Active Users:127 Time:01/06/2024 11:43:00 PM
You might want to edit that... jh Send a noteboard - 15/09/2009 04:40:32 PM
from readers to writers...

All reasonably well-known female readers to any serious fan of the genre:

Margaret Atwood
Kage Baker
Alex Bell
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Poppy Z. Brite
Lois McMaster Bujold
Octavia Butler
Pat Cadigan
Jaqueline Carey
Kristin Cashore
Trudie Canavan
CJ Cherryh
Storm Constantine
Leigh Eddings
Kate Elliott
Jaine Fenn
Maggie Furey
Diana Gabaldon
Mary Gentle
Barbara Hambly
Elizabeth Hand
Robin Hobb
Diana Wynne Jones
JV Jones
Nancy Kress
Ursula K. LeGuin
Doris Lessing
Katherine Kerr
Mercedes Lackey
Gail Z. Martin
Julian May
Anne McCaffrey
Elizabeth Moon
Andre Norton
KJ Parker
JK Rowling
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Mary Shelley
Sheri S. Tepper
Lisa Tuttle
Michelle West
Liz Williams
Connie Willis
Janny Wurts
Jane Yolen

and you know, I consider myself a reasonably well read individual (for the genre, at least), and there were at least 10 of those I haven't read... :P You are likely overstating some of their well-knownity.
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world" - Calvin.
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This board is severely lacking in discussion of female authors - 12/09/2009 08:11:46 AM 1142 Views
One of my two favorite authors is Melanie Rawn. - 12/09/2009 09:16:40 AM 560 Views
Agreed. She is yay! *NM* - 12/09/2009 04:05:38 PM 365 Views
That is very thinly veiled pimping of your blog, Larry *NM* - 12/09/2009 10:48:22 AM 404 Views
No - 12/09/2009 10:52:12 AM 662 Views
I think what you mean is this board is lacking in discussion of lesser-known authors... - 12/09/2009 10:49:56 AM 694 Views
While part of that is true, part of it really deals with a thought when I glanced through the posts - 12/09/2009 10:55:07 AM 679 Views
Re: - 12/09/2009 11:11:48 AM 722 Views
True - 13/09/2009 08:15:02 AM 817 Views
Perhaps. - 12/09/2009 12:13:50 PM 798 Views
Precisely. - 12/09/2009 05:18:07 PM 646 Views
Yeah - 13/09/2009 08:20:12 AM 822 Views
The world is severely lacking in famous female authors. - 12/09/2009 02:53:03 PM 684 Views
Wanna bet? - 13/09/2009 08:23:14 AM 589 Views
Stephanie Meyers? Are you kidding me?!?! - 14/09/2009 05:32:58 AM 641 Views
She's sold tens of millions of books *shrug* - 14/09/2009 05:41:21 AM 594 Views
ugh - 14/09/2009 11:32:18 AM 685 Views
do you see a lot of urban fantasy discussed here? - 14/09/2009 04:24:26 PM 657 Views
The most popular author in the world is female. *NM* - 15/09/2009 03:34:27 AM 284 Views
Incorrect. - 15/09/2009 04:14:06 PM 714 Views
You might want to edit that... - 15/09/2009 04:40:32 PM 768 Views
Agreed. - 15/09/2009 07:09:11 PM 724 Views
Actually, most of those authors are talked about on other boards and blogs - 16/09/2009 12:22:46 AM 629 Views
... That doesn't actually change the truth-value of his statement. *NM* - 16/09/2009 05:31:30 AM 373 Views
I think it does - 16/09/2009 06:40:58 AM 661 Views
That was kind of the point. - 16/09/2009 06:48:15 AM 721 Views
Is KJ Parker actually a woman? - 16/09/2009 12:27:35 AM 589 Views
Probably. - 16/09/2009 04:51:57 AM 971 Views
It is not uncommon in the publishing industry to pull tricks like that. - 16/09/2009 11:19:04 AM 658 Views
True. - 19/09/2009 03:07:03 AM 910 Views
Review of Kate Griffin's A Madness of Angels coming soon. *NM* - 12/09/2009 05:18:30 PM 326 Views
That's one I'm thinking about reading soon - 13/09/2009 08:15:49 AM 631 Views
female authors - 12/09/2009 10:28:12 PM 674 Views
I discovered Morgan Llywellyn when I was in my late teens/early 20s - 13/09/2009 08:24:15 AM 698 Views
I've heard she's written a little slash. True? *NM* - 16/09/2009 01:53:58 AM 287 Views
None. Why in the world would you place a quota on gender? *NM* - 12/09/2009 10:46:45 PM 311 Views
Who said anything about "quotas"? - 13/09/2009 08:11:21 AM 602 Views
It can be inferred. - 14/09/2009 12:45:18 AM 591 Views
Bah - 14/09/2009 01:09:10 AM 617 Views
How very clever. - 17/09/2009 02:08:19 AM 843 Views
it can only be inferred if you confuse the necessity employed. - 19/09/2009 06:49:17 AM 871 Views
Mm. - 19/09/2009 07:13:27 AM 888 Views
LOL - 20/09/2009 12:40:55 AM 987 Views
I fight pedantic with pedantic. <3 - 20/09/2009 10:09:22 AM 949 Views
Whereas I fight it with sarcasm. *NM* - 20/09/2009 06:14:52 PM 354 Views
Everyone knows women can't write! They are by far inferior to men! - 13/09/2009 01:42:16 AM 569 Views
- 13/09/2009 08:24:50 AM 587 Views
Truth. Just ask Bob Dylan! *NM* - 17/09/2009 08:15:14 PM 296 Views
Trudi Canavan, Cate Teirnan and Michelle Paver - 13/09/2009 07:08:57 PM 825 Views
So many others - 13/09/2009 10:02:29 PM 775 Views
The Yellin will be within the next couple of weeks - 13/09/2009 10:28:21 PM 609 Views
I read mostly scfi these days and there just are not that many new female scfi writers - 14/09/2009 04:28:31 PM 538 Views
Jaine Fenn and Liz Williams are two pretty decent recently-emerging SF writers. *NM* - 15/09/2009 04:15:40 PM 302 Views
Jaine Fenn looks very interesting - 15/09/2009 07:17:05 PM 630 Views
... we talk about whatever comes to mind. *NM* - 15/09/2009 03:13:21 PM 264 Views
This post is severely lacking in discussion of male authors. *NM* - 15/09/2009 04:42:23 PM 395 Views
Hey, doesn't Dan Brown have a new book coming out soon? *NM* - 15/09/2009 07:09:36 PM 288 Views
Is it like Black History Month? - 16/09/2009 12:23:34 AM 609 Views

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