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Re: It's christmas already? dacole Send a noteboard - 26/11/2011 04:33:10 AM
Not that he needs too many epic fantasy series, but I do wonder what DomA would make of Daniel Abraham's The Long Price series..

That sounds like a good choice for me that I'll note down for when I return to Fantasy. I haven't read anything in the genre since GRRM when it came out. I've been mostly catching up on Asian literature in the second of 2011 (no Fantasy in the lot so far, most of what's available in the genre in translation is in manga form only, but there's a great deal of the novels I've read that falls loosely or more specifically under "magical realism";).

I'm tempted to suggest back one of those (Yumeno's Dogra Magra, an early century very Jung-esque pseudo-noir that drew comparisons to Kafka and Borgès) but I doubt I'll make up my mind whether it's really great or just plain too bizarre and hard to read until I'm done (perhaps that's just because at the moment I'm stuck in the middle of a 100 pages passage, that's a transcription of the theory on psychiatric treatments by one of the doctors in the story, written in the form of a raving sermon by an itinerant buddhist "mad monk" (and the theory itself revolves around inherited ancestral memories)! It doesn't help get through it that I've seen it's followed by 75 pages of another fictitious essay, this time by schizophrenic patient and about the brain not being the real seat of thought). The "are we there yet" crowd would really go mad with this one. In 300 pages, the character has woken up with amnesia, been bathed, visited another insane patient convinced she was the main character's bride 1000 years ago, and spent a few more hours sitting in the office of the head of the psychiatry departement, where beside hearing hints about his recent past and identity (which the doctors want him to remember on his own) he's so far read three essays. It's supposed to start really messing with the reader's mind around the half mark (of the 1000 pages novel). It's apparently a masterpiece of meta-fiction and unreliable narrative.

For a bit of lighter reading I've started on a "literary" manga series that's a transposition of Crime and Punishments, but it's too early to pass judgement on it (except so far, it's interesting).

Ug the first one sounds to much like mobey dick which would have been great if you took out oh about half of it, since most of the science was wrong and poorly written. James Joyce comes to mind as well (which I have never been brave enough to try) since the description I have heard (from an English teacher) was that in the beginning he blinks and by the end he is sorry he blinked..

As a lover of Manga and much good literature you will have to tell me how they do with crime and punishment. The anime version of count of Monte Cristo (ganketsou) was a masterpiece of art.
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Books that I would urge certain readers to consider reading/reviewing - 20/11/2011 10:54:01 PM 1089 Views
Your post intrigues me. I will probably need to read Mencken. - 20/11/2011 11:08:03 PM 546 Views
He's well worth the read - 20/11/2011 11:13:56 PM 540 Views
Re: Your post intrigues me. I will probably need to read Mencken. - 26/11/2011 04:28:15 AM 506 Views
I actually checked out The Submission. - 20/11/2011 11:50:40 PM 561 Views
Cool - 21/11/2011 02:38:27 AM 472 Views
It's christmas already? - 21/11/2011 08:32:20 PM 805 Views
Well, it takes some people months to get into it, so why not? - 22/11/2011 01:46:06 AM 768 Views
Re: Well, it takes some people months to get into it, so why not? - 22/11/2011 05:29:47 AM 757 Views
I found it at Abebooks for $15 total - 22/11/2011 06:10:16 AM 750 Views
That's good - 23/11/2011 12:13:25 AM 725 Views
Re: That's good - 26/11/2011 04:39:24 AM 514 Views
Forgot to post that Dogra Magra arrived Tuesday - 01/12/2011 02:00:40 PM 478 Views
Re: It's christmas already? - 26/11/2011 04:33:10 AM 666 Views
Re: It's christmas already? - 27/11/2011 09:27:26 PM 651 Views
Re: It's christmas already? - 30/11/2011 09:16:16 PM 835 Views
Have you read any Pamuk? - 21/11/2011 10:19:21 PM 606 Views
I've read My Name is Red and have The Black Book in Spanish translation - 22/11/2011 01:42:10 AM 548 Views
What did you think of My Name is Red yourself, then? - 22/11/2011 10:38:17 PM 544 Views
Who is this Colson Whitehead - 22/11/2011 07:24:01 AM 519 Views
One of the best American writers of the past decade - 22/11/2011 08:24:20 AM 666 Views
No thank you - 22/11/2011 02:15:54 PM 536 Views
I very rarely do myself - 22/11/2011 03:39:41 PM 547 Views
Re: I very rarely do myself - 22/11/2011 06:39:23 PM 545 Views
Oh, these aren't necessarily for immediate reads - 23/11/2011 10:44:45 PM 535 Views
Is it strange... - 23/11/2011 07:53:10 PM 522 Views
It is - 23/11/2011 10:45:56 PM 544 Views
Re: It is - 26/11/2011 04:44:27 AM 594 Views
Re: I very rarely do myself - 26/11/2011 04:42:45 AM 500 Views
Sounds terrifying. *NM* - 23/11/2011 02:30:09 PM 257 Views
Terrifying? - 23/11/2011 10:43:38 PM 604 Views
I looked up this book the other day and then forgot time and again to reply to you. - 24/11/2011 10:12:16 AM 594 Views
Nothing horrible like that - 24/11/2011 10:24:08 AM 550 Views
name searching is fun. - 24/11/2011 01:18:06 PM 546 Views
Re: Me! - 29/12/2011 01:57:00 AM 545 Views
I have it written down... - 29/12/2011 07:09:09 PM 568 Views

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