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Oops.... Joel Send a noteboard - 06/02/2011 12:03:27 AM
No, Lebanon isn't Syria; my bad. Although Syria's been trying to "fix" that for decades no matter how many bodies it takes, and with Hezbollah in charge now they may have largely accomplished it, at least for the moment; I'll hope you'll excuse me if I don't expect Lebanon to sprout women in bikinis tomorrow or celebrate because Hezbollahs had a majority for a few weeks without imposing Sharia law.

The bottom line is that whether or not anyone wants to admit a religious basis (most of that is just a rallying point for deeply religious people who might not otherwise support militance) DEMOCRACY is at or near the top of "Western" values viewed with such disgust by most of the popular uprisings. Expecting them to PRODUCE democracy is like expecting Robespierre to crown the Pope King of France. The BEST I think we can hope for in most cases is a mostly non-violent theocracy, but since the same groups pushing for theocracies against secular nationalist governments are provincially conservative to the point of condoning and encouraging violence as penalty for transgressing religious laws, even that might be unduly optimistic.

Egypt IS different than the rest of the Mid-East though; one of the oldest civilizations on the planet and a center of culture and learning for millennia, with strong if not always friendly Western ties. It may be that Egyptians as a whole can resist the pull of theocracy, but it will be the exception rather than the rule if so. If the only brutally repressive regimes overthrown in the region wide grass roots democracy drive are pro-Western ones, while equally brutal but anti-Western tyrants in, say, Iran, grow stronger, is it really about democracy or just about expelling the Western influences of which democracy is chief?
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
This message last edited by Joel on 06/02/2011 at 12:20:37 AM
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/Media: Guardian's take on funny Americans' take on Egypt - 03/02/2011 09:32:52 PM 1119 Views
I think you should replace "Fox" by "funny Americans". - 03/02/2011 09:44:26 PM 751 Views
Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:46:42 PM 731 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:51:30 PM 672 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:52:56 PM 690 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:56:34 PM 710 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 10:18:40 PM 762 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 11:46:19 PM 772 Views
I watch/listen to Beck like I watch/listen to The Onion. - 04/02/2011 07:12:41 AM 676 Views
Are people really sure Beck hasnt started drinking again? *NM* - 03/02/2011 10:54:32 PM 326 Views
Mormon crazy Kool-aid is what he's drinking. *NM* - 04/02/2011 02:11:26 AM 300 Views
Yipeeeeee!!! LMAO. *NM* - 04/02/2011 02:34:38 AM 294 Views
I saw Guardian use the phrase balanced coverage and stopped - 04/02/2011 06:20:31 PM 682 Views
You always do this. - 05/02/2011 01:28:11 AM 702 Views
It is the irony I find funny - 07/02/2011 04:03:38 PM 624 Views
That after watching that you think the GUARDIAN'S the one over the top here? - 08/02/2011 04:02:04 PM 568 Views
sorry the Guardian is shit - 08/02/2011 04:21:09 PM 659 Views
Maybe, but I'll need evidence; regardless, that's not what this is about, is it? - 08/02/2011 04:48:06 PM 666 Views
I will buy they are both worthless - 08/02/2011 05:20:50 PM 778 Views
Oh, is Beck a "socialism fan favor[ing] the violent dicator since he can bring order and subsidies"? - 05/02/2011 08:04:17 AM 822 Views
So you are saying you have a lot in common with Glen Beck? - 07/02/2011 04:04:41 PM 761 Views
Not really. - 08/02/2011 03:46:10 PM 730 Views
it is easy to understand why Beck wants to defend Mubarak - 08/02/2011 04:23:11 PM 2125 Views
It fits his script. - 08/02/2011 04:47:05 PM 625 Views
really? can you back that statement up? - 08/02/2011 05:21:39 PM 595 Views
Glen Beck is my favorite! - 05/02/2011 07:00:28 AM 683 Views
Did find this linked article at your link interesting: - 05/02/2011 09:02:44 AM 889 Views
Here's a link for you - 05/02/2011 06:28:42 PM 939 Views
Interesting comparisons. - 06/02/2011 12:45:29 AM 842 Views
Been over all of this before, so I'll just point out that Lebanon is not Syria. *NM* - 05/02/2011 07:20:10 PM 350 Views
Oops.... - 06/02/2011 12:03:27 AM 797 Views
Gah. "Someone is wrong on the internet!", and all that, and I can't resist. - 06/02/2011 12:34:59 AM 801 Views
I know that feeling well. - 06/02/2011 01:50:41 AM 665 Views
Re: I know that feeling well. - 06/02/2011 02:15:20 AM 828 Views
Re: I know that feeling well. - 08/02/2011 04:46:07 PM 746 Views

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