15 PM 677 Views
Why am I not surprised? - 18/06/2010 10:55:59 PM 744 Views
Oh, I'm not going to mock the dead. - 18/06/2010 10:59:20 PM 683 Views
Heh! - 18/06/2010 11:14:11 PM 766 Views
Well, I did write an anti-eulogy in his honor - 19/06/2010 12:45:30 AM 710 Views
Oh you naughty thing. - 18/06/2010 11:13:27 PM 700 Views
I did see the article, and I haven't yet gotten around to Le Rouge et Le Noir. - 18/06/2010 11:17:56 PM 671 Views
I'm becoming more convinced that a good business opportunity... - 18/06/2010 11:19:53 PM 585 Views
You could edit The Dutch Republic down and still have a good 500-page book. - 18/06/2010 11:23:24 PM 694 Views
I thought as much. - 18/06/2010 11:28:18 PM 705 Views
I'm thinking the wine and cheese/food choice could be more elitist still. - 18/06/2010 11:14:53 PM 705 Views
Latin is passé. Greek, on the other hand, might work. - 18/06/2010 11:22:03 PM 665 Views
No! Don't do it! - 19/06/2010 12:22:38 AM 660 Views
You remind me of Monty Python's "The Bishop". - 19/06/2010 03:18:49 AM 665 Views
Re: You remind me of Monty Python's "The Bishop". - 19/06/2010 09:07:47 AM 666 Views
Sounds interesting, never had those. - 19/06/2010 01:08:48 AM 814 Views
Subscribe to The Chap - 19/06/2010 12:20:55 AM 614 Views
When I do wear suits, I prefer Italian. - 19/06/2010 03:18:07 AM 911 Views
Re: When I do wear suits, I prefer Italian. - 19/06/2010 09:07:01 AM 748 Views
How is reading Taschen's Caravaggio pretentious or elitist? Except for the price. I guess - 19/06/2010 01:14:34 AM 763 Views
Think Sarah Palin. - 19/06/2010 03:16:56 AM 827 Views
To be truly élite you'll have to move to Britain. - 20/06/2010 01:38:20 PM 704 Views
I heard a rumour they're gonna reintroduce it. *NM* - 20/06/2010 01:55:01 PM 293 Views
To be truly élite I wouldn't fly with other people. - 20/06/2010 02:05:54 PM 640 Views
Good point. *NM* - 20/06/2010 02:07:09 PM 274 Views
well for starters.... - 21/06/2010 04:47:29 AM 721 Views
Amen. - 21/06/2010 10:24:14 PM 624 Views
For starters, I was already a bit drunk when writing. - 22/06/2010 01:13:52 PM 663 Views
pffft.... - 22/06/2010 06:32:54 PM 813 Views
*sighs* Yeah, I'm sorry. I just don't get THAT into wine. - 22/06/2010 09:58:41 PM 607 Views
You could always splurge a little and buy the name-brand pork rinds instead of generic *NM* - 21/06/2010 05:58:54 AM 333 Views
*shudders* *NM* - 22/06/2010 01:12:11 PM 296 Views
Say "the hoi polloi" instead *NM* - 21/06/2010 10:36:59 AM 387 Views
I actually did that at first, but I changed it. - 22/06/2010 01:11:55 PM 675 Views
and "let them eat cake" *NM* - 23/06/2010 03:36:51 AM 287 Views
Mmmm. - 21/06/2010 02:26:00 PM 800 Views
Clearly, to be more élitist... - 22/06/2010 11:45:59 AM 636 Views
No, I think I should get someone to post on my behalf. *NM* - 22/06/2010 01:18:56 PM 279 Views
True, that would probably be the better option. *NM* - 22/06/2010 05:17:03 PM 301 Views

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