Active Users:219 Time:12/06/2024 08:26:11 PM
well...if he thought it was rabid and didn't know how bad an effect the spray would have... LadyLorraine Send a noteboard - 11/04/2011 02:48:17 PM
I'm finding it pretty hard to condemn his actions. For a baby squirrel to be chasing students is unusual enough that it's worth considering rabies. Losing fear of people to such a degree as this baby squirrel is a huge red flag for rabies in wild animals.

The best course of action would have been to contain the squirrel until animal control could get there. But rabies is a big deal folks. It's REALLY easy to brush it off because it's relatively rare for humans to get it, but if you do you're F*D up a creek without a paddle.

I do hate to say it because I'm sure I'm going to ballasted...but if I had to exchange a few minutes of pepper-spray pain in a baby squirrel for the life of any human (or other animal, for that matter), I wouldn't pick the squirrel.

This cop did not behave optimally, but I think it would be equally wrong to entirely condemn his actions as well.
Still Empress of the Poofy Purple Pillow Pile Palace!!
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
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Rampaging baby squirrel pepper sprayed by Texas cop - 11/04/2011 06:01:33 AM 1085 Views
What an idiot - 11/04/2011 01:39:47 PM 529 Views
Yes because it's very easy to grab a squirrel - 11/04/2011 03:00:05 PM 494 Views
The squirrel was running towards him, which simplifies matter a lot - 11/04/2011 11:44:24 PM 537 Views
Do not anger our overlords! *NM* - 11/04/2011 02:03:49 PM 205 Views
well...if he thought it was rabid and didn't know how bad an effect the spray would have... - 11/04/2011 02:48:17 PM 572 Views
I agree. - 11/04/2011 03:20:55 PM 493 Views
Ayup. You do not mess around with rabies. *NM* - 11/04/2011 06:49:39 PM 240 Views
He would have been an idiot if he had done what you suggested - 11/04/2011 07:13:28 PM 497 Views
I looked it up on youtube - 11/04/2011 07:18:33 PM 563 Views
A Red Neck's opinion. - 11/04/2011 11:51:11 PM 546 Views
A lot more paperwork, though. *NM* - 12/04/2011 12:01:33 AM 202 Views
A lot more fun, though. *NM* - 12/04/2011 12:43:23 AM 246 Views
I totally missed the rabies thing - 12/04/2011 12:01:04 AM 457 Views
Squirrels are pretty fast. - 12/04/2011 01:40:20 AM 569 Views
yah, the big red flag for me was the ATTRACTION to humans - 12/04/2011 01:53:27 AM 452 Views
Actually, that is not an uncommon behavior among juvenile squirrels - 12/04/2011 11:18:52 AM 553 Views
Hmm, I was not aware. and I doubt the cop was either - 12/04/2011 02:05:21 PM 454 Views
I checked with my dog - 12/04/2011 02:06:39 AM 415 Views
Probably makes them easier to catch *NM* - 12/04/2011 02:33:53 AM 248 Views
Also, he likes his food extra spicy *NM* - 12/04/2011 03:02:25 AM 227 Views
Your dog has good taste *NM* - 12/04/2011 03:33:48 AM 271 Views

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