Active Users:172 Time:01/06/2024 11:25:20 AM
Re: I see it now. Aemon Send a noteboard - 14/11/2011 07:09:57 PM
Most of your issues seem to stem from needing to go really fast all the time. I guess maybe it's a game that rewards a slower pace compared to the GTA games. For me, that's a draw. For others, obviously it might not be.

Pretty much. I just felt needlessly bogged down by a lot of things. I'm glad the game accommodates a slower pace, but why can't I go fast if I want to?

I didn't even know that about being able to time your spurs to maintain maximum speed. I don't go maximum speed. Hell, I rarely even go at the top non-constant-spurring speed.

Nothing wrong with that. Might want to practice a little bit, though. There are a few races that you have to win, and that's impossible to do without regular application of the ol' spurs.

I'm also the type of player who walks everywhere in Skyrim, instead of using a horse or the fast-travel system.

*mock shudder* I dunno, Mr. Nate. I enjoy looking at landscapes, and I'll usually stop to admire a new area when I enter. After you've seen it, though, you've seen it. I just can't enjoy walking slowly from place to place when there's nothing (or very little) to do along the way.
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Red Dead Disappointment. - 14/11/2011 05:03:27 PM 531 Views
I've only played about five hours or so to date, but I liked it. - 14/11/2011 05:43:35 PM 495 Views
Oh, also. - 14/11/2011 05:46:19 PM 463 Views
Thanks for the response. Note that I'm not really trying to say it's a "bad" game, exactly. - 14/11/2011 06:42:28 PM 421 Views
I see it now. - 14/11/2011 06:52:49 PM 431 Views
Re: I see it now. - 14/11/2011 07:09:57 PM 427 Views
All agreement here. - 14/11/2011 05:56:48 PM 401 Views
Loved the game. - 14/11/2011 06:40:19 PM 489 Views
The horses... - 14/11/2011 07:42:24 PM 409 Views
Some of those arguments are ....shall we say...SPURRIOUS! - 14/11/2011 11:18:17 PM 377 Views
Sigh. Puns. - 15/11/2011 02:37:29 PM 440 Views
You never wanted to be a cowboy as a kid, did you? - 15/11/2011 11:55:47 AM 394 Views
But there's nothing to DO! - 15/11/2011 02:46:29 PM 395 Views
*nods* - 15/11/2011 02:52:54 PM 388 Views
I can't even disagree with you on most of your points. - 15/11/2011 12:42:52 PM 395 Views
I love that game so much. - 15/11/2011 03:09:19 PM 449 Views
Re: I love that game so much. - 15/11/2011 04:58:20 PM 368 Views
You know what? - 16/11/2011 02:00:23 AM 434 Views
No!! buy...PS3... - 16/11/2011 07:46:45 AM 397 Views
horsies. guns. cowboys - 17/11/2011 04:40:50 AM 474 Views

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