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Man Accused of Forcing Pregnant Teen Girlfriend to Sign "Abuse Contract" Aisha Send a noteboard - 05/06/2010 03:06:07 PM
Wow....Im not sure who is the bigger asshole int his story,the guy of the girl? im furious at the woman for signing it. How fucking stupid do you have to be to sign something like that, if she didnt care about her own safety what about the baby? even though he said he would hit her anywhere but the stomach choking her deprives the baby of oxygen too. why does god let stupid people procreate?

Graydon Smith's career in contract law is off to an unpromising start.

Police were called to the Haller Lake home of the 31-year-old's parents in April. There, Smith's pregnant 19-year-old girlfriend told them that her boyfriend had threatened to kill her.

She took these threats seriously, she told police, because Smith had beat her up in past. He'd also asked her to sign an "abuse contract:" a letter that stated he was free to pound on her as much as he wanted for perpetuity, so long as he avoided her pregnant belly.

When cops contacted Smith by phone he denied the abuse. But strangely, he admitted to the part about the contract. Which in a way is an admission. Or at least an admission of profound stupidity.

For some reason, it took cops another month and another incident to arrest Smith. This time, it was his stepfather who called 911.

The dad had confronted Smith after he watched him choke his girlfriend for 10 seconds. Unhappy with the interruption, Smith tried to land a shot on pop's face but only ended up with a glancing blow.

When cops arrived they found the girlfriend bleeding from the face with a contusion on the back of her head. Smith was arrested and charged with second-degree assault, two counts of fourth-degree assault and two counts of felony harassment.

He's currently being held on $100,000 bail in King County Jail. And if karma exists, he'll have a cellmate as punch-happy towards him as he was to his pregnant girlfriend, only without all that messy legalese.
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
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Man Accused of Forcing Pregnant Teen Girlfriend to Sign "Abuse Contract" - 05/06/2010 03:06:07 PM 651 Views
How do you think one goes about negotiating a contract like that? - 05/06/2010 11:24:48 PM 306 Views
I think they both deserve some criticism - 06/06/2010 03:43:33 AM 343 Views
It's inappropriate for you to judge an abused woman for sticking with her abuser. - 06/06/2010 04:17:31 AM 304 Views
i have known alot of abused women - 06/06/2010 05:34:22 AM 322 Views
Again, if he threatens to track her down and kill her, and threatens to kill others dear to her - 06/06/2010 07:55:11 AM 282 Views
not to mention the psychology behind abuse victims. - 06/06/2010 09:22:23 AM 284 Views
Nuh-uh. Obviously she's stupid because she has psychological issues. Or something. *NM* - 06/06/2010 08:59:14 PM 121 Views
He obviously does too - 07/06/2010 12:46:58 AM 304 Views
Re: Again, if he threatens to track her down and kill her, and threatens to kill others dear to her - 07/06/2010 02:36:30 AM 357 Views
It's not. - 07/06/2010 07:33:05 AM 259 Views
the police also did nothing when SHE called. - 07/06/2010 07:38:37 AM 303 Views
Exactly - 06/06/2010 09:48:32 AM 303 Views
I'll judge all I want, thanks - 06/06/2010 09:39:25 AM 348 Views
Ah, yes. That little known method of psychological therapy--calling people stupid. *NM* - 06/06/2010 09:01:20 PM 190 Views
I'M not giving her therapy. We don't know eachother. - 07/06/2010 12:31:38 AM 294 Views
He's a boy, not a friend - 06/06/2010 12:03:40 AM 289 Views
He'll be taken care of in jail - 06/06/2010 05:14:25 AM 328 Views
I laughed. Hard. *NM* - 07/06/2010 05:00:49 PM 124 Views

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