Active Users:148 Time:02/06/2024 02:19:09 PM
There's been a lot of great threads lately! Vivien Send a noteboard - 27/04/2011 07:52:21 PM
There was Rachel's thread about breasts (well maybe it didn't start out being all about breasts) and personally I think my apostle thread was gold. All the recent threads about souls/religion/atheism were great.

Like some of you, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. Right?

I think you'll do just fine.:D
I feel like I have three options (obviously, I have many more - but most are just a derivative of these three options). I'm curious to see what advice people might have, both based off of their own personal experience, and that which they've witnessed by watching other people succeed or fail.


Scenario one: I currently have a pretty good job that's mine for as long as I want it. I earn a really decent living - given my age and location - and I'm fairly comfortable in the metropolitan area that I live in. My company would allow me to take a masters program and would slowly pay for it for me, all the while continuing to pay me more money than I deserve. The masters would likely not be in something I'm interested in, but would allow me to earn ~100,000+ or so within a few years. The program that I got the masters in would likely not be all that prestigious, since I'd work and go at the same time - which would take a while.

Pros: I already have this job, the money is good, I don't hate where I live.

Cons: I'm incredibly bored, it'll never make me rich (which I might need, since I have no familial safety net whatsoever and don't have a strong desire to procreate), you only live once, and I often find myself fantasizing about destroying my computer with a baseball bat.


Scenario two: I work for another year at my job, saving money. In the interim period I take my GRE/GMAT, and try to get a really good score on it. I'm fairly good at standardized tests (I passed my CPA exam using $30 books, while most people used $2,000 software. Granted it was fucking boring, baby) and I think I could get a really good grade. I use this really good grade to get a masters in something that will compliment my work experience and education (I'm thinking a masters in information systems or management systems, or something more technically math based - I'm open to suggestions) preferably at a fairly good institution. I'd go the law school route but I'm really not sure what that job market will look like down the road, since all the new grads are really saturating the marketplace.

Pros: It could allow me to really increase my income potential, assuming I move to a much bigger city. It will provide me with greater job security ~5 - 10 years down the line. Going back to school would be interesting.

Cons: I have to quit my job (which is boring, etc). I'll have to incur substantial debt for a couple of years. Maybe I end up basically where I'd be in scenario 1, but with more debt.


Scenario three: I save up money for a year. Additionally, I get a smallish annuity payout next year around this time, which gives me a little more buffer. I also have very little debt, so if I don't go back to school or buy a house, I'll be debt free in a year or two anyway. I quit my job and drive cross country, and live somewhere on the West Coast. I get a simpler job and try to write sort of full timish, and give it a year or two and see what happens.

Pros: I've never done anything "cool and exciting" like moving someplace completely different, and I'd love to. I work a lot, currently, and working less would be nice - which would be totally doable, because I'd have a lot of money saved anyway. I've written a few short stories which I've been told are good, and I'd like the opportunity to spend more than ~10 hours a week reading or writing what I love.

Cons: I'd make no money, and good writers are a dime a dozen. I'd know no one wherever I moved to (minor to me - but I say that out of context). I might end up being completely unsuccessful and burning through a lot of money, only to have to go back to one of the other scenarios anyway.


Pertinent information: I'm a youngish 28 - nearly 29. I like really dark chocolate, like 80% cocoa content. I often find something I'm afraid of doing, and then try to do it. I prefer brunettes. I agree with George that the cured meats are, indeed, the most sensual - and I also really like roasted beets. Sometimes - even though I read that it was impossible - I try to imagine what it would be like to be a bat.
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I Seek Life Advice - 26/04/2011 02:52:23 AM 1147 Views
Random bits of advice: - 26/04/2011 03:23:56 AM 778 Views
Re: Thanks. - 26/04/2011 03:29:52 AM 558 Views
Re: Thanks. - 26/04/2011 04:01:32 AM 817 Views
I don't understand why NY is not on your radar if you're ambitious. - 26/04/2011 06:10:06 AM 772 Views
NYC is for city people. - 26/04/2011 06:22:59 AM 700 Views
That's fair- NY is the ultimate city. *NM* - 26/04/2011 08:24:58 PM 245 Views
This is such a typical New Yorker post. *NM* - 26/04/2011 08:52:14 AM 281 Views
Re: It is under option two. - 26/04/2011 11:50:40 AM 753 Views
Ok then! - 26/04/2011 08:24:32 PM 707 Views
Re: Yeah. - 26/04/2011 09:01:08 PM 541 Views
I love this post *NM* - 26/04/2011 02:44:11 PM 276 Views
I would if I hadn't just bought a house with the tax credit. - 26/04/2011 03:01:23 PM 791 Views
"the ambitious folk" sounds odd to me. - 26/04/2011 06:55:40 PM 622 Views
Oh, I know. - 26/04/2011 07:04:16 PM 518 Views
I'm still not convinced two wrongs make a right. - 26/04/2011 07:37:22 PM 499 Views
Re: I'm still not convinced two wrongs make a right. - 26/04/2011 08:19:38 PM 567 Views
You're ignoring a few key facts. - 27/04/2011 05:25:39 AM 544 Views
Ha! -if that's true. - 27/04/2011 08:18:47 PM 903 Views
Move out west. - 26/04/2011 06:21:43 AM 647 Views
Re: Ha! - 26/04/2011 11:53:09 AM 633 Views
What's your personality like? - 26/04/2011 11:19:59 AM 726 Views
Re: That's a great reply - thanks. - 26/04/2011 12:03:05 PM 761 Views
That's not very nice. - 26/04/2011 08:29:11 PM 692 Views
Re: Setting: - 26/04/2011 08:59:02 PM 577 Views
Did she ever actually cheat on you? - 26/04/2011 09:39:15 PM 670 Views
Re: I thought I sent you a drunk email with the details? - 26/04/2011 11:41:26 PM 696 Views
Re: Seattle. - 27/04/2011 05:32:23 PM 943 Views
Re: What do I think about that picture? - 27/04/2011 11:59:06 PM 721 Views
Come to Ireland. - 26/04/2011 01:31:55 PM 593 Views
Ireland is a great place for writers. *NM* - 26/04/2011 04:11:04 PM 300 Views
Suicidal, drunk and otherwise self-destructive writers, yes. *NM* - 26/04/2011 06:49:55 PM 287 Views
The best kind! *NM* - 26/04/2011 07:09:06 PM 282 Views
*I* was going to say that! - 26/04/2011 08:25:50 PM 518 Views
To read, perhaps, but not to BE. - 27/04/2011 05:26:40 AM 662 Views
Re: I'm just not sure... - 27/04/2011 02:51:39 AM 576 Views
Re: I'm just not sure... - 27/04/2011 01:23:14 PM 593 Views
Option 4: Dance - 26/04/2011 02:31:09 PM 735 Views
Re: Have my children. - 26/04/2011 09:08:05 PM 609 Views
$30? I fucking hate you - 26/04/2011 03:19:26 PM 567 Views
take the the risk and go with three *NM* - 26/04/2011 05:44:21 PM 435 Views
Re: Thanks for the advice. I'm dwelling on'er. *NM* - 27/04/2011 12:06:37 AM 283 Views
There will likely come a time in your life when you lose some of your choices about taking risk - 27/04/2011 05:08:48 PM 745 Views
Good point. *NM* - 28/04/2011 06:17:04 AM 277 Views
Join the Foreign Legion - 26/04/2011 06:57:21 PM 533 Views
Re: Yeah m, but: - 27/04/2011 12:08:43 AM 695 Views
I have to say this has been the MOST enjoyable thread, in a while. whatever happens... - 27/04/2011 02:30:05 AM 669 Views
There's been a lot of great threads lately! - 27/04/2011 07:52:21 PM 691 Views
Re: You're just jealous... - 27/04/2011 11:56:17 PM 823 Views
Cute! ^_^ - 28/04/2011 06:16:25 AM 612 Views
I hardly think I am qualified to chime in. - 28/04/2011 06:13:02 AM 915 Views
I'LL GIVE YOU SOME ADVICE. - 28/04/2011 06:35:24 PM 574 Views

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