Active Users:138 Time:17/06/2024 09:19:01 PM
I have no idea what his qualifications, if any, are. Armand Hammer Send a noteboard - 04/10/2011 09:01:51 PM
Is he a chemist? biologist? doctor?

It's less a personal attack on him. He might be very good at researching his subject material, and his reputation that I can find on wiki and such seems to suggest such...

but He's DEFINITELY not an "Expert opinion", and the way you referred to him initially led me to the impression you felt he was.

It's just a personal thing. I'm kind of fed up with people ignoring experts for decision making, and it's irritating to me when people act like they know wtf they're talking about. I saw a question/answer site about various points of animal medicine, and the columnist was not a veterinarian and, in fact, didn't have any reference about her credentials beyond "PhD" (which could be anything). It's just something that irritates me.

He seems pretty knowledgable, and I've never heard anyone question his veracity. He seems to source his stuff pretty well, but could be pulling it out of his butt for all I know.

How 'bout this: Cecil Adams' Straight Dope is as reliable a source of medical information as any other random post in a parody thread by a man who's been dead for 22 years on a fan fiction site. If you feel obliged to seek a second opinion you may do so with my blessing (and encouragement.) ;)
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Baking Soda - 04/10/2011 05:21:00 PM 854 Views
Question: Why are you such a communist? - 04/10/2011 05:27:34 PM 627 Views
Deus vult...? - 04/10/2011 05:44:46 PM 576 Views
Jacob McCarthy? *NM* - 04/10/2011 10:08:53 PM 296 Views
Fantastic question. *NM* - 05/10/2011 12:54:12 AM 273 Views
Why is it such a miracle substance? - 04/10/2011 05:30:41 PM 562 Views
That's easy... - 04/10/2011 05:32:50 PM 596 Views
I always thought ... - 04/10/2011 05:36:19 PM 467 Views
*groan* - 04/10/2011 05:40:05 PM 600 Views
I think you're right. - 04/10/2011 05:50:49 PM 633 Views
*slap* - 04/10/2011 05:40:16 PM 534 Views
Pfft. That was a comedic pot of gold. - 04/10/2011 05:49:52 PM 635 Views
-___- - 04/10/2011 06:19:38 PM 528 Views
Baking Soda is the dandruff of the Mighty Soda God - 04/10/2011 05:43:46 PM 618 Views
Again, Deus vult; 'tis the nature of religion to produce the miraculous. - 04/10/2011 05:45:50 PM 521 Views
HERETIC! ACIDIFIST!!! - 04/10/2011 06:13:11 PM 455 Views
Much like a pre-ordered copy of Knife of Dreams, you would make fantastic kindling. - 04/10/2011 07:04:42 PM 578 Views
*sad head shake* - 04/10/2011 08:11:41 PM 549 Views
I knew your head would start spinning soon, sure to be followed by foaming at the mouth. - 04/10/2011 09:01:47 PM 598 Views
I weep for your loss, brother - 04/10/2011 10:15:46 PM 559 Views
Me peace is complete; my stomach, settled. - 04/10/2011 10:24:29 PM 431 Views
hey it causes anti-acid trips, im not going near it *NM* - 04/10/2011 05:34:12 PM 323 Views
Free your mind from the shackles of reactionary dogma. - 04/10/2011 05:47:46 PM 576 Views
ever been on an anti-acid trip? - 04/10/2011 11:33:06 PM 567 Views
I have been on every trip, some of them more than once. - 05/10/2011 12:50:09 AM 593 Views
why does my doctor tell me not take baking soda for indigestion? *NM* - 04/10/2011 05:41:04 PM 293 Views
sodium. - 04/10/2011 05:44:51 PM 572 Views
Yeah, what she said. - 04/10/2011 05:51:58 PM 713 Views
who the hell is "Cecil"? - 04/10/2011 06:10:05 PM 540 Views
Cecil Adams? You are unfamiliar with The Straight Dope? - 04/10/2011 06:55:07 PM 612 Views
I still don't see a single qualification. - 04/10/2011 08:18:40 PM 588 Views
I have no idea what his qualifications, if any, are. - 04/10/2011 09:01:51 PM 557 Views
like I said, it's not necessarily personal against HIM - 04/10/2011 10:18:25 PM 511 Views
Cecil has been known to cite. - 04/10/2011 10:47:00 PM 602 Views
- 04/10/2011 09:46:59 PM 582 Views
I choose to take that as a compliment. - 04/10/2011 10:25:14 PM 572 Views
I LOVE Baking Soda - 04/10/2011 11:17:38 PM 525 Views
Preach it sister! *NM* - 04/10/2011 11:47:30 PM 315 Views
Peace be with you. - 05/10/2011 12:50:30 AM 518 Views
"Holy trinity of medicine"?! *NM* - 05/10/2011 12:57:38 AM 385 Views
Tasty, too. - 05/10/2011 01:09:57 AM 547 Views
not fishermans friend?! Blasphemer! *slams door on the way out* *NM* - 05/10/2011 02:36:22 AM 376 Views
That is also acceptable, Bob's your uncle, as the saying goes. - 05/10/2011 03:06:10 AM 516 Views
Down with baking soda! Long live baking powder! *NM* - 05/10/2011 05:18:42 AM 548 Views
Baking powder IS baking soda. - 05/10/2011 06:16:29 AM 543 Views
Oh my god no it isn't STOP SPREADING YOUR LIES. - 05/10/2011 09:51:21 PM 543 Views
Yes, it is, but it is not ONLY baking soda. - 05/10/2011 10:26:52 PM 666 Views
Nomoreso than steel is iron. - 06/10/2011 08:57:59 AM 556 Views
Noranylesso. - 06/10/2011 11:45:05 AM 567 Views
Fungible??? Damn, you went hardcore vocab there! *NM* - 06/10/2011 05:10:28 AM 275 Views
I've been reading The Ascent of Money. *NM* - 06/10/2011 08:58:41 AM 260 Views
So does it remove enamel from teeth or strengthen it? *NM* - 05/10/2011 01:34:03 PM 288 Views
Yes. - 05/10/2011 03:24:19 PM 515 Views
Can it be used to wash clothing? *NM* - 05/10/2011 01:34:26 PM 282 Views
Sure. - 05/10/2011 03:25:56 PM 479 Views

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