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So it's back to being a small cheeseburger meal then? *NM* Balwer Send a noteboard - 04/11/2010 02:30:34 PM
NOVEMBER 3, 2010

San Francisco has banned the Happy Meal, on the day of the return of the McRib no less. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors earlier today passed an ordinance requiring meals that included toys with their purchase to meet specific nutritional guidelines. The vote, achieved with a Gavin Newsom veto-proof majority of 8-3, effectively bans the Happy Meal.

Joe Eskenazi at the San Francisco Weekly reports:

?It seems the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has accomplished what the Hamburglar never could. They've made off with McDonald's fare.

The supes today passed an ordinance that will require meals to meet nutritional guidelines if restaurants wish to include a toy with the food purchase.

More importantly, the supes passed the so-called "Happy Meal Ban" by an 8-3 vote -- meaning it can survive a promised veto from Mayor Gavin Newsom. That's right: San Francisco done banned the Happy Meal. Robble robble.

The AP reports:

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- For some veggies-hating children, Happy Meals won't be so happy anymore.

San Francisco lawmakers approved legislation Tuesday that would limit toy giveaways in children's meals that have excessive calories, sodium and fat. It also requires servings of fruits or vegetables with each meal.

The city's Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve the ordinance, which they hope will force fast-food chains such as McDonald's to make their children's meals healthier or stop selling them with toys.

The measure drew enough support to overcome an expected veto by Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Supervisors say the law would make San Francisco the first major city to take this action to combat childhood obesity.

McDonald's has said the law threatens business and restricts parents' ability to make choices for their children.

UPDATE, 11/3/10:

McDonald's could, theoretically, reformulate the Happy Meal for San Francisco to allow it to be sold. Here are the ordinance's specific requirements for a packaged fast food meal targeted at children:

Calories: Less than 600
Sodium: Less than 640 milligram.
Fat: Less than 35 percent of calories from fat; Less than 10 percent from saturated fat (with exception for nuts, seeds, eggs or low-fat cheese).
Fruits & Vegetables: At least half a cup of fruit or three-quarters of a cup of vegetables

I fucking hate these stupid nanny state laws. I hate them when Bloomberg pushes them in NYC and I hate this one too. Christ why don't we just adopt the metric system, parliamentary government and 32 hour work weeks with six weeks off in the summer and get it over with.

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San Francisco Bans The Happy Meal - 04/11/2010 04:00:12 AM 1738 Views
Great. Now I'll never finish my Polly Pocket army. *NM* - 04/11/2010 05:10:26 AM 480 Views
now, they only really banned the toy that comes with the happy meal if it doesn't meet guidelines - 04/11/2010 06:32:46 AM 1113 Views
yup - 04/11/2010 09:23:44 AM 1114 Views
Indeed. *NM* - 04/11/2010 09:36:53 AM 417 Views
Yes *NM* - 04/11/2010 10:59:52 AM 468 Views
the government should not have to right to say how I feed my child - 04/11/2010 01:37:41 PM 927 Views
I find feeding happy meals to children far more appalling. - 04/11/2010 01:39:13 PM 874 Views
what you like to eat really isn't the point though - 04/11/2010 02:13:31 PM 1038 Views
I know, I was just saying that McDonald's is crappy, period - 04/11/2010 02:16:19 PM 852 Views
the government limits the kind of advertising your child sees during saturday morning cartoons - 04/11/2010 03:36:47 PM 797 Views
that isn't even close to the same thing - 04/11/2010 04:15:09 PM 917 Views
Don't forget the removal of more and more activity. - 05/11/2010 12:32:03 AM 769 Views
yeah that is why kids are getting fat - 05/11/2010 04:26:38 AM 824 Views
wow, ever consider that political leanings have nothing to do with my opinion - 05/11/2010 11:59:15 AM 995 Views
your the one who wanted to bring your politics into it - 05/11/2010 12:23:08 PM 839 Views
uhm, what? I said no such thing. - 05/11/2010 12:33:22 PM 986 Views
maybe I spend to much time arguing with Joel - 05/11/2010 02:20:34 PM 920 Views
that is likely the case - 05/11/2010 03:26:46 PM 1009 Views
it is exactly the same thing you're just trying to dance around the issue - 05/11/2010 06:31:26 AM 1022 Views
saying something does not make it true - 05/11/2010 12:17:00 PM 982 Views
what choices are you being denied? - 05/11/2010 02:59:00 PM 831 Views
well I can't buy my kid a happy meal with toy in it - 05/11/2010 04:43:44 PM 833 Views
The metric system rocks *NM* - 04/11/2010 09:18:29 AM 599 Views
Good! *NM* - 04/11/2010 09:36:21 AM 611 Views
I wouldn't touch the metric system with a 1.038m pole *NM* - 04/11/2010 10:47:51 AM 590 Views
You mean 3.048m (10 feet) *NM* - 04/11/2010 05:22:58 PM 547 Views
Yes...don't know where I got 1.038m from *NM* - 05/11/2010 01:24:21 AM 578 Views
The law is just fighting a small symptom of a much bigger problem - 04/11/2010 11:24:19 AM 1163 Views
yes - 04/11/2010 11:47:47 AM 1213 Views
make something idiot-proof and we'll just make better idiots... - 05/11/2010 06:33:54 AM 849 Views
100% agree, in respect to this and other related subjects. - 04/11/2010 01:42:32 PM 1053 Views
why do you think Wendy's is more healthy than McDonalds? - 05/11/2010 04:30:54 AM 1019 Views
it's not MUCH more healthy. - 05/11/2010 12:00:31 PM 834 Views
I don't think the toy is that big of a draw for kids, really. - 04/11/2010 05:11:10 PM 882 Views
The toys were a definite draw for mine - 05/11/2010 08:20:05 AM 930 Views
Perhaps - 05/11/2010 07:41:17 PM 1075 Views
Here in Aus we have fruit bags, and water etc. options for Happy Meals - 04/11/2010 12:32:16 PM 904 Views
The healthier variety is starting to become more common in kids meals. - 04/11/2010 12:50:44 PM 1042 Views
milk or juice have ALWAYS been options, and every mcdonalds i've been to has offered the apples. *NM* - 04/11/2010 01:36:34 PM 547 Views
Too bad milk and juice are horrible choices too. *NM* - 04/11/2010 10:54:36 PM 586 Views
uhmm, bullshit. - 04/11/2010 11:39:09 PM 1033 Views
Juice is nothing but sugar and milk as healthy is debatable. - 05/11/2010 12:37:34 AM 1039 Views
juice is not just sugar. - 05/11/2010 02:11:12 AM 995 Views
I'm not talking about juicing vegetables and fresh fruit. - 05/11/2010 03:06:54 AM 956 Views
no it was not clear. You merely said "Juice" - 05/11/2010 03:16:01 AM 1028 Views
Milk is delicious. And it (when low-fat/skim) isn't actively bad for you. - 05/11/2010 03:33:53 AM 811 Views
I know, but...just...EW. - 05/11/2010 03:43:49 AM 1092 Views
but it is yummy and you make yummy things out of it - 05/11/2010 02:47:37 PM 823 Views
I like the yummy foods made, I admit. - 05/11/2010 03:35:28 PM 859 Views
Agreed, as long as it's treated the right way (i.e. not the American way). *NM* - 05/11/2010 09:56:16 AM 558 Views
Please elaborate. - 05/11/2010 01:27:45 PM 971 Views
I remember the first time I came to Northern America (Canada, then) and tried drinking milk... - 05/11/2010 04:44:01 PM 1031 Views
You can get UHT milk - 05/11/2010 04:47:53 PM 873 Views
I think what you describe... - 05/11/2010 05:21:35 PM 1009 Views
Indeed it is. - 05/11/2010 05:49:48 PM 899 Views
How about the water? - 05/11/2010 06:24:09 PM 836 Views
No idea... didn't really notice anything there. - 05/11/2010 06:40:16 PM 965 Views
Tap water in Philly tasted sooo much like chlorine - 08/11/2010 11:43:36 AM 947 Views
No UHT in Scandinavia, though - 05/11/2010 06:34:17 PM 987 Views
Oh yeah, that UHT milk is evil. *NM* - 05/11/2010 09:30:35 PM 557 Views
OK. My bad. - 05/11/2010 04:11:53 AM 1088 Views
Re: juice is not just sugar. - 05/11/2010 01:11:06 PM 921 Views
so what do you think kids should drink? - 05/11/2010 04:28:36 AM 952 Views
Do this little experiment. Please. - 05/11/2010 12:53:49 PM 832 Views
that is why my kids drinks milk or water and not juice 99% of time - 05/11/2010 02:03:08 PM 902 Views
Of course! - 05/11/2010 02:11:35 PM 1022 Views
I am fighting my wife right now over the yogurt in a tube crap - 05/11/2010 02:35:41 PM 820 Views
Ok did some math. - 05/11/2010 04:35:48 PM 1055 Views
she buys Horizon which is 57 grams 10 of which are sugar - 05/11/2010 05:16:22 PM 913 Views
I'm with you on this one. *NM* - 05/11/2010 12:37:59 PM 548 Views
it is - 04/11/2010 02:11:44 PM 1136 Views
This is pretty stupid. - 04/11/2010 02:13:17 PM 997 Views
That part was a bit of hyperbole, I'm afraid. *NM* - 04/11/2010 03:01:52 PM 573 Views
Not very much! - 04/11/2010 03:04:58 PM 895 Views
And - 04/11/2010 03:17:34 PM 1083 Views
Re: And - 04/11/2010 03:27:12 PM 1008 Views
You know what? - 04/11/2010 03:35:54 PM 770 Views
I feel so exploited now - 04/11/2010 03:31:26 PM 1200 Views
*dons detective hat* Very interesting... - 04/11/2010 03:35:08 PM 808 Views
Re: *dons detective hat* Very interesting... - 04/11/2010 03:57:04 PM 1049 Views
Another hint - 04/11/2010 04:02:54 PM 955 Views
Re: Another hint - 04/11/2010 04:23:28 PM 991 Views
Ah, Republicans and sex scandals. They go together like beer and kebabs, - 04/11/2010 04:29:19 PM 849 Views
So, that would make him mexican? *NM* - 04/11/2010 06:54:03 PM 543 Views
Hmm - 04/11/2010 04:27:00 PM 867 Views
40 hours? Really? - 06/11/2010 06:59:57 PM 974 Views
Wow. *NM* - 04/11/2010 11:56:45 PM 555 Views
No kidding. *NM* - 05/11/2010 03:08:20 AM 539 Views
All we need is for someone else to pay for our national defense and we can do it *NM* - 04/11/2010 04:16:28 PM 566 Views
That makes me even less likely to enjoy those last 8 hours. - 09/11/2010 03:12:53 PM 829 Views
They should ban something which may have effect instead. - 04/11/2010 02:27:05 PM 1074 Views
The toys do have effect. It's a positive reinforcer to eating the meal. - 04/11/2010 10:57:49 PM 782 Views
So it's back to being a small cheeseburger meal then? *NM* - 04/11/2010 02:30:34 PM 586 Views
What a bunch of morons. - 04/11/2010 06:45:31 PM 1055 Views
these are the same people who keep sending Pelosi back year after year *NM* - 04/11/2010 06:49:16 PM 421 Views
I accidentally posted this in the wrong spot. I reposted below to the original thread. - 04/11/2010 11:22:32 PM 1000 Views
Re: - 05/11/2010 12:02:41 AM 846 Views
I'm not sure what your point is. - 05/11/2010 12:42:14 AM 805 Views
That fast food is not inherently bad/unhealthy. - 05/11/2010 01:16:51 AM 997 Views
Many here don't seem to understand the purpose of the toy. - 05/11/2010 12:43:27 AM 1046 Views
I think you should assume we're not idiots - 05/11/2010 02:05:51 AM 868 Views
I never said anybody was an idiot. - 05/11/2010 04:09:51 AM 1171 Views
kids of the happy meal age should not be deciding what they get to eat - 05/11/2010 04:37:43 AM 1093 Views
This. - 05/11/2010 02:00:32 PM 809 Views
Re: kids of the happy meal age should not be deciding what they get to eat - 05/11/2010 06:27:21 PM 949 Views
Your overly-simplified psychology is wrong - 05/11/2010 01:58:55 PM 1008 Views
raw milk is banned because of the potential of illness. - 05/11/2010 06:20:01 PM 958 Views
You miss my point (or helped me make it) - 05/11/2010 07:58:59 PM 834 Views
because raw milk SALE AND DISTRIBUTION does not only affect the individual. - 05/11/2010 08:37:10 PM 1146 Views
Excuse me, I have a degree in psychology and I have oversimplified nothing. - 05/11/2010 06:42:24 PM 1108 Views
Like others have said... - 05/11/2010 08:03:09 PM 1044 Views
Jesus Christ. Are you daft or what? - 05/11/2010 11:04:41 PM 827 Views
silly rabbit, science is for suckers!! - 06/11/2010 12:28:31 AM 904 Views
psychology is a pseudoscience - 10/11/2010 07:13:52 PM 1609 Views
Well - 06/11/2010 07:27:51 PM 1120 Views
As a mother of a Wongy Junior all of 9 years... - 08/11/2010 03:07:00 AM 1139 Views
if they wanted to have a real impact they would ban drive throughs *NM* - 05/11/2010 04:39:52 AM 538 Views
My opinion: This is bad form. - 05/11/2010 01:18:25 PM 957 Views
oO but that's what's so AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS about soda.. - 06/11/2010 02:02:45 AM 961 Views
Yet again government not letting people make their own decisions - 10/11/2010 03:01:15 AM 1029 Views

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