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woo hoo awesome Aisha Send a noteboard - 23/07/2010 04:36:25 AM
glad you are doing good. I plan on getting that done after nursing school.

I had LASEK so my healing time has been slower. My vision is about 20/40 right now but every morning I wake up it is a little better and should be completely well within another week or two. It really hit me the other night when I was trying to get ready for bed and I felt like I needed to take out my contacts. :P

The surgery itself wasn't that bad. After they gave me the dose of Valium (which I chewed up in my mouth immediately instead of swallowing!) I was pretty chilled so by the time I got in the room I was fine. It was also good that I saw other people coming out from their surgeries while sitting in the waiting room. It was reassuring to see people who went in before me come out OK, laughing and smiling.

I won't go into details about the surgical procedure but it only took the doc about two or three minutes an eye. He was definitely on his game. The drops they gave me totally numbed my eye so when he was doing his thing I didn't even really feel anything. Nothing about the procedure was painful. I kind of liken it to getting a tattoo. When people ask me if a tattoo hurts I tell them not really but it is uncomfortable. The surgery was uncomfortable but not painful in any way.

For anyone thinking about it I would say do it. The worst part was really the waiting time up to the surgery when all I had time do to was think about it. Once it was go time it wasn't that big of a deal.

My advice would be to shop around a few places, do some research (and by gods definitely don't watch YouTube videos or anything, just read about it and inform yourself about what will be happening.). Also be prepared for aftercare and the costs. I have been doing multiple drops for over a week now and have to continue doing them at least until I see the doc again in a week. There is an anti-inflammatory, an antibiotic, lubricating drops, and there was another one I don;t have to use anymore. I am also starting another one tonight to help repair my tear production. If there was one thing I was not prepared for it was the costs of the aftercare (my prescriptions are around 400 for all the drops I need).

Other than that don't be put off by the surgery, it wasn't a bad experience at all and I am still thrilled that I can see without glasses. Anyone considering it should definitely do it. :)

Oh, and thanks for everyone who offered me much the same advice. You were all right. :D
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
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So, the eye surgery went pretty well. - 23/07/2010 03:42:27 AM 732 Views
woo hoo awesome - 23/07/2010 04:36:25 AM 570 Views
i had that a couple of years, it's awesome isn't it? - 23/07/2010 09:19:09 AM 628 Views
Nothign ever went black for me. - 23/07/2010 10:48:36 AM 583 Views
during the procedure? - 23/07/2010 08:18:39 PM 701 Views
Yeah, I never lost any sight or anything. *shrugs* - 24/07/2010 12:06:32 AM 551 Views
I heard it destroys your night vision. *NM* - 23/07/2010 03:26:42 PM 284 Views
More than being nearsighted does? *NM* - 23/07/2010 05:15:50 PM 226 Views
It kinda did mine. - 23/07/2010 10:20:23 PM 479 Views
- 23/07/2010 03:56:00 PM 561 Views
I'm glad it went well! - 23/07/2010 10:24:04 PM 552 Views
Re: I'm glad it went well! - 24/07/2010 12:08:24 AM 505 Views
Good stuff. - 27/07/2010 02:39:41 PM 607 Views

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