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Date joined: Aug. 31, 2009
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Favorite writers ever (books read in the last 5 yrs):

1. Tanith Lee [29]
2. Catherine Asaro [20]
3. Catherynne M. Valente [7]
4. Storm Constantine [9]
5. L. Timmel Duchamp [5]
6. Samuel R. Delany [7]
7. Carol Berg [11]
8. C.S. Friedman [8]
Patricia Briggs [15]
Lois McMaster Bujold [

(ok, the relative position of the top 3 will change year-to-year)

Stephen Baxter [5], Elizabeth Bear [7], Patricia Briggs [17], Lois McMaster Bujold [20], Octavia E. Butler [11],
Ted Chiang [3], Tanya Huff [7], Peter F. Hamilton [6], Sergei Lukyanenko [18], Maureen F. McHugh [4],
Lyda Morehouse [5], Chris Moriarty [3], Vera Nazarian [6], Alastair Reynolds [6], Geoff Ryman [3],
Dan Simmons [8], Joan D. Vinge [4], Walter Jon Williams [11]

Books read 2015:

19. Peter G Beagle - The Last Unicorn
18. Faith Hunter - Raven Cursed
17. Faith Hunter - Death's Rival
16. Faith Hunter - Blood Trade
15. Faith Hunter - Black Arts
14. Laura Resnick - The Misfortune Cookie
13. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Sword
12. Naomi Novik - Tongues of Serpents
11. Naomi Novik - Crucible of Gold - 7.5/10
10. Naomi Novik - Blood of Tyrants
9. Jill Braden - The Devil's Concubine - 8/10
8. Moira Katson - Light & Shadow - 7.5/10
7. Amanda Downum - The Drowning City - 7.5/10
6. Freda Warington - Elfland - 8.5/10
5. Kameron Hurley - The Body Project - 8/10
4. Becky Chambers - The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet - 7.5/10
3. Elizabeth Bear - Steeles of the Sky - 8.5/10
2. Elizabeth Bear - Shattered Pillars - 8.5/10
1. Elizabeth Bear - Range of Ghosts - 9/10

Books read 2014:

35. Laini Taylor - Dreams of Gods & Monsters - 8/10
34. Laini Taylor - Days of Blood & Starlight - 8/10
33. Brandon Sanderson - Words of Radiance - 7.5/10
32. Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings - 6.5/10
31. Scott Lynch - The Republic of Thieves - 7.5/10
30. Kameron Hurley - The Mirror World - 7/10
29. Jacey Bedford - Empire of Dust - 7/10
28. Jeffrey Carver - Neptune Crossing - 6/10
27. Linda Nagata - The Red: First Light - 7/10
26. Rachel Bach - Fortune's Pawn - 7.5/10
25. Ilona Andrews - Magic Breaks - 8/10
24. Patricia Briggs - Night Broken - 7.5/10
23. Patricia Briggs - Frost Burned - 7.5/10
22. Kate Elliot - Cold Magic - 7/10
21. Rosemary Kirstein - The Language of Power - 8.5/10
20. Ilona Andrews - Clean Sweep - 7/10
19. Ekaterina Sedia - Heart of Iron - 7/10
18. Mira Grant - Feed - 6.5/10
17. Naomi Novik - Victory of Eagles (#5)
16. Naomi Novik - Empire of Ivory (#4)
15. Naomi Novik - Black Power War (#3)
14. Naomi Novik - Throne of Jade (#2)
13. Rosemary Kirstein - The Lost Steersman (#3) - 8/10
12. Rosemary Kirstein - The Outskirter's Secret (#2) - 8.5/10
11. Rosemary Kirstein - The Steerwoman (#1) - 8.5/10
10. Will McIntosh - Love Minus Eighty - 7.5/10
9. Patricia Wrede - Calling on Dragons - 6/10
8. Patricia Wrede - Searching for Dragons - 7.5/10
7. Liz Williams - Necrochip - 7/10
6. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice - 8.5/10
5. Kameron Hurley - Rapture - 8.5/10
4. Kameron Hurley - Infidel - 8.5/10
3. Kameron Hurley - God's War - 8.5/10
2. Madeline Ashby - iD - 7.5/10
1. Madeline Ashby - vN - 8.5/10
Books read 2013:

43. Ken Scholes - Requiem (Psalms of Isaak #4) - 8/10
42. Ken Scholes - Antiphon (Psalms of Isaak #3) - 8/10
41. Ken Scholes - Canticle (Psalms of Isaak #2) - 8.5/10
40. Tanith Lee - Saint Fire (Secret Books of Venus #2) - 8/10
39. Ilona Andrews - Magic Rises (#6) - 8.5/10
38. Nalini Singh - Archangel's Storm (#5, Jason & Mahiaya) - 6.5/10
37. Martha Wells - The Cloud Roads - 7.5/10
36. Tananarive Due - Blood Colony - 7.5/10
35. Vera Nazarian - Cobweb Empire (Cobweb Bride#2) - 8.5/10
34. Patricia Wrede - Dealing with Dragons - 8/10
33. Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) (reread)
32. Brandon Sanderson - The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) - 7/10 (reread)
31. Brandon Sanderson - The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) - 7/10 (reread)
30. Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson - A Memory of Light - 6.5/10
29. N.K. Jemisin - The Killing Moon
28. N.K. Jemisin - Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (Inheritance Trilogy #1) - 8.5/10 (reread)
27. Octavia Butler - Fledgling - 7/10 (unfinished)
26. Robin Hobb - Ship of Destiny (Liveship Traders #3) - 8.5/10
25. Robin Hobb - Mad Ship (Liveship Traders #2) - 9/10
24. Robin Hobb - Ship of Magic (Liveship Traders #1) - 8.5/10
23. N.K. Jemisin - The Kingdom of Gods (Inheritance Trilogy #3) - 8.5/10
22. N.K. Jemisin - The Broken Kingdoms (Inheritance Trilogy #2) - 9/10
21. Baratunde Thurson - How to Be Black (nonfiction) - 6/10
20. Faith Hunter - Blood Cross (Jane Yellowrock #2) - 7/10
19. Mike Allen, ed. - Clockwork Phoenix 4 (short stories) - 8/10
18. Robin Hobb - Fool's Fate (Tawny Man #3) - 7.5/10
17. Robin Hobb - Blood of Dragons (Rain Wild #4) - 8/10
16. Robin Hobb - City of Dragons (Rain Wild #3) - 8/10
15. Robin Hobb - Dragon Haven (Rain Wild #2) - 7.5/10
14. Robin Hobb - Fool's Errand (Tawny Man #1) - 7.5/10
13. Robin Hobb - Assassin's Quest (#3) - 8.5/10
12. Robin Hobb - Royal Assassin (#2) - 8.5/10
11. Robin Hobb - Assassin's Apprentice (#1) - 8/10
10. Lois McMaster Bujold - Captain Vorpatril's Alliance - 6.5/10
9. Liz Williams - Poison Master - 7.5/10
8. Nalini Singh - Archangel's Blade (#4, Dmitri & Honor) - 8/10
7. Nalini Singh - Archangel's Kiss (#2) - 7.5/10
6. Nalini Singh - Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter #1) - 8/10
5. Storm Constantine - Stalking Tender Prey (Grigori #1)
4. Storm Constantine - Scenting Hallowed Blood (Grigori #2) - 8/10
3. Patricia Briggs - Hob's Bargain - 5/10 (dnf)
2. Vernor Vinge - Peace War
1. Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End - 7.5/10

Books read 2012:

81. Sergei Lukyanenko - Sea of Glass (#3) - 7/10
80. Sergei Lukyanenko - Planet That Doesn't Exist (#2) - 8/10
79. Sergei Lukyanenko - Princess is Worth Dying For (#1) - 7.5/10
78. Sergei Lukyanenko - Dances on the Snow - 8.5/10
77. Sergei Lukyanenko - Genome - 9/10
76. Sergei Lukyanenko - Shadows of Dreams (short story, peaceful aliens with pearls) - 7.5/10
75. Sergei Lukyanenko - Credo (short story, reincarnation and crime) - 7.5/10
74. Sergei Lukyanenko - Cripples (short story, proud spaceship) - 8/10
73. Sergei Lukyanenko - "H" is for Human (short stories: Servant, H is for Human, Train to the Warm Country, The Guide to Away) - 7.5/10
72. Sergei Lukyanenko - The Beautiful Time to Come (short stories: Almost Spring, My Father is an Antibiotic, Road to Wellesberg, Taste of Freedom) - 8/10
71. Patricia Briggs - Wolfsbane (Aralorn #2) - 8/10
70. Patricia Briggs - Masques (Aralorn #1) - 7.5/10
69. Patricia Briggs - Dragon's Blood (Huron #2) - 7/10
68. Patricia Briggs - Dragon's Bones (Huron #1) - 7.5/10
67. Vera Nazarian - Vampires are from Venus, Werewolves are from Mars - 8/10
66. Patricia Briggs - Raven's Strike (Raven #2) - 8/10
65. Patricia Briggs - Raven's Shadow (Raven Duology #1) - 8/10
64. Sergei Lukyanenko - The Morning Nears (Seekers of the Sky #2) - 7.5/10
63. Sergei Lukyanenko - Cold Shore (Seekers of the Sky #1) - 7.5/10
62. Patricia Briggs - Fair Game (Alpha & Omega #3) - 8/10
61. Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Karen Chance, Sunny - On the Prowl (collection) - 8/10
60. Catherine Asaro - The Misted Cliffs (#2) - 6.5/10
59. Catherine Asaro - The Charmed Sphere (#1) - 5/10
58. Particia Briggs - Hunting Ground (#2) - 7.5/10
57. Patricia Briggs - Cry Wolf (Alpha & Omega #1) - 7.5/10
56. Patricia Briggs - Alpha & Omega (short story) - 7/10
55. Sharon Lee & Steve Miller - Shadow Partner (short story) - 6/10
54. Kristine Kathryn Rusch - The Disappeared (Retrieval Artist) - 7.5/10
53. Faith Hunter - Skinwalker - 7.5/10
52. Patricia Briggs - River Marked (#6) - 7/10
51. Patricia Briggs - Silver Borne (#5)- 8/10
50. Patricia Briggs - Bone Crossed (#4) - 8/10
49. Patricia Briggs - Iron Kissed (#3) - 8/10
48. Patricia Briggs - Blood Bound (#2) - 8/10
47. Patricia Briggs - Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1) - 7.5/10
46. Ilona Andrews - Silver Shark - 8/10
45. Ilona Andrews - Silent Blade - 8/10
44. Seanan McGuire - Rosemary and Rue (October Daye #1) - 6.5/10
43. Ilona Andrews - On the Edge (#1) - 6/10
42. Ilona Andrews - Magic Dreams (Dali & Jim) - 7/10
41. Ilona Andrews - Magic Bleeds (#4) - 8/10
40. Ilona Andrews - Magic Gifts (#6.5) - 7.5/10
39. Ilona Andrews - Magic Mourns (Andrea & Raphael) - 7.5/10
38. Ilona Andrews - Gunmetal Magic (#6) - 8/10
37. Tanya Huff - Truth of Valor - 7.5/10
36. Laini Taylor - Daughter of Smoke and Bone - 8.5/10
35. Geoff Ryman - Paradise Tales (collection of short stories) partial - 8.5/10
34. Geoff Ryman - Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (short story) - 9/10
33. L. Timmel Duchamp - Renegade (reread)
32. L. Timmel Duchamp - Alanya to Alanya - 7.5/10 (reread)
31. C.J. Cherryh - Cyteen - 7/10
30. Walter Jon Williams - Investments (Praxis) - 6/10
29. Ted Chiang - The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate - 7/10
28. Angela Knight - Jane's Warlord - 5.5/10
27. Chris Moriarty - Inquisitor's Apprentice - 8.5/10
26. Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space - 8/10 (reread)
25. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Darkover: Landfall - 6.5/10
24. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Forbidden Tower - 7/10
23. Walter Jon Williams - Lethe - 7.5/10
22. Stephen Baxter - Silverhair - 7/10
21. Eric Frank Russell - Wasp - 7/10
20. Maureen F. McHugh - After the Apocalypse (short stories) - 8.5/10
19. Catherynne M. Valente - Silently and Very Fast - 6/10
18. Ian McDonald - River of Gods - 4/10
17. Lois McMaster Bujold - Brothers in Arms - 7/10
16. Lois McMaster Bujold - Cryoburn - 7.5/10
15. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game - 7/10
14. Lois McMaster Bujold - Ethan of Athos - 7.5/10
13. Gail Carringer - Timeless - 7/10
12. Gail Carringer - Heartless - 7/10
11. Gail Carringer - Blameless - 7/10
10. Gail Carringer - Soulless - 7/10
9. Rachel Caine - Chill Factor - 7/10
8. Rachel Caine - Heat Stroke - 7/10
7. Susan Collins - Catching Fire - 7/10
6. Susan Collins - Hunger Games - 7/10
5. Susanna Clarke - A House in Fez - 7/10
4. Jane S. Gerber - Jews of Spain (partial)
3. Robert Jordan & Brian Sanderson - Tower of Midnight - 8.5/10
2. Sara Creasy - Song of Scarabaeus - 8/10
1. Bryn Donovan - An Experienced Mistress - 7/10

Books read 2011:

62. S.L. Viehl - A Dream Called Time (skimmed)
61. JRR Tolkien - Children of Hurin - 5.5/10
60. Guy Gavriel Kay - Ysabel (not finished)
59. Kay Kenyon - City Without End (#2) - 6/10
58. Eleanor Arnason - A Woman of the Iron People - 6/10
57. Lois McMaster Bujold - Falling Free - 7/10
56. Lois McMaster Bujold - Diplomatic Immunity - 7/10
55. Ted Chiang - The Lifecycle of Software Objects - 6/10
54. Maggy Thomas/Emily Devenport - Broken Time - 9/10
53. Catherine Asaro - City of Cries (short story) - 7/10
52. Ilona Andrews - Magic Slays (#5) - 7.5/10
51. Paul Witcover - Tumbling After - 8/10
50. Naomi Novik - Temeraire - 8/10
49. Joan D. Vinge - Tangled Up in Blue - 6.5/10
48. Jaida Jones & Danielle Bennett - Havemercy - 6/10
47. Catherine Asaro - Carnelians - 7/10
46. C.S. Friedman - Legacy of Kings (Magister #3) - 8.5/10
45. Ken Scholes - Lamentation - 9/10
44. Rachel Caine - Ill Wind - 7.5/10
43. Karl Schroeder - Sun of Suns - 7/10
42. Walter Jon Williams - Dread Empire's Fall: The Sundering (#2) - 8/10
41. Sarah Hoyt - Darkship Thieves - 5/10
40. Brandon Sanderson - Elantris - 3/10 (did not finish)
39. C.S. Friedman - Wings of Wrath - 8.5/10 (re-read)
38. Carol Berg - The Soul Weaver - 7.5/10
37. Patricia McKillip - Od Magic - 8/10
36. Lois McMaster Bujold - A Civil Campaign - 8.5/10
35. Lois McMaster Bujold - Komarr - 8.5/10
34. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Sharing Knife: Legacy - 8/10
33. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Sharing Knife: Beguilement - 8/10
32. Kelly McCullough - Webmage - 6/10
31. Walter Jon Williams - City on Fire - 8.5/10
~BEST~ 30. Geoff Ryman - The Child Garden - 10/10
29. John Barnes - A Million Open Doors - 7/10
28. Anne McCaffrey - The Rowan - 5/10
27. Guy Gavriel Kay - Sailing to Sarantium - 9.5/10
26. Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go - 3/10
25. Mike Brotherton - Star Dragon - 6/10
24. Jeffrey A. Carver - Sunborn - 8/10
23. Mary Gentle - Ash - 9.5/10 (reread)
22. Laini Taylor - Hatchling - 9/10 (reread)
21. Anne Bishop - Twilight's Dawn - 7.5/10
20. Tanith Lee - Eva Fairdeath - 7/10
19. Tanith Lee - Red as Blood (short stories) - 8/10
18. Lyda Morehouse - Resurrection Code - 8/10
17. Catherynne M. Valente - Deathless - 10/10
16. S.L. Viehl - Plague of Memory - 7/10
15. Storm Constantine - The Way of Light (Magravindias #3) - 8.5/10
14. Storm Constantine - Sea Dragon Heir (Magravindias #1) - 6.5/10
13. Storm Constantine - The Crown of Silence (Magravindias #2) - 8/10
12. Sandra McDonald - The Outback Stars - 8.5/10
11. Susan Palwick - Flying in Place - 9/10
10. Sheri S. Tepper - The True Game - 8/10
9. Valerie J. Freireich - The Beacon - 7.5/10
8. Tanith Lee - Death's Master - 7.5/10
7. Barbara Hambly - Witches of Wenshar - 7.5/10
6. Paul Park - The White Tyger - 5/10
5. Carol Berg - Guardians of the Keep - 9/10
4. Carol Berg - The Soul Mirror - 8.5/10
3. Carol Berg - The Spirit Lens - 8/10
2. Severna Park - Speaking Dreams - 7/10
1. Victoria Strauss - The Burning Land - 7/10

Books read 2010:

79. Amal El-Mohtar - The Honey Month - 8/10
78. Marge Piercy - He, She and It - 8/10
77. Brandon Sanderson & Robert Jordan - The Gathering Storm - 8.5/10
76. Brandon Sanderson - Warbreaker - 7/10
75. Paul Park - The Tourmaline - 7/10
74. Laura E. Reeve - Peacekeeper - 7.5/10
73. Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave - 9.5/10 (re-read)
72. Tanith Lee - Tempting the Gods - 7.5/10
71. Ilona Andrews - Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels #3) - 7.5/10
70. Mike Resnick - Santiago - 8/10
69. Greg Egan - Quarantine - 7/10
68. Linnear Sinclair - Games of Command - 8/10
67. K.D. Wentworth - Black on Black - 7/10
66. Tanya Huff - Valor's Trial - 9/10
65. Tanya Huff - The Better Part of Valor - 8/10
64. Tanya Huff - Valor's Choice - 8.5/10 (re-read)
63. Walter Jon Williams - This Is Not a Game - 6/10
62. Walter Jon Williams - Aristoi - 7/10
61. Walter Jon Williams - Implied Spaces - 8/10
60. Leigh Brackett - People of the Talisman - 8/10
59. Leigh Brackett - The Secret of Sinharat - 7/10
58. David Lois Edelman - Geosynchron - 5/10
57. David Lois Edelman - MultiReal - 7.5/10 (re-read)
56. Tanith Lee - Women as Demons (short stories) - 9.5/10
55. Tanith Lee - The Gorgon (short stories) - 9/10
54. Elizabeth Moon - Once a Hero - 7/10
53. Kristine Smith - Code of Conduct - 8/10
52. Robert Silverberg - Dying Inside - 5/10
51. Susan Palwick - Shelter - 9/10
50. Robert J. Sawyer - WWW: Wake - 5/10
49. Ilona Andrews - Magic Burns (Kate Daniels #2) - 7.5/10
48. Ilona Andrews - Magic Bites (Kate Daniels #1) - 7/10
47. Cherie Priest - Boneshaker - 4/10
46. Vera Nazarian - After the Sundial - 7/10
45. Sheri S. Tepper - The Gate to Women's Country - 9/10
44. Elizabeth Hand - Winterlong - 8/10
43. Mike Allen, ed. - Clockwork Phoenix 3 (anthology) - 10/10
42. Paul Park - A Princess of Roumania - 8.5/10
41. Kage Baker - The Women of Nell Gwynne's (novella) - 7.5/10
40. Nancy Kress - Act One (novella) - 7.5/10
39. Charles Stross - Palimpsest (novella) - 7/10
38. John Scalzi - The God Engines (novella) - 7/10
37. Caitlin R. Kiernan - Threshold - 6.5/10 (partial)
36. Jack McDevitt - The Engines of God - 7/10
35. Gail Carringer - Soulless - 7/10 (1/3 only)
34. Michael Cisco - The Tyrant - 8.5/10
33. Felix Gilman - Thunderer - 8/10
32. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl - 7/10
31. Eugie Foster - Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast (novellete)- 7/10
30. Nicola Griffith - It Takes Two (novellete) - 7.5/10
29. Rachel Swirsky - Eros, Philia, Agape (novelette) - 9.5/10
28. Tanya Huff - Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light - 8/10
27. Tanya Huff - The Fire's Stone - 7.5/10
26. Catherine Asaro - Catch the Lightning - 8/10 (re-read)
25. Catherine Asaro - Spherical Harmonic - 8/10 (re-read)
24. Catherine Asaro - The Final Key - 8.5/10 (re-read)
23. Laurell K. Hamilton - Blue Moon - 5/10
22. Elizabeth Bear - Chill - 7/10
21. L. Timmel Duchamp - Tsunami - 9.5/10
20. Tanith Lee - Wolf Tower: The Claidi Journals I - 6.5/10
19. Tanith Lee - Black Unicorn - 7.5/10
18. Tanith Lee - White As Snow - 8.5/10
17. Tanith Lee - Quest for the White Witch - 8/10
16. Tanith Lee - Vazkor, Son of Vazkor - 7.5/10
15. Jane Yolen - Sister Light, Sister Dark - 6/10
14. Elisabeth Vonarburg - The Perfect Game - 7.5/10
13. Deborah J. Ross, ed. - Lace and Blade - 7/10
12. N.K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdom - 8.5/10
11. Anne Bishop - The Shadow Queen - 6.5/10
10. Julie E. Czerneda - Rift in the Sky: Stratification #3 - 7.5/10
9. Tanith Lee - Cyrion - 8/10
8. Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave - 9/10 (re-read)
7. Tanith Lee - Electric Forest - 7.5/10
6. Tanith Lee - Sung in Shadow - 9/10
5. Elizabeth Bear - Blood and Iron - 7.5/10
4. Elizabeth Bear - By the Mountain Bound - 10/10
3. Elizabeth Bear - All the Windwracked Stars - 9/10 (re-read)
2. Laini Taylor - Lips Touch: Three Times - 9/10
1. Tananarive Due - My Soul to Keep - 7.5/10

Partial and Unfinished in 2010-2008 (for reasons of attention deficit disorder, these were skimmed, and I fully intend to read them fully one day):

- Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
- Kristin Cashore - Graceling
- Dana Copithorne - The Steam Magnate
- Storm Constantine - The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence - 8.5/10
- Samuel R. Delany - Stars Like the Grains of Sand - 8.5/10
- Elisabeth Vonarburg - Reluctant Voyagers

Books read 2009:

70. Catherynne M. Valente - The Labyrinth - 8.5/10
69. Catherynne M. Valente - A Guide to Folktales in Fragile Dialects - 10/10
68. Kristin Cashore - Fire - 9/10
67. Barbara Hambly - Ladies of Mandrigyn - 9/10 (re-read)
66. Catherine Asaro - The Night Bird - 7.5/10
65. Catherine Asaro - The Fire Opal - 7/10
64. Catherine Asaro - The Dawn Star - 7.5/10
63. Holly Phillips - The Burning Girl - 8/10
62. Terri Cheney - Manic: A Memoir - 9/10
61. Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson - The Gathering Storm (partial) - 7.5/10
60. Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Bloody Sun - 7.5/10
59. Stephanie Meyer - Breaking Dawn - 7.5/10
58. Stephanie Meyer - Eclipse - 7/10
57. China Mieville - The Scar - 7/10
56. Tanith Lee - Night's Master - 9/10
55. Walter Jon Williams - Metropolitan - 9/10
54. Elisabeth Vonarburg - The Silent City - 7/10
53. Elisabeth Vonarburg - The Maerlande Chronicles (In the Mothers' Land) - 9.5/10
52. Mary Rosenblum - Horizons - 7.5/10
51. Raphael Carter - The Fortunate Fall - 8/10
50. Lynn Fleweling - The Bone Doll's Twin - 7.5/10
49. Mark J. Ferrari - The Book of Joby - 7/10
48. S.L. Viehl - Endurance - 7/10
47. Karen Traviss - Ally - 7/10
46. Karen Traviss - Matriarch - 7/10
45. Meredith Ann Pierce - The Pearl of the Soul of the World - 7.5/10
44. Meredith Ann Pierce - The Darkangel - 7.5/10
43. Walter Jon Williams - Hardwired - 7.5/10
42. Tanith Lee - Metallic Love - 7/10
41. Robert Silverberg - Nightwings - 8/10
40. China Mieville - The City and the City - 9/10
39. Daryl Gregory - Pandemonium - 8/10
38. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Planet Savers - 6/10
37. Tanith Lee - A Heroine of the World - 7/10
36. Walter Jon Williams - Dread Empire's Fall: Conventions of War - 8.5/10
35. C.S. Friedman - The Wilding - 8/10
34. Peter F. Hamilton - The Dreaming Void - 7.5/10
33. Elisabeth Vonarburg - Dreams of the Sea (Tyranael) - 8/10
32. Neal Stephenson - Anathem - 6.5/10
31. Catherynne Valente - Palimpsest - 10/10
30. M. K. Wren - Sword of the Lamb: Book One of The Phoenix Legacy - 6/10
29. Catherine Asaro - The Ruby Dice - 8.5/10 (re-read)
28. Catherine Asaro - Diamond Star - 8/10
27. Catherine Asaro - The Last Hawk - 9.5/10 (re-read)
26. Tanith Lee - Elephantasm - 7.5/10
25. Tanith Lee - Vivia - 7.5/10
24. Sharon Shinn - Jovah's Angel - 7.5/10
23. Tananarive Due - The Living Blood - 9/10
22. Paul Witcover - Waking Beauty - 7.5/10
21. Kelley Eskridge - Dangerous Space - 8.5/10
20. Mike Allen, ed. - Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Beauty and Strangeness - 9.5/10
19. Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave - 9/10 (re-read)
18. Tanya Huff - The Heart of Valor - 7.5/10
17. Maxcolm Gladwell - Blink - 7/10
16. Russell Banks - Rule of the Bone - 7/10
15. K.D. Wentworth - House of Moons - 8/10
14. K.D. Wentworth - Moonspeaker - 8/10
13. Laurie J. Marks - Fire Logic - 7/10
12. C.S. Friedman - Wings of Wrath - 9.5/10
11. Sylvia Enghard - Stewards of the Flame - 7/10 (partial)
10. Geoff Ryman - Air, or Have Not Have - 8/10
9. Charles Sheffield - Brother to Dragons - 8/10
8. Ian McDonald - River of Gods - 6/10 (partial)
7. Stephanie Meyers - Twilight - 7.5/10
6. Elizabeth Bear - All the Windwracked Stars - 8.5/10
5. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Curse of Chalion - 7/10
4. P.C. Hodgell - God Stalk - 7.5/10
3. Margo Lanagan - Tender Morsels - 7.5/10
2. Julie E. Czerneda - Riders of the Storm - 8/10
1. Julie E. Czerneda - Reap the Wild Wind - 7/10

Books read 2008:

85. John Scalzi - The Ghost Brigades - 7.5/10
84. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Thendara House - 8/10
83. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Shattered Chain - 8/10
82. Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora - 7.5/10
81. William Sanders - J. - 7.5/10
80. Tanith Lee - Volkhavaar - 8/10
79. Carol Berg - Breath and Bone - 7.5/10
78. Carol Berg - Flesh and Spirit - 7/10
77. Anne Bishop - Tangled Webs - 6.5/10
76. Brandon Sanderson - The Hero of Ages - 8.5/10
75. Jane Jensen - Dante's Equation - 8.5/10
74. Nina Kiriki Hoffman - Catalyst: A Novel of Alien Contact - 7.5/10
73. Jack L. Chalker - Midnight at the Well of Souls - 6/10 (partial)
72. Iain M. Banks - Excession - 6.5/10
71. Jack Campbell - Dauntless - 5.5/10
70. Nicola Griffith - Always - 7/10
69. David Loius Edelman - MultiReal - 7/10
68. Anne Harris - Accidental Creatures - 6.5/10
67. David Loius Edelman - Infoquake - 8/10
66. Eleanor Arnason - A Woman of the Iron People - 6.5/10 (partial)
65. Catherynne M. Valente - Urchins, While Swimming - 9.5/10 (short story)
64. Paul Di Filippo - A Mouthful of Tongues - 6/10
63. Karin Lowachee - Burndive - 8/10
62. Wilhemina Baird - Crashcourse - 6.5/10
61. Lyda Morehouse - Apocalypse Array - 9/10
60. Robin McKinley - Beauty - 6.5/10
59. Angela Gorodischer - Kalpa Imperial - 8.5/10
58. Catherynne M. Valente - Oracles (poetry) - 8.5/10
57. Ekaterina Sedia - The Secret History of Moscow - 6.5/10
56. Ekaterina Sedia - The Alchemy of Stone - 8/10
55. L. Timmel Duchamp - Blood in the Fruit - 9/10
54. L. Timmel Duchamp - Stretto - 9/10
53. Jane Lindskold - Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls - 8/10
52. Tanith Lee - Personal Darkness - 7.5/10
51. Lois McMaster Bujold - Labyrinth - 8/10
50. Lois McMaster Bujold - Memory - 9.5/10
49. Douglas Clegg - The Queen of Wolves - 7/10
48. Douglas Clegg - The Lady of Serpents - 6.5/10
47. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mountains of Mourning - 7/10
46. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Warrior Apprentice - 9.5/10
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - Winterfair Gifts - 7.5/10
44. Lois McMaster Bujold - Komarr - 8.5/10 (partial)
43. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance - 8.5/10
42. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar - 9.5/10
41. Lois McMaster Bujold - Shards of Honor - 7.5/10
40. Joan D. Vinge - The Summer Queen - 9.5/10 (re-read)
39. Brandon Sanderson - The Well of Ascension - 8.5/10 (partial)
38. Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn: The Final Empire - 8.5/10
37. Alexis Glynn Latner - Hurricane Moon - 7/10
36. Maureen F. McHugh - Mission Child - 7.5/10
35. Tanith Lee - The Dark Dance - 7.5/10
34. Vera Nazarian - The Duke in His Castle - 7/10
33. Lyda Morehouse - Messiah Mode - 9/10
32. Jennifer Wingert - Grasp the Stars - 6.5/10
31. Kay Kenyon - Tropics of Creation - 6.5/10
30. Tanith Lee - Sabella, or Blood Stone - 8/10
29. C.S. Friedman - Feast of Souls - 8.5/10
28. C.S. Friedman - When True Night Falls - 6.5/10
27. Kathleen Ann Goonan - In War Times - 6.5/10
26. Tanith Lee - Venus Preserved - 8/10
25. Maria V. Snyder - Poison Study - 7/10
24. Elizabeth Hand - Generation Loss - 8.5/10
23. Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave - 10/10
22. Ann Aquirre - Grimspace - 7/10
21. Ellen Kushner - Privilege of the Sword - 6/10
20. Lane Robins - Maledicte - 7/10
19. Samuel R. Delany - Dark Reflections - 9/10
18. Tanith Lee - Biting the Sun - 9/10
17. Storm Constantine - Calenture - 10/10
16. Tricia Sullivan - Maul - 4.5/10 (partial)
15. Gene Wolfe - There Are Doors - 8/10
14. Carol Berg - Restoration - 8/10 (re-read)
13. Storm Constantine - Sign for the Sacred - 9.5/10
12. Carol Emshwiller - The Secret City - 6/10
11. Justina Robson - Living Next Door to the God of Love - 7/10 (partial)
10. Karl Schroeder - Lady of Mazes - 6/10
9. Karen Miller - The Innocent Mage - 4/10 (partial)
8. Jeff Vandermeer - Veniss Underground - 8.5/10
7. Justina Robson - Mappa Mundi - 7/10 (partial)
6. Elizabeth Bear - Dust - 8/10
5. Lyda Morehouse - Fallen Host - 9.5/10
4. Lyda Morehouse - Archangel Protocol - 9/10
3. Kage Baker - The Children of the Company - 9/10
2. David Weber - Path of the Fury - 8.5/10
1. Kage Baker - The Life of the World to Come - 9/10

Books read 2007:

72. Catherine Asaro - The Ruby Dice - 8.5/10
71. Elizabeth Bear - Hammered - 8/10
70. John Scalzi - Old Man's War - 5/10
69. Holly Lisle - Talyn - 6/10
68. Patrick Rothfuss- The Name of the Wind - 7/10
67. Lisa Mason - Arachne - 7.5/10
66. Vera Nazarian - The Salt of the Air - 9.5/10
65. Sarah Monette - The Virtu - 9.5/10
64. Sarah Monette - Melusine - 9.5/10
63. Kate Forsyth - Witches of Eilean - 6.5/10
62. L. Timmel Duchamp - Alanya to Alanya - 9/10
61. Vera Nazarian - Dreams of the Compass Rose - 9/10
60. Peter Watts - Blindsight - 4/10
59. L. Timmel Duchamp - Renegade - 9.5/10
58. Michelle Sagara West - Children of the Blood - 7/10
57. Michelle Sagara West - Into the Dark Lands - 8/10
56. Karen Traviss - The World Before - 8/10
55. Karen Traviss - City of Pearl - 8/10
54. Elizabeth Bear - Carnival - 7.5/10
53. Tanith Lee - Book of the Beast - 8/10
52. Vera Nazarian - Lords of Rainbow - 10/10
51. Sergei Lukyanenko - Chernovik - 7/10
50. Robin Bailey Wright - Night's Angel - 7.5/10
49. Sheri S. Tepper - Grass - 8/10
48. B.A. Chepaitis - Lunatic Fear - 8/10
47. B.A. Chepaitis - The Fear Principle - 8/10
46. Octavia E. Butler - Bloodchild - 8.5/10
45. Justina Robson - Keeping It Real - 8/10
44. Sharon Lee & Steven Miller - Agent of Change - 7/10
43. Sharon Lee & Steven Miller - Conflict of Honors - 7/10
42. Lisa Mason - Pangaea Book I: Imperium Without End - 7/10
41. S.L. Viehl - Beyond Varallan - 6.5/10
40. Kerri Hawkins - Blood Legacy: The Story of Ryan - 6.5/10
39. Maureen F. McHugh - Nekropolis - 7/10
38. Steven Brust - To Reign in Hell - 6/10
37. Laurell K. Hamilton - Mistral's Kiss - 5/10
36. Laurell K. Hamilton - A Kiss of the Shadows - 5.5/10
35. Mary Doria Russell - The Sparrow - 9/10
34. Peter F. Hamilton - Judas Unchained - 8/10
33. Tim Powers - The Anubis Gates - 6.5/10
32. Nick Sagan - Idlewild - 7/10
31. Nick Sagan - Edenborn - 6.5/10
30. James Alan Gardner - Expendable - 6.5/10
29. Severna Park - The Annunciate - 7.5/10
28. Severna Park - Hand of Prophecy - 6.5/10
27. Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in the Sky - 6.5/10
26. Sharon Shinn - Archangel - 7/10
25. Charles Stross - Glasshouse - 3/10
24. Lois McMaster Bujold - Miles, Mystery, and Mayhem - 8.5/10
23. Joel Shepherd - Crossover: A Cassandra Kresnov Novel - 6.5/10
22. S.L. Viehl - Blade Dancer - 6.5/10
21. Jennifer Robertson - Sword-Dancer - 7/10
20. Cecilia Dart-Thornburg - The Ill-Made Mute - 6/10
19. Carol Berg - Restoration - 9/10
18. Carol Berg - Revelation - 9/10
17. Octavia E. Butler - Adulthood Rites - 8/10
16. Maureen McHugh - China Mountain Zhang - 8.5/10
15. Jeffrey Fforde - The Eyre Affair - 6.5/10
14. Samuel R. Delany - Neveryona - 10/10
13. Jack Vance - The Demon Princes - 8/10
12. Ted Chiang - Stories of Your Life - 10/10
11. John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar - 6.5/10
10. S.L. Viehl - Stardoc - 8/10
9. Lisanne Norman - Turning Point - 5/10
8. Mike Resnick - Ivory - 7.5/10
7. David Brin - Startide Rising - 9/10
6. Kelley Eskridge - Solitaire - 9/10
5. Tanith Lee - Silver Metal Lover - 7.5/10
4. Pat Murphy - The Falling Woman - 6.5/10
3. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen - 9/10
2. Sergei Lukyanenko - Specter - 7.5/10
1. David Brin - Sundiver - 6.5/10

Favorite Books ever:

1. Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave
2. Catherine Asaro - Primary Inversion (Skolian Empire series)
3. Catherynne M. Valente - Deathless, Palimpsest
4. Barbara Hambly - The Ladies of Mandrigyn
5. Storm Constantine - Wraeththu
6. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen & The Summer Queen
7. Nicola Griffith - Slow River
8. Kelley Eskridge - Solitaire
9. Vera Nazarian - Lords of Rainbow
10. China Mieville - Perdido Street Station
11. Samuel R. Delany - Tales of Neveryon & Neveryona
12. Kim Stanley Robinson - Red Mars (and entire trilogy)
13. Elizabeth Bear - By the Mountain Bound (and the entire Edda of Burdens trilogy)
14. L. Timmel Duchamp - Renegade (and the entire Marq'ssan Cycle)
15. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar (and the entire Miles Vorkosigan series)
16. Carol Berg - Transformation (Rai-Kirah trilogy)
17. Lyda Morehouse - Fallen Host (Angel LINK series)
18. Octavia E. Butler - Wild Seed & Parable of the Sower
19. Dan Simmons - Hyperion duology
20. Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human
21. JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings & Silmarillion

Very Good:

- Anne Bishop - The Black Jewels trilogy
- Patricia Briggs - Moon Called (Mercy Thompson series)
- Kristin Cashore - Fire
- Ted Chiang - Stories of Your Life
- Michael Cisco - The Tyrant
- Storm Contantine - Calenture, Sign for the Sacred
- Robin Hobb - Liveship Traders trilogy
- C.S. Friedman - In Conquest Born, This Alien Shore, Feast of Souls (The Magister trilogy)
- Tananarive Due - The Living Blood
- Tanya Huff - Valor's Choice series
- N.K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdom & The Broken Kingdoms
- Jane Jensen - Dante's Equation
- China Mieville - The City & the City
- Maureen McHugh - China Mountain Zhang
- Sarah Monette - Melusine, The Virtu
- Tanith Lee - Women as Demons, Biting the Sun, The Gorgon, Sung in Shadow, White As Snow, Night's Master
- Karin Lowachee - Cagebird (the entire Warchild trilogy)
- Vera Nazarian - Cobweb Bride
- Susan Palwick - Shelter
- Laura Resnick - In Legend Born series
- Alastair Reynolds - Chasm City
- Lane Robins - Maledicte
- Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn trilogy
- Ken Scholes - Canticle (Psalms of Isaac quintology)
- Laini Taylor - Lips Touch: Three Times, Daughter of Blood & Smoke
- Karen Traviss - City of Pearl and the next 2 books
- Sheri S. Tepper - The Gate to Women's Country
- Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep
- Elisabeth Vonarburg - The Maerlande Chronicles
- Walter Jon Williams - Dread Empire: Conventions of War trilogy, Metropolitan
- Janny Wurts & Raymond Feist - Daughter of the Empire