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Offers you a drink Roland00 Send a noteboard - 04/08/2016 04:45:14 AM

For the most part we are in agreement, at least I agree with this sentence

We need to reform the primary system and the not bat shit crazy have a voice.

I am so glad what happened in Kansas District Number 1 (West Kansas to Hutchinson). I used to live in Kansas District Number 4 (which borders district number 1) which now has Mike Pompeo but used to have Todd Tiahrt as a representative. Kansas District Number 1 Tim Huelskamp was one of the most extreme tea party people who was against any form of cooperation with obama, he was one of the major people of the "freedom caucus" who ultimate purpose was to prevent legislation from getting through and to remove Boehner as speaker of the house.

View original postI have lots of good reasons to not vote for either one. What don't have is good reason to vote for either one of them.

I personally see Trump as more dangerous, not because Clinton is better but because you can't play around with stuff like nukes, and things like impeachment can't undue the foreign policy stuff after things blow up. Your logic would work on most counter institution politicians but Donald Trump is literally that unpredictable.


This is getting way too much in the weeds and it is an analogy that may not work for donald trump, but we been learning a lot about narcissism but also other disorders from the neuroanatomy and the real time neural reactions in things like fMRI. Well in decision making processes they do not engage enough of a brain area called the insula and the insula does many things but one of which is interoceptive awareness and it provides several parts of key thought process tied to self reflection and self awareness. Without enough activation of the insula in decision making process you are not good at emotionally saliency pivoting.

Put another way it is the part of the brain that tells you to not to poke this for nothing good will occur after going after gold star families. What occurs with narcissism is your brain is not good at change when change switches from this used to be a good idea to this is now a very bad idea. The insula is needed for that internal self awareness to then trigger another brain area called the anterior cingulate and to engage the Stop function and the emotional gear shifter. Instead the amygdala is in complete control of the anterior cingulate and it says attack and defend for you are being threatened. (the insula and the amygdala are two brain areas tied to emotion)

Put another way it encourages you to double down, and to fight through it even if your rational brain can point out all of the flaws. But emotionally you just do not care for your emotional brain can't use another emotional brain area to create a controversy to create a pause and tell your brain I have two emotions what should I do. Instead you only feel one emotion, and your rational brain ignores the rational advice everyone else is giving you, instead you just discount everything they are saying for it does not go with your internal narrative.

I do not know if this makes any sense to you Random Thoughts, but what I am saying is narcissism which you can debate Donald Trump is or is not makes it easy to do self deception.

I am not going to decide whether he is a narcissist or not, but he is definitely acting like one, and when people give him good advice on why he needs to stop, he just can't help himself and he is acting in ways that are so against his own interest.

And many people just do not get it, and donald trump is not getting why these people have a difference of opinion than him, he feels the need to attack to defend his honor.

And here I am stuck watching a train about to run into a brick wall and there is nothing I can do to stop the upcoming horror.

View original postI have lots of good reasons to not vote for either one. What don't have is good reason to vote for either one of them.

Sounds like you need a drink, not to make a decision, but just because you deserve a drink.

Offers you a beer or a cranberry vodka? What would be your choice RT?

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apparently, insulting the family of a dead decorated US veteran is a winning campaign strategy - 01/08/2016 05:15:44 PM 1060 Views
Somone need to take the man's tweeter account away from him. - 01/08/2016 05:37:47 PM 545 Views
Yeah - wasn't that what the firing of Lewandowski and promoting Manafort was all about? - 01/08/2016 05:57:18 PM 585 Views
This election has shown mew that everything I know about politics is condintional - 01/08/2016 07:33:05 PM 466 Views
two things - 01/08/2016 08:39:15 PM 485 Views
I somehow have my doubts about her gaining all that many Republican votes. - 01/08/2016 11:11:20 PM 532 Views
If you have a traditional conservative position on foreign policy Hillary is closer. - 02/08/2016 08:12:09 PM 531 Views
Do you trust donald trump with nukes? - 04/08/2016 02:37:10 AM 595 Views
No but ithink he will be impeached. Of course I don't trust Pence either. - 04/08/2016 04:14:36 AM 507 Views
Offers you a drink - 04/08/2016 04:45:14 AM 529 Views
Manafort is more professional than Lewandowski - 02/08/2016 01:01:51 AM 441 Views
Certain people think differently than other people. - 02/08/2016 12:57:55 AM 562 Views
I hate them both but t some point I have to ask if I am willing to have Hillary in office - 03/08/2016 05:05:10 PM 544 Views
If this is too personal tell me to stop - 04/08/2016 02:56:34 AM 534 Views
Trump has nothing to go on but the idiocy of his opponents. - 02/08/2016 11:41:13 AM 553 Views
The media's role in this has become disgusting - 03/08/2016 04:38:24 PM 540 Views
It's been disgusting and partisan for over fifty years now. - 03/08/2016 11:35:43 PM 558 Views
I am sorry RT but yes it does allow you to do that - 04/08/2016 02:00:40 AM 512 Views
No nothing gives you that to attack others with no chance for them to respond - 07/08/2016 09:06:36 PM 511 Views
Random Thoughts, you need to read the speech that got Donald Trump so hot boiled - 09/08/2016 08:32:23 AM 517 Views
Sorry but that all boils down to who you agree with - 09/08/2016 12:06:32 PM 498 Views
Trump really tanking in the polls, I think he's going to drop out - 04/08/2016 06:15:30 PM 531 Views

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