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~Puts down the pitchfork~ Geoff Send a noteboard - 02/09/2009 02:13:11 PM
~Whistles innocently and steps in front of the noose dangling down from a nearby tree~


'tis the real me!

I'd say ask me anything to prove it, but chances are I don't remember the answer anyway ;)

How are are you? Steph? various offspring?

Hehe, yeah, it's been awhile huh? We're pretty good. Money sucks (as ever) but other than that good. Looking forward to the kid's summer holidays being over though! And speaking of the kids are doing well. Darren is doing his A Levels, Jay is just starting his GCSEs, Cam is about to enter his 3rd year of primary school and Finn, at 3, starts school himself in another year. It's madness I tells ya!

How about you, what are you up to these days? Hell, which part of Oz are you even living in now? Also, are you on facebook? if so I'll NB you my details so that I can hassle you more regularly ;)

It's really good to see you here. Really good :)
Bitter, twisted and better than you.
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Welcome, one and all, to - 30/08/2009 09:23:32 AM 21987 Views
First reply? - 30/08/2009 10:04:30 AM 4609 Views
Looks really good from what I can see! Well done! *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:05:15 AM 3505 Views
*comments* - 30/08/2009 10:09:32 AM 5083 Views
No looking at replies? *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:12:49 AM 3260 Views
replies links are to *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:13:45 AM 3231 Views
Um? I can't read replies? *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:13:07 AM 3540 Views
Unlike the rest of this sorry bunch, I have logged the bug of the replies in the bugloggingplace *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:14:59 AM 3450 Views
Good Show! *NM* - 30/08/2009 04:07:21 PM 3475 Views
Yanden from Wotmania here - 30/08/2009 10:17:33 AM 5267 Views
Lovely! *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:24:08 AM 3602 Views
Yeah yeah, don't see what all the fuss is about... - 30/08/2009 10:26:36 AM 5090 Views
Re: Yeah yeah, don't see what all the fuss is about... - 30/08/2009 10:45:10 AM 4452 Views
Pfft. - 30/08/2009 05:53:48 PM 4842 Views
to avoid any more heartbreaks... - 30/08/2009 10:27:25 AM 5177 Views
I've made it!! - 30/08/2009 10:27:28 AM 4798 Views
Hello *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:28:55 AM 3384 Views
My first response is... Thanks for thehard work!!! *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:29:36 AM 3608 Views
Great work, Ben! Err...quick question about sig images: - 30/08/2009 10:33:50 AM 4823 Views
A-Hah! Cracked it! - 30/08/2009 10:59:36 AM 5056 Views
Thank you for creating this site. D *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:44:01 AM 3368 Views
Thank you, it's awesome!! *NM* - 30/08/2009 11:19:37 AM 3285 Views
Thank you so much - 30/08/2009 11:21:47 AM 4746 Views
Thanks Ben - 30/08/2009 11:49:11 AM 4638 Views
Fantastic. I love some of the changes you made. *NM* - 30/08/2009 11:57:59 AM 3550 Views
Thank you for all the hard work - 30/08/2009 11:59:17 AM 4870 Views
Ya did good, Ben. *NM* - 30/08/2009 12:30:09 PM 3410 Views
Hello world! - 30/08/2009 01:55:55 PM 4698 Views
Ben - 30/08/2009 02:18:12 PM 5391 Views
Glad you're here: I was wondering what we'd rename "NGFT" to. Now we won't have to! *NM* - 30/08/2009 03:03:03 PM 4562 Views
- 30/08/2009 11:51:07 PM 6214 Views
Did you remember to bring Cleanadorâ„¢? *NM* - 30/08/2009 08:23:09 PM 4807 Views
That was one post I wish I had saved before the crash. - 30/08/2009 11:53:00 PM 5877 Views
I wish too! - 31/08/2009 04:43:24 PM 6044 Views
Ah, nothing like performance anxiety... *NM* - 31/08/2009 09:19:03 PM 4427 Views
Yes, my expectations are high. - 01/09/2009 06:36:45 PM 5871 Views
Did it really start with one post? My memory is like a sieve. *NM* - 31/08/2009 07:07:52 PM 4652 Views
Aw, you're a good monkey, Ben. - 30/08/2009 02:42:11 PM 5946 Views
Dear foolish, wonderful Ben - 30/08/2009 03:11:48 PM 6130 Views
N00b! *NM* - 30/08/2009 03:12:10 PM 4559 Views
Is this thing on? Check, check, test, test..... - 30/08/2009 04:06:06 PM 5907 Views
yay! so very exciting!!! *NM* - 30/08/2009 05:06:20 PM 4671 Views
Excellent job! Now back to lurking for another 5 years... *NM* *NM* - 30/08/2009 05:08:13 PM 3575 Views
Ha! I echo those sentiments. *NM* - 02/09/2009 01:40:28 PM 5644 Views
Thanks a whole pile, Ben. You obviously put in lots of work. - 02/09/2009 01:42:07 PM 6218 Views
You two... - 05/09/2009 10:35:35 AM 5317 Views
I'm so happy, I might cry. - 30/08/2009 05:20:54 PM 4936 Views
Thank you, very much this is awesome! Good job. *NM* - 30/08/2009 05:23:09 PM 3301 Views
Phenomenal; and you were worried.... - 30/08/2009 05:25:13 PM 8344 Views
Welcome all! *NM* - 30/08/2009 06:03:07 PM 3852 Views
Let's us make this a good one! See ya all on the boards! *NM* - 30/08/2009 06:30:04 PM 3189 Views
It seems you woke up, then. Well done. - 30/08/2009 06:50:35 PM 3581 Views
Hi - 30/08/2009 07:39:42 PM 4605 Views
You guys did such a good job... - 30/08/2009 08:10:15 PM 4732 Views
I cannot begin to tell you how much this is appreciated. - 30/08/2009 08:11:00 PM 4530 Views
Great job - 30/08/2009 08:41:17 PM 4744 Views
thank you... this is really awesome. *NM* - 30/08/2009 10:36:06 PM 3246 Views
So... green... - 30/08/2009 10:37:18 PM 3791 Views
Poor Brad - 30/08/2009 10:43:59 PM 5443 Views
Thanks for all the work! - 30/08/2009 10:37:55 PM 4669 Views
I have arrived - 30/08/2009 11:27:21 PM 4842 Views
YAY! Kaze is back! *NM* - 30/08/2009 11:57:36 PM 3494 Views
Hello RAFO.. I'm glad this site has started *NM* - 31/08/2009 12:41:55 AM 3324 Views
general w00tage of a lighthearted and gleeful nature *NM* - 31/08/2009 12:44:33 AM 3324 Views
Holy green - 31/08/2009 02:55:59 AM 3401 Views
Yay! Super psyched! - 31/08/2009 03:16:15 AM 4695 Views
Thanks for all your hard work. - 31/08/2009 03:44:57 AM 4684 Views
Thank You *NM* - 31/08/2009 05:13:05 AM 3364 Views
Hey, all. Just stopping by to say I'm here *NM* - 31/08/2009 06:04:58 AM 3290 Views
Love the new site! - 31/08/2009 06:05:56 AM 4610 Views
When I clicked the quickpoll responses... - 31/08/2009 06:51:05 AM 4698 Views
Shiny and new *NM* - 31/08/2009 07:02:28 AM 2392 Views
Lozzy! - 01/09/2009 12:20:53 PM 4242 Views
Geoffy! - 02/09/2009 04:10:29 AM 4420 Views
~Puts down the pitchfork~ - 02/09/2009 02:13:11 PM 4777 Views
*tries to peer behind geoffy* - 03/09/2009 02:36:25 AM 4731 Views
Thanks for all of your hard work - 31/08/2009 02:08:18 PM 4357 Views
Yay! - 31/08/2009 06:03:36 PM 4151 Views
You rock. - 31/08/2009 06:36:26 PM 4657 Views
And he makes the leap just before closing! - 31/08/2009 06:48:54 PM 4524 Views
Hey SW! Long time no see. - 31/08/2009 11:27:11 PM 4284 Views
Excellent! But you need your sig back again. - 02/09/2009 05:10:41 PM 4913 Views
Great work! - 31/08/2009 07:40:49 PM 4467 Views
I love the book symbol - 31/08/2009 11:22:19 PM 4484 Views
Woo hoo! The green was a bit odd, though.... *NM* - 01/09/2009 05:17:22 AM 3459 Views
Hey *NM* - 01/09/2009 07:42:55 AM 3327 Views
Hello everybody - 01/09/2009 11:51:47 AM 4641 Views
Hey people - 01/09/2009 12:22:53 PM 4702 Views
Awesome job Ben. Very well done. *NM* - 01/09/2009 12:57:21 PM 3508 Views
Fantastic! Looks good! GREAT Work and THANK YOU! *NM* - 01/09/2009 05:38:16 PM 3113 Views
The place looks great... - 01/09/2009 06:52:01 PM 4622 Views
Hello! - 02/09/2009 08:23:35 PM 4542 Views
Ye made mine too. Good to see you. *NM* - 04/09/2009 09:17:56 PM 3386 Views
Hooray! *NM* - 04/09/2009 11:53:16 PM 3585 Views
Cheers! *NM* - 05/09/2009 10:35:59 AM 3804 Views
Good to have this place (sort of) back - 09/11/2009 01:12:19 PM 5084 Views
Looks good. Great work. - 15/11/2009 05:25:08 PM 4549 Views
and the dates are in proper order! day/month/year - 27/05/2010 12:16:40 AM 4711 Views
Re: Welcome, one and all, to - 04/08/2010 10:11:46 PM 4467 Views

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