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Exactly Dark Knight Send a noteboard - 10/11/2012 05:07:01 PM
Like Dark Knight said, it's the freedom from real repsonsibility. Plus, you're so close to being an adult. You get to do all these near-adult things, but without the fear of real consequences. There's probably also the wonder of discovery of one's self--what do I really care about, what am I good at, what am I going to do with my life. That is the time when those big questions start to get answered. And people have such big, idealistic ideas about their future. Looking back, some people forget the details, but remember the general sense of it and miss that.

Now, all that's not completely true, of course. Some people never experience those things and others do it a bit later while in college. It's all individual. It's really a poor general statement, probably most often used by the people, that Tom mentioned, that peaked in high school.

But that's why they say it.

Also, it's the last time you are submerged in an enviroment with people you have grown up with your entire life (unless you moved of course). Maybe there is a girl or boy you had a crush on for many years and you relish the opportunities to see them every day, to flirt with them, and just be around them. It's a time when you start dating and when you discover the joys of kissing, holding hands, and maybe even sex. It's a time when you go to parties, maybe drink some beer, do wild things you will never do when you grow up. High school is bascially a time when you first experience all the adult things without the weight of responsibility.
Formerly Mat Bloody Cauthon on Wotmania, blessed be its name
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You know how a lot of TV shows and films say that high school is the best time of your life... - 10/11/2012 12:48:48 AM 661 Views
I enjoyed high school. Wasn't the best time I had. *NM* - 10/11/2012 12:59:19 AM 300 Views
The sorts of people you know didn't peak in high school. - 10/11/2012 02:36:18 AM 419 Views
High school is by far not the best time of your life - 10/11/2012 04:14:36 AM 447 Views
When I reminisce, I think of childhood pre-high school or my college years. - 10/11/2012 04:24:42 AM 435 Views
It's the end of responsibility-free days that people miss *NM* - 10/11/2012 01:12:31 PM 161 Views
They must mean university, surely. - 10/11/2012 01:26:52 PM 418 Views
Agreed - 10/11/2012 02:53:28 PM 403 Views
Same here. - 10/11/2012 05:44:11 PM 379 Views
Why they say it. - 10/11/2012 04:30:47 PM 424 Views
Exactly - 10/11/2012 05:07:01 PM 384 Views
I think it is just an old meme - 11/11/2012 03:43:48 PM 388 Views
Worse yet, my mother used to say that when I was still in high school. - 11/11/2012 09:55:19 PM 506 Views

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