Active Users:1965 Time:08/02/2025 03:58:17 PM
That was it. Rebekah Send a noteboard - 15/08/2010 10:39:40 PM
Because the first chapter had me terrified. Mainly because of the CREEPY people in the house.

Are you absolutely positive they are not scary?

You learn more about them later on. Also: he was slightly doped up on pain and her poultice. ;)

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
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Black Swan Green by David Mitchell: not a scary book. - 15/08/2010 04:34:30 PM 5898 Views
Not scary? - 15/08/2010 07:09:26 PM 1621 Views
That was it. - 15/08/2010 10:39:40 PM 1533 Views
The cover looks nice - 15/08/2010 07:34:44 PM 1580 Views
It's an appropriate cover. - 15/08/2010 10:54:48 PM 1569 Views
I like David Mitchell. But this is definately my least favourite of his works. *NM* - 15/08/2010 10:14:39 PM 851 Views
Why? *NM* - 15/08/2010 10:26:45 PM 780 Views
I think it's a bit too focused if that makes sense. - 15/08/2010 10:29:11 PM 1470 Views
I think that's half the point. - 15/08/2010 10:42:58 PM 1732 Views
He's brilliant. Also Ghostwritten is AMAZING. I buy it for my friends! *NM* - 15/08/2010 10:44:43 PM 818 Views
Found this at the local second hand store for 4 euros. - 17/08/2010 08:37:42 PM 1486 Views
Oooh, nice. - 17/08/2010 08:42:10 PM 1604 Views
I'm about half-way through it - 01/11/2010 02:14:23 PM 1528 Views
Ok. I finally finished it. *slight spoilers* - 28/11/2010 11:22:29 AM 1794 Views

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