Active Users:177 Time:02/06/2024 01:19:46 PM
sorry the Guardian is shit random thoughts Send a noteboard - 08/02/2011 04:21:09 PM
One extremist using the words and actions of a small group of people to smear a larger group of people complaining because an extremist is using the words and actions of a small group to smear a larger group.

Except I don't think that the Guardian is trying to smear all conservatives, just documenting the dangerously out of touch extremism of Beck, Fox and their true believers. On the plus side, it appears you ARE capable of siding with liberals against conservatives after all, so I guess that's something. Unfortunately, I think most of the liberals jumping on the bash Mubarak bandwagon are doing so largely because he's a conservative aligned with the US, largely blind to the many potential replacements as much or more brutal and repressive as he is, so I'm not sure where that leaves us. I'd love to see a peaceful democracy in Egypt; unfortunately that's just not how the Mid-East works and much of why it doesn't, no matter how many conservatives try to force it on Iraq or how many liberals try to force it on Egypt.
And soirry the "you can't make fun of our biased news source while we are trying to make fun of yours" argument really doesn't carry much weight.

The Guardian may be biased, though you'll need to provide more credible evidence than laughing at Glenn Beck, but at least it isn't predicting war to the knife in the streets of every city on Earth if Mubarak doesn't retain power. This would be a good time to remind me that the right doesn't indulge violent imagery for the sake of inflammatory rhetoric. ;)
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/Media: Guardian's take on funny Americans' take on Egypt - 03/02/2011 09:32:52 PM 1077 Views
I think you should replace "Fox" by "funny Americans". - 03/02/2011 09:44:26 PM 717 Views
Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:46:42 PM 694 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:51:30 PM 638 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:52:56 PM 652 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 09:56:34 PM 674 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 10:18:40 PM 725 Views
Re: Pfft. Synonyms. - 03/02/2011 11:46:19 PM 730 Views
I watch/listen to Beck like I watch/listen to The Onion. - 04/02/2011 07:12:41 AM 636 Views
Are people really sure Beck hasnt started drinking again? *NM* - 03/02/2011 10:54:32 PM 312 Views
Mormon crazy Kool-aid is what he's drinking. *NM* - 04/02/2011 02:11:26 AM 288 Views
Yipeeeeee!!! LMAO. *NM* - 04/02/2011 02:34:38 AM 282 Views
I saw Guardian use the phrase balanced coverage and stopped - 04/02/2011 06:20:31 PM 648 Views
You always do this. - 05/02/2011 01:28:11 AM 666 Views
It is the irony I find funny - 07/02/2011 04:03:38 PM 589 Views
That after watching that you think the GUARDIAN'S the one over the top here? - 08/02/2011 04:02:04 PM 534 Views
sorry the Guardian is shit - 08/02/2011 04:21:09 PM 619 Views
Maybe, but I'll need evidence; regardless, that's not what this is about, is it? - 08/02/2011 04:48:06 PM 629 Views
I will buy they are both worthless - 08/02/2011 05:20:50 PM 739 Views
Oh, is Beck a "socialism fan favor[ing] the violent dicator since he can bring order and subsidies"? - 05/02/2011 08:04:17 AM 777 Views
So you are saying you have a lot in common with Glen Beck? - 07/02/2011 04:04:41 PM 722 Views
Not really. - 08/02/2011 03:46:10 PM 691 Views
it is easy to understand why Beck wants to defend Mubarak - 08/02/2011 04:23:11 PM 2088 Views
It fits his script. - 08/02/2011 04:47:05 PM 587 Views
really? can you back that statement up? - 08/02/2011 05:21:39 PM 555 Views
Glen Beck is my favorite! - 05/02/2011 07:00:28 AM 650 Views
Did find this linked article at your link interesting: - 05/02/2011 09:02:44 AM 848 Views
Here's a link for you - 05/02/2011 06:28:42 PM 899 Views
Interesting comparisons. - 06/02/2011 12:45:29 AM 798 Views
Been over all of this before, so I'll just point out that Lebanon is not Syria. *NM* - 05/02/2011 07:20:10 PM 335 Views
Oops.... - 06/02/2011 12:03:27 AM 762 Views
Gah. "Someone is wrong on the internet!", and all that, and I can't resist. - 06/02/2011 12:34:59 AM 764 Views
I know that feeling well. - 06/02/2011 01:50:41 AM 631 Views
Re: I know that feeling well. - 06/02/2011 02:15:20 AM 793 Views
Re: I know that feeling well. - 08/02/2011 04:46:07 PM 710 Views

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