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From a 10-year Magic Player Colonel Logain Send a noteboard - 08/11/2009 05:27:13 AM
My current favourite deck is my red-white rush weenie deck. It has Savannah Lions and Mogg Fanatics for the early game, and some three-drop 2/2s with flanking and first strike/haste. It has a few big dragons if the game drags on.

The spell side, unsurprisingly, consists of a lot of burn. 4 Bolts, 4 Incinerates and a few Lightning Helixes as well. I also have 4 Isochron Sceptres, but I've been banned from using them

Probably the centrepiece is 2 Balefire Lieges, which give all my creatures +1/+1, and also do 3 damage to target player if a red spell is played, or give me 3 life if I play a white spell. The game normally ends quickly once I get one or two of those out - especially if I have a few bolts spare in my hand.

The deck works really well because it has the ability to kill big creature decks really quickly, but is also able to out-last other burn decks in mirror matches.

I have nothing to add. I just wanted to be included in this thread.
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The topics are woefully PC-skewed around here...I built a new Magic deck - 07/11/2009 04:42:02 PM 860 Views
Just a question from a complete MTG-n00b... - 08/11/2009 03:09:31 AM 669 Views
Re: Just a question from a complete MTG-n00b... - 08/11/2009 11:10:42 AM 729 Views
Alright thanks guys. - 10/11/2009 07:51:19 PM 668 Views
From a MTG midbie... - 08/11/2009 05:11:50 AM 765 Views
From a 10-year Magic Player - 08/11/2009 05:27:13 AM 719 Views
Those get shut down pretty fast by a good blue/white deck - 08/11/2009 06:25:57 PM 686 Views
That's true - 08/11/2009 11:41:37 PM 631 Views
Heh heh heh - 09/11/2009 05:30:05 AM 728 Views
Re: Heh heh heh - 09/11/2009 10:04:28 AM 781 Views
Back when I played my two favorite decks I ever built were a... - 13/11/2009 03:50:45 AM 721 Views
Yeah, my blue/white also has some artifacts. - 16/11/2009 03:25:02 AM 645 Views
My favourite artifact is Isochron Scepter - 16/11/2009 09:52:09 AM 763 Views
I have an Infernal Spawn of Evil card around here somewhere... *NM* - 10/11/2009 06:49:01 PM 365 Views
Red/Black - 20/11/2009 02:45:36 AM 730 Views
*Hides in the back with his SW:CCG cards* *NM* - 09/11/2009 04:37:17 PM 437 Views
You mean the discontinued Decipher game? *NM* - 16/11/2009 03:25:19 AM 377 Views
I tend to hang around blue/white/green - 10/11/2009 11:16:46 AM 700 Views
I joke with my friends that I wanted to make a red/white deck and it turned out all black. - 16/11/2009 03:26:32 AM 691 Views
Ah, see, that is my problem. - 16/11/2009 09:44:37 AM 711 Views
God that card annoys me - 16/11/2009 09:50:10 AM 671 Views
Re: God that card annoys me - 16/11/2009 09:55:56 AM 598 Views
My favorite is my Dragon Reyanimator deck - 10/11/2009 12:24:50 PM 694 Views

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