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Have you all heard about the Northwestern University Sex Toy Demonstration? Danu Send a noteboard - 05/03/2011 01:20:06 AM
Northwestern University sex toy show 'disturbing'

Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro Mr Schapiro pledged to investigate and to clarify what teaching methods were appropriate

A US university president has said he is "disturbed" that a psychology professor allowed a demonstration of a motorised sex toy in a lecture hall.

Morton Schapiro of Northwestern University called the decision to allow a naked woman to demonstrate use of the device last month "poor judgement".

About 100 students observed the proceedings following a lecture session for a class on human sexuality.

Attendance was voluntary and students had been warned what to expect.
Controversial topics

On 21 February, psychology professor Michael Bailey held a lecture on sexual arousal, with a focus on certain aspects of female physiology, according to a statement he released on Wednesday.

Prof Bailey said another guest lecturer, Ken Melvoin-Berg, had proposed the demonstration and he could not think of a legitimate reason why the students should not have that opportunity in the name of inquiry.

"Student feedback for this event was uniformly positive," Prof Bailey said.

The demonstrator, Faith Kroll, told the Chicago Tribune she enjoyed the attention.

"I was more than happy to," she said. "We had fun with it. I'm an exhibitionist."

On Thursday, Mr Schapiro said in a statement it was in the nature of a university to teach and research controversial topics.

But he said the demonstration "represented extremely poor judgement on the part of our faculty member" and said he was "troubled and disappointed".

"I simply do not believe this was appropriate, necessary or in keeping with Northwestern University's academic mission," he said.

He promised an investigation and to clarify "what constitutes appropriate pedagogy".

OCWIATJ Forever!
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Have you all heard about the Northwestern University Sex Toy Demonstration? - 05/03/2011 01:20:06 AM 1206 Views
Random thoughts posted about it the other day - 05/03/2011 01:25:22 AM 502 Views
Why would this be inappropriate? The lecture was on human sexuality. *NM* - 05/03/2011 04:19:46 AM 238 Views
If this was at my school, I would feel...weird. - 05/03/2011 05:22:15 AM 548 Views
Isn't education supposed to expand your mind? - 06/03/2011 07:38:02 PM 523 Views
No it is supposed to fill it with knowledge - 07/03/2011 04:02:17 PM 731 Views
To quote Philip Pullman and Archbishop Rowan Williams... - 09/03/2011 02:23:51 AM 741 Views
I think it's a pretty valid point of contention whether - 09/03/2011 01:41:23 PM 693 Views
This.... - 09/03/2011 07:44:03 PM 573 Views
Get fulfilled on your own dime - 09/03/2011 02:03:43 PM 489 Views
The least surprising thing about this entire article - 05/03/2011 04:40:50 AM 565 Views
Sounds like a rational proffesor *NM* - 05/03/2011 05:31:11 AM 242 Views
The reaction would make sense if these were schoolchildren. - 05/03/2011 09:02:13 AM 584 Views
I think it is pretty easy to question the value and the wisdom - 05/03/2011 11:57:55 AM 522 Views
That would be a valid concern - 06/03/2011 05:01:13 AM 499 Views
It remains a valid concern - 06/03/2011 11:52:34 PM 535 Views
fine then let them give back the land they were given - 07/03/2011 01:20:23 PM 586 Views
I do not see the problem - 05/03/2011 09:48:06 AM 525 Views
I think it was poorly done - 05/03/2011 01:28:31 PM 642 Views
This is a very good objection. *NM* - 06/03/2011 02:36:43 AM 231 Views
I know I'm 12 years old in my head - 08/03/2011 01:25:00 PM 651 Views
From the information given, I do not see the problem - 07/03/2011 03:05:01 PM 794 Views
would you be OK with a proffesor leading the Lord's Prayer and Pledge of Allgience? - 07/03/2011 03:32:19 PM 491 Views
If religon was the subject of the lecture, - 07/03/2011 04:18:05 PM 633 Views
I don't thinik there is any reason to feint in horror over this - 07/03/2011 04:33:25 PM 504 Views
You are assuming that there is no educational value - 07/03/2011 04:46:03 PM 544 Views
poppycock - 07/03/2011 06:48:30 PM 514 Views
Hardly - 07/03/2011 11:39:48 PM 614 Views
I actually agree with this. *NM* - 08/03/2011 01:55:37 PM 219 Views
I loved him on America's Got Talent *NM* - 11/03/2011 02:00:07 AM 226 Views
I agree with the uproar. - 08/03/2011 03:52:29 PM 631 Views
Re: I agree with the uproar. - 08/03/2011 10:03:33 PM 612 Views
true but they were not told there would be a live sex show until after it started - 08/03/2011 10:50:01 PM 563 Views
True. In that case, I'd have called everyone who left and told them to come back. - 09/03/2011 01:09:00 AM 637 Views
Not sure it rates national incident status - 09/03/2011 02:05:46 PM 526 Views
I agree with most of this. - 09/03/2011 09:42:53 AM 489 Views

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