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lol Aisha Send a noteboard - 22/08/2010 06:30:52 PM
When many Americans don't really know what this whole health care thing is about, it's not exactly shocking that foreigners know still less about it and merely have heard something vague about America moving in the right direction (which, I agree, is debatable, but the amount of uninsured is supposed to drop by a significant number at least, we'll see if that actually happens).

At the risk of hijacking your thread (so let me take a leaf from your book and announce beforehand I'll refuse to engage in discussion on the topic :P ), there was an article on our newspaper's website just today that illustrated how sometimes foreign media can be really, really off on American news. The article was about the comments made by Miss America Rima Fakih on the topic of the Ground Zero mosque. Literal translation of the opening paragraph:

"Miss USA Rima Fakih, a practicing Muslim, spoke out in a radio interview against president Barack Obama's plans of building a mosque at Ground Zero."

I kid you not. That's what it says. (And no, it's not Miss Fakih who is the clueless one, I checked the American reporting on the matter.) Of course it's not representative - must be a brain fart by some lower-ranking journalist, the professionals aren't quite that clueless - but I think the point is clear: people who rely exclusively on European news sources for their news about America will get an incomplete and sometimes seriously inaccurate view of things.

wow, they really got that whole Rima Fakih business wrong didnt they? but since we are on the topic, her actual remarks in regards to Park 51 are really stupid in my opinion.
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
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Healthcare Question for RAFOlk Overseas: - 22/08/2010 04:28:58 PM 732 Views
We don't - 22/08/2010 04:31:38 PM 472 Views
This *NM* - 22/08/2010 04:58:15 PM 176 Views
'K, I may not like it, but at least I can understand it. - 22/08/2010 05:09:03 PM 462 Views
Ah, I can see that; thanks. - 22/08/2010 05:05:10 PM 492 Views
Because they don't know the details. - 22/08/2010 04:57:32 PM 476 Views
Re: Because they don't know the details. - 22/08/2010 05:00:34 PM 441 Views
That also makes a lot of sense. - 22/08/2010 05:07:31 PM 488 Views
I don't know that Europeans are all that objective, either. - 22/08/2010 05:20:09 PM 461 Views
Well, more objective about our politicians than we are, I think. - 22/08/2010 05:44:51 PM 486 Views
I think that what he is trying to say is that you're just wrong there. - 22/08/2010 07:45:07 PM 440 Views
There's always going to be a certain amount of spin. - 22/08/2010 08:20:54 PM 455 Views
It's a weird assumption. - 22/08/2010 09:00:01 PM 559 Views
Re: It's a weird assumption. - 22/08/2010 09:11:25 PM 499 Views
except in issues regarding whales, whale issues, whaling, or whale meat. *NM* - 23/08/2010 04:24:10 PM 207 Views
Yes *NM* - 23/08/2010 04:26:00 PM 160 Views
do you believe the reverse is true? - 22/08/2010 07:49:07 PM 489 Views
I think so, honestly, but maybe I'm being naive. - 22/08/2010 08:16:12 PM 451 Views
could be simply becuase they don't matter as much outside the few biggies - 22/08/2010 09:43:01 PM 471 Views
Re: could be simply becuase they don't matter as much outside the few biggies - 23/08/2010 04:27:52 PM 424 Views
Really? An Elephant? - 23/08/2010 04:44:55 PM 507 Views
I think if I suggested that I would have been shot *NM* - 23/08/2010 04:47:24 PM 160 Views
Well, hopefully you at least got a laugh out of it. - 23/08/2010 04:50:40 PM 426 Views
I did *NM* - 23/08/2010 04:52:22 PM 185 Views
Good. Remember me when I'm gone. - 23/08/2010 04:54:12 PM 419 Views
Re: Good. Remember me when I'm gone. - 23/08/2010 04:56:28 PM 415 Views
thank you for reminding us why the jack ass is the symbol for the democratic party - 23/08/2010 05:19:35 PM 530 Views
Whoever told you I was a Democrat, Random? - 23/08/2010 05:21:26 PM 437 Views
I guess that makes us both wrong then - 23/08/2010 05:25:05 PM 392 Views
lol - 22/08/2010 06:30:52 PM 457 Views
I thought that the idea he had was good - 22/08/2010 11:36:53 PM 427 Views

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